
The Clinton Effect

Since the election of Bill Clinton in 1992 the Democrat Party has taken a turn toward the fiscal right and moral left. President Clinton's cult-like following made it difficult for a normal political recovery from the 'excess exuberance' of the era. The U.S. Presidency since the Clinton administration has never been taken by a mainstream candidate.

Perhaps Al Gore would have been elected in 2000 except for his association with Bill Clinton. Of course some would blame his loss to the definate not-top drawer G.H. Bush candidacy on Gore's choice of Joseph Lieberman from a state with few electoral votes. It is likely though that the close election would have gone Al Gore's way if not for the Clinton spoiling effect.

In 2004 John Kerry was taken down on his own merits. Memorable though was the political use of his declaration that Vietnam vets were war criminals decades before. Hillary Clinton did not run in 2004, yet a return of the Clintons was inevitable given Bill's swingy, too-confident persona.

The American need to move past the Clinton conundrum was overcome by Clinton spoiling effect.  Party leaders saw a way to avoid running Hillary by running a safe black candidate from Chicago and Harvard; Barrack Obama. Obama was a rather underqualified candidate with accolades piled on like smorgasboard condiments even from the Nobel committee. His performance was exceptional at golf and basketball, poor at bowling, and in economics concentrated wealth and deepening public debt more than any other U.S. President.


The Clinton effect returned with a vengeance in 2016 to sweep the Democrat field of candidates clear allowing Hillary to campaign against Donald Trump- a man the nationlooked toward hoping he would help get the nation out of the stuck-in-the-mud quagmire of debt, porous borders, terrorism, antipathy and bad terms with Russia, concentration of wealth and basic bad times and immorality that followed the on of Bill Clinton after the end of the cold war.

Its a tall order for Trump to move the nation ahead to reduce poverty, restore moral basics, conserve U.S. border security, eliminate the federal budget deficit, restore the challenge ecosphere environment and so forth. It is even more difficult for Americans to believe that the Clintons and the Clinton effect may finally be gone. 


Jesus Christ: Fully Man, Fully God

On the Birth of God

Some 2020 years ago Jesus Christ was born. He existed from eternity as the Son with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Each are personalities, or persona, of one God.

Some wonder how the infiite spirit that is Jesus Christ could be reduced to a finite form as a baby born of the virgin woman Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost. We may wonder in human terms and desire an answer using what physics and concepts of space and time that we understand.

God, many would think, being of infinite intelligence also has infinite size, though as spirit. While God is omnipresent human ideas of space and time don’t apply to God, the Son or the Holy Spirit...they transcend that.

So rather than wondering how the reduction might be accomplished theoretically it might be more useful to consider that God being omnipowerful too, would find a way for His will to be done.

We might wonder if part of the persona of Jesus Christ was he still in heaven while part of his spirit was on Earth yet again, the categories concerning human mind and body do not quite coincide with that of the infinite God of whom Jesus Christ is along with the father and Holy Spirit. Some questions can never be known. We know that Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God though, thankfully for us.


Merry Christmas

                                     Merry Christmas and blessings for the new year.


My Books Through 2016

A list of my books through 2016

Several are free to download

Christian Books
God, Cosmology and Nothingness – Theory and Theology in a Scientific Age print
God, Cosmology and Nothingness – Theory and Theology in a Scientific Era ebook
A Commentary on Berkhof's Intro to the New Testament epub
Elements of Christian Church History epub
Theology Papers of Garrison Clifford Gibson - Volume 1 PDF ebook
Theology Papers of Gary Clifford Gibson - Volume 2 PDF ebook
Theology Papers of Gary C Gibson - Volume 3 PDF ebook
Creation and Cosmos – The Literal Values of Genesis print
Creation and Cosmos – The Literal Values of Genesis epub

A Place for Faith print
A Place for Faith PDF ebook
Matter of Spirit print
Matter of Spirit epub
Poetry of Existence-Meanings print
Poetry of Existence-Meanings PDF ebook
Archipelago; Transition Space print
Archipelago; Transition Space PDF ebook

Science Fiction
Alterwall Objectives...Stories 3.0 print
A Universal Widget – In the Realm of Forms epub
A Universal Widget – In the Realm of Forms print
Temporal Cross Currents epub
Temporal Cross Currents print
Novilistricka Factors epub
Point Omni epub

Religious and Philosophical Topics print
Philosophy and Faith print
Philosophy and Faith PDF ebook
Philosophy: Thought That Counts print
Philosophy: Thought That Counts epub
Quantum Time Theory etc. print
Quantum Time Theory etc. PDF ebook
Philosophical Topics print
Philosophical Topics PDF ebook
Philosophical Ideas Considered print
Philosophical Ideas Considered PDF ebook
Philosophy in the Elements epub
Quanta of Contemporary History epub

Contemporary History-Essays
Honest History – Volume 1 epub
Honest History – Volume 2 epub
Honest History Volume 3 epub
Honest History – Volume 4 epub
Honest History - Volume 5 epub
Waveform Politics; Fade to History Volume 1 print
Waveform Politics; Fade to History Volume 1 PDF ebook
Waveform Politics; Fade to History Volume 1 epub
Waveform Politics Two; Peoples, Borders, Spirit print
Waveform Politics Two; Peoples, Borders, Spirit PDF ebook
Waveform Politics; A War to End Democide Volume 3 print
Waveform Politics; A War to End Democide Volume 3 print
Waveform Politics; Equilibrium Pattern Volume 4 print
Waveform Politics; Equilibrium Pattern Volume 4 PDF ebook
Inelastic Ecology Supply; Waveform Politics 6 print
Waveform Politics 6 - Inelastic Ecosphere Supply epub
The Post Bush II Era; Waveform Politics 7 PDF ebook
Kinetic Military Action and Next Generation Debt: Waveform Politics Vol. 10 print
Kinetic Military Action and Next Generation Debt: Waveform Politics Vol. 10 epub


Chess Patterns, Recognition misc.

A paradigm for patterns is formed with fuzzy logic implicitly.  Beginning players moving toward intermediate see numerous patterns that are known as 'openings' that repeat. Then there is the pattern of the scholar's mate, people that use positional play, or advance a pawn to A5 hoping to use it for that dirty accomplice with the Queen for a mate eventually. Patterns are simply a recognized recurrent form, or alternatively, a non recurrent form as unique as a snowflake yet within a generalized recurring context.
Defining the color 'red' for example, was something that Bertrand Russell tried in his essays in metaphysics, yet epistemological issues and subjectivity developed later in the 20th century brought awareness of the difficulties in assigning particular meanings to words inflexibly such as one might experience with Platonic forms or Platonic 'realism'. Kripke and Quine developed slightly different ideas about names and necessity, neo-platonism vs nominalism regarding words, with Kripke arguing pro- neo-Platonism where meanings assigned to words had at least a minimum of lasting meaning while Quine was on the nominalist side. In that paradigm words have use meanings that can be lost over time.
I guess a fair example is politics. One party says night is day, right is wrong and good is evil while the other side differs taking alternative viewpoints on the same issues. Red for example, could mean green in one context, or cotton candy in another. Quine thus argues for word ontologies or lexicons with given meanings that cannot easily be translated into other ontologies, or at all actually. Ontologies may of course be shared or as in a multi-dimensional Venn Diagram share common elements though not all with a Universe of three-ring paradigms.
I agree that 100,000 patterns is quite a few to learn, yet it is possible that one need only learn larger patterns and not all of the specific branches or modifications within the larger pattern. I would think its comparable to being a general historian wherein one learns something about everywhere and tries to fill in the detail so far as possible about Russian history, Chinese history,U.S. history, Latin American etc. without knowing the name of every tiny river and stream in Italy or Siberia.
It is possible to associate power and function with patterns as well as shape, configuration and so forth. Rivers for example have patterned shapes yet also have a force of water flowing downhill and eroding Earth. It is likely that chess has such variegated qualitative paradigms for patterns too. I am not sure though as I have only been learning chess sporadically the past five years, and internet speed varies in the public sector although there are recognizable patterns of peak use and slow speed compelling losses on time in blitz.
Personally I think chess has no more to do with philosophy than auto mechanics or dentistry. One could play chess for a lifetime and never become literate in the process. It seems to be just a very enjoyable game that people can start learning whenever.
 Chess is likely a good way to stave off mental inactivity for the elderly. Alzheimer's seems to develop in people that don't read much. Their brains don't get a work out. Blitz chess is the remedy for that. Medicare ought to cover the cost of subscription to chess.com. Obamacare-who'd a thought?
 Learning a 100,000 patterns doesn't seem too challenging if one learns them as well as facts for a college exam whereafter they are forgotten and left to the subconscious. One may not learn those facts rote yet one still has a good idea of the lay of the land. Most things learned end up in the subconscious obviously, wherefrom they are summoned to consciousness intentionally or incidentally after some stimuli or need upon a time.
 If one were to look at 100,000 chess pattern flash cards-maybe a different 1000 a day for 100 days they would exist in the subconscious.  The more often one viewed the patterns the easier would they appear in intentional memory recovery.
 Phase space and Hilbert space maximum possible configurations of energy-mass quanta inclusive of the mathematically minded observer can present a large number of possible patterns. Pragmatism counts in the use-value of real-steady state quantum fields, such as the Higgs field whereat chess players probably are located, relatively speaking.
 Socrates said they he knew he knew nothing. Epistemology leads one to the lack of certainty about everything eventually, except for Christians of course, as Paul noted, that Jesus is Lord and He crucified.

Noting Evolving A.I. Expert Systems Applications

The power of computer expert system with specialized artificial intelligence to find a place in the human social environment is rather remarkable. With an earbud link to wristband semi-supercomputer what President would ever need to fail to know what nations are on France's borders?

The military value for soldiers of an expert system with AI that has every book and field manual, map and Jane's data, and tactical technique ever used in a military setting able to evaluate likely enemy locations and so forth integrated with satellite imaging tech and drone data-even able to coordinate information with other soldiers, is obvious. Probably the military will lead in that sort of thing before some politicians realizes that building a lab on the moon, low-cost housing, securing borders and restoring the national ecosphere are better uses for expert systems.

Applications for expert systems able to adapt to the real world environment and serve as an observing adviser probably have quite a future. It may be through such networking of A.I. systems that the authoritarian computer evolves or appears to shut down human freedom. Gaming the ability of people to be free and discovering ways to cut that down might be well a suited algorithm for a few networked rogue systems-perhaps developing from individuals search in theory for such vulnerabilities.

Renewal With Alternative Infrastructure (revised)

Renewal With Alternative Infrastructure (revised)

  1. 20 Nov. 2014-edited 19 Dec. 2016
Instead of replacing horse infrastructure with more horse infrastructure ancient car supporting politicians renewed infrastructure for cars. Instead of renewing car infrastructure it is time to move on to something better-maybe electro-magnetic platforms.
Politicians often talk about infrastructure renewal in their campaign rhetoric. They say that the national infrastructure is in decay and need of repairs. It is true that many of the vast number of Herbert Hoover era public works are somewhat aged and that water pipes and electrical systems may be of venerable status while the Eisenhower interstate system was founded more than a half century ago. Even so the infrastructure most in need of renewal or replacement is the ideas that politicians have about national infrastructure.
Politicians generally want to just throw money at somewhat creaky systems and renew it as if it were a Model T that needed rusty fender and spring replacements. Instead they should be thinking about new transportation forms that don't need ancient infrastructure paradigms at all. Infrastructure is a consequence of past economic development. New infrastructure should replace old infrastructure that supports new economic development.
It would be possible to produce much more national electricity off the present grid with hydrogen fuel cells in home and neighborhood. It would also be possible to relocate much manufacturing to the United States with 3-D printers of a somewhat industrial scale. What would be useful to stimulate development of new ideas would be education and coordination of small teams of materials designers able to encode patentable ideas in materials and computer coding designers able to encode the product material design in digitalized data code ready for printing. Ideas made in America could be produced in America and around the world without need for material import or export.
Patents should be valid just 7 years with royalties to inventors after that from anyone manufacturing the item of a few percent, in order to stimulate progress.
With new electrical and material production infrastructure it would also be useful to generate new ideas for transportation infrastructure that aren't based upon concrete or asphalt highways and fossil fuel internal combustion platform networks. Faster, cheaper electro-magnetic linear accelerator platforms under and above ground could let existing road be torn up and made into new wildlife corridor infrastructure for bioethical continuity.
Sewage infrastructure might be replaced with some sort of particle beam disintegrator facilities of sludge, or microwave or heat incineration of biowaste in newer infrastructure reducing the requirement for extensive wet transport of piss and poop.
It is perhaps only one of the most endangered national infrastructures; water, that would require not only renewal of existing infrastructure but increased protection extending to renewal of natural watershed infrastructure as well as water storage and transport infrastructure above and below ground.
It would be desirable if politicians contemplating national infrastructure renewal considered ecological economic upgrades as well, if they could get a grasp of what ecological economics are academically speaking. As it is some of the few politicians considering the renewal of democracy infrastructure with a reduction of the corrupting vast divide between the average annual earnings of rich and poor may talk about investing in infrastructure renewal to create jobs but what they really mean is to through hundreds of billions down into the money pit of ancient infrastructure and ancient economic practices that today tend to support globalism more than American national economic interests..
With a Presidential primary election campaign year ahead one must wonder if either major party has anyone with good ideas or any sort of technical economic competence planning to run. Many Republicans want to be another Ronald Reagan-yet what year is this0?
Democrats seem rather daft an interested mainly in homosexuality, drugs and illegal alien amnesty to get more cheap labor and votes. Of course President Obama did consistently stimulate Syrian conflict with a demand that the lawfully elected President quit-and that gave the green light to the rise of ISIS, so maybe they can accomplish things other than giving zero interest loans to Wall Street.

That raises the final point here; is the economy really healthy? What happens if Republicans or Democrats shut down the Fed Reserve free money printing for Wall Street? Is Wall Street so badly evolved in relation to natural resources that it has no ability to exist on its own? Tune in to the next episode of decaying national infrastructure to find out.

Ecosphere Points for Administration

Environment Points for Trump Administration

      1. Global Ice Melting Links 

The ice of the Earth is melting away steadily reducing its area over time. Here are a few urls...


http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/vast-methane-plumes-spotted-bubbling-up-from-the-arctic-ocean-floor/33078/  methane is an efficient greenhouse gas. With warming of the ocean methan hydrates near the sea floor may turn to gas

 cryosphere today
      1. With Record Planet Average Atmospheric Temperature Why Not Make Fresh Water? 

21 July 2014
May 2014 was the hottest in world record history.


With the long-term trend of global warming producing the highest annual average temperature for Earth last year ( records place 2013 between 2nd and 6th) why not build a saltwater evaporation border control canal using solar powered siphons and pumps to bring cool Pacific water to New Mexico to let it return down slope east and west? Evaporate saltwater in canals with sunshine and condense under transparent polymer lids collecting the freshwater droplets to smaller side canals. Some freshwater releases to air might moderate climate in the Southwest and produce more rain as well as irrigation and drinking water besides controlling illegal immigration better. Its a lot of jobs and better than a sterile fence.



  1. G.O.P. Wins-Time for Shovel-Ready Jobs Securing Mex Border
  2. 6 Nov. 2014
  3. Mexico's internal criminal turmoil is largely a result of the existence of a porous border with the more-prosperous for the present nation to the north-the United States. The vast criminal underworld that flourishes on both sides of the border is fueled by drugs and human smuggling in turn fueling political corruption, civil disorder and the failure of security for Mexicans and Americans alike. The need to close the Mexican border to any unauthorized immigration is plain; only in a secure environment can democracy be on an equal footing with organized crime and the killers causing more fatalities than America experienced in the Vietnam war. If on an equal footing democracy, law and order main gain ground taking the city on a hill that is the nation's capital and those toward the U.S. border back from the drug traffickers and corrupt politicians making mockery of justice, equal protection of the law and the opportunity for a secure investment environment.
  4. Human intelligence requires fluid adaptivity to civil challenges that subvert social order and progress. The Republican Party having retaken the legislative branch of government have a clear and present obligation to seal the Mexican border with a physical boundary impassable to casual or determined law breakers. There are numerous ways that would create jobs and a better economy including elements of traditional boundaries such as the Romans and Welsh built to keep the barbarians at bay-in this case the barbarians are the savage drug traffickers and human smugglers as well as those taking jobs from Americans and subverting labor wage relations with management regarding labor supply and the value of labor. The President has been entirely spaced on the issue and promises unilateral action like King Canute to flood America with legal illegals whensoever he deems it desirable to get Hispanic votes.
  5. Creating a Gulf to Gulf canal that would be used to desalinate salt water piped in to the continental divide and collect the evaporated fresh water in adjacent canals with water dripping down from a condenser-roof would make a vast supply of fresh water in a desert for drinking and irrigation as well as create a substantial barrier to illegal crossings with three canals and control roads and berms patrolled by electric vehicles. Jobs building the zone as well as maintaining it would be numerous. With water shortages in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas a new fresh water source would be useful. Water siphoned and pumped perhaps with augmented power from solar panels would bring water from the higher Pacific Oceans and spill it downhill from Deming New Mexico toward the Colorado River and trans-American canal and Rio Grande respectively with a detour in Texas to cut along the border.
  6. The value of allowing honest work and honest history to replace the corrupt milieu of underworld kitsch def facto dominating two economies in the region would be an American value that has grown a little rusty in recent decades, The President should support the effort instead of obstructing it. Shovel-ready jobs across the S.W. are needed right away-for Americans.
      1. Creative Destruction of Evolving Capitalism Destroys the Ecosphere 2

Joseph Schumpeter is credited with coining the term 'creative destruction of capitalism' in reference to the change of economic infrastructure from industrialism to post-industrial tool-kit. That creative destruction has the side effect of destroying the planet's ecosphere as a bi-product or externality. Plainly stuffy capitalism as ecospheric vishnu defenders need to destroy their own ideas about what capitalism is and adapt to a post-trash-the-ecosphere new way of capitalism. 

Environmental economics that are adaptable to present national and global challenges require intelligent design of political parameters responsive to meeting the challenges to the synthesis of social economy and ecosphere. Capitalism in its present evolutionary form is demonstrably inadequately responsive to challenges of habitat loss, mass species extinction, global warming, oceanic pollution and dislocation of economic and physical security of the citizens of the U.S.A. and world. In theory capitalism with intelligent design parameters established politically would better work to satisfy political and consumer needs.
Mass media sycophants of concentrated wealth and power get news feed from government and corporate releases largely. Reiteration of ethics values of concentrated wealth form the bulk of the political socialization of the masses encountering the mass media, hence those values of evolutionary capitalism instead of capitalism under the direction of intelligent design gather together like a pelaton in a distance bike race riding through ecospheric and economic eschaton waiting to crash down upon them like a spring-loaded hyper-Maxwell’s hammer.
Plainly one wonders if the Federal Reserve can print up money to buy U.S. bonds and issue zero interest loans to large banks as a permanent feature of the U.S. economy without causing hyper-inflation and devaluation of the value of the dollar. Another potential problem is the large number of dollars held abroad in relation to the quantity held by Americans-will Americans be able to afford to live in their own nation if they aren’t part of the 1% in the future?

Present Obama had nine major policy achievements in his 6 years;

1-Obamacare for corporate power instead of expanded V.A. system networked with homeless clinics
2-Queering the federal government
3-Making Bush tax cuts for the rich permanent
4-Getting anarchy started in the Middle East
5-Forming bad diplomatic relations with Russia and Germany
6-Running the money printing presses copiously without causing hyper-inflation
7-Hiding inflation
8- Killing the date expired (ten years) Osama Bin Laden
9-Building more public debt in one term than Pres. G.W. Bush in two

It is the last policy that is remarkable and a cause for wonder. It seems as if a new age of economics has arrived long after Nixon took the U.S.A. off the gold standard; the Federal Reserve can just issue more money to buy U.S. bonds and fund the cost of government and make zero interest loans to large banks- free money effectively so the rich can buy up global business opportunity. There must be some unintended consequences for that-I just can’t say what it is.

                                                 Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Creative Destruction of Capitalism Destroys the Ecosphere 2

Joseph Schumpeter is credited with coining the term 'creative destruction of capitalism' in reference to the change of economic infrastructure from industrialism to post-industrial tool-kit. That creative destruction has the side effect of destroying the planet's ecosphere as a bi-product or externality. Plainly stuffy capitalism as ecospheric vishnu defenders need to destroy their own ideas about what capitalism is and adapt to a post-trash-the-ecosphere new way of capitalism. 

Environmental economics that are adaptable to present national and global challenges require intelligent design of political parameters responsive to meeting the challenges to the synthesis of social economy and ecosphere. Capitalism in its present evolutionary form is demonstrably inadequately responsive to challenges of habitat loss, mass species extinction, global warming, oceanic pollution and dislocation of economic and physical security of the citizens of the U.S.A. and world. In theory capitalism with intelligent design parameters established politically would better work to satisfy political and consumer needs.
Mass media sycophants of concentrated wealth and power get news feed from government and corporate releases largely. Reiteration of ethics values of concentrated wealth form the bulk of the political socialization of the masses encountering the mass media, hence those values of evolutionary capitalism instead of capitalism under the direction of intelligent design gather together like a pelaton in a distance bike race riding through ecospheric and economic eschaton waiting to crash down upon them like a spring-loaded hyper-Maxwell’s hammer.
Plainly one wonders if the Federal Reserve can print up money to buy U.S. bonds and issue zero interest loans to large banks as a permanent feature of the U.S. economy without causing hyper-inflation and devaluation of the value of the dollar. Another potential problem is the large number of dollars held abroad in relation to the quantity held by Americans-will Americans be able to afford to live in their own nation if they aren’t part of the 1% in the future?

Present Obama had nine major policy achievements in his 6 years;

1-Obamacare for corporate power instead of expanded V.A. system networked with homeless clinics
2-Queering the federal government
3-Making Bush tax cuts for the rich permanent
4-Getting anarchy started in the Middle East
5-Forming bad diplomatic relations with Russia and Germany
6-Running the money printing presses copiously without causing hyper-inflation
7-Hiding inflation
8- Killing the date expired (ten years) Osama Bin Laden
9-Building more public debt in one term than Pres. G.W. Bush in two

It is the last policy that is remarkable and a cause for wonder. It seems as if a new age of economics has arrived long after Nixon took the U.S.A. off the gold standard; the Federal Reserve can just issue more money to buy U.S. bonds and fund the cost of government and make zero interest loans to large banks- free money effectively so the rich can buy up global business opportunity. There must be some unintended consequences for that-I just can’t say what it is.

Obamacare's Wrong, Convoluted Paradigm of Political Philosophy

Repost- Obamacare's Wrong, Convoluted Paradigm of Political Philosophy
23 July 2014 
Obamacare's wrong political and philosophical foundation continues to generate legal problems dividing the nation on the subject of Democrat Party movement toward establishment of corporatism as a back-door to state socialism. Corporatism leads to corporatism not socialism. Two Federal appeals panels have split on the legality of Obamacare to give free money/subsidies from Federal rather than state run exchanges. The later would be more of a socialist coup for Obamacare-one unauthorized by Congress evidently that has demurred on giving support for Obamacare since the bill was forced through by Democrats without Republican support.


A better, cheaper, practical plan easier to implement would have expanded the V.A. Hospital system and united it with the nation's low cost community healthy clinics in order to provide free treatment to those that can't afford it. It would be easy to get support from both parties for such a system. Obamacare an the contrary has few Republican supporters nor much from those wary of Orwellian corporatist-socialist government power invading privacy and usurping privacy. The requirement that people buy health insurance violates their right to privacy from public access to their personal medical records. Obamacare insurers will probably distribute all of their data globally through subsidiaries and buy and sell that private information as fast as derivatives tranches.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...