
Ecosphere Points for Administration

Environment Points for Trump Administration

      1. Global Ice Melting Links 

The ice of the Earth is melting away steadily reducing its area over time. Here are a few urls...


http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/vast-methane-plumes-spotted-bubbling-up-from-the-arctic-ocean-floor/33078/  methane is an efficient greenhouse gas. With warming of the ocean methan hydrates near the sea floor may turn to gas

 cryosphere today
      1. With Record Planet Average Atmospheric Temperature Why Not Make Fresh Water? 

21 July 2014
May 2014 was the hottest in world record history.


With the long-term trend of global warming producing the highest annual average temperature for Earth last year ( records place 2013 between 2nd and 6th) why not build a saltwater evaporation border control canal using solar powered siphons and pumps to bring cool Pacific water to New Mexico to let it return down slope east and west? Evaporate saltwater in canals with sunshine and condense under transparent polymer lids collecting the freshwater droplets to smaller side canals. Some freshwater releases to air might moderate climate in the Southwest and produce more rain as well as irrigation and drinking water besides controlling illegal immigration better. Its a lot of jobs and better than a sterile fence.



  1. G.O.P. Wins-Time for Shovel-Ready Jobs Securing Mex Border
  2. 6 Nov. 2014
  3. Mexico's internal criminal turmoil is largely a result of the existence of a porous border with the more-prosperous for the present nation to the north-the United States. The vast criminal underworld that flourishes on both sides of the border is fueled by drugs and human smuggling in turn fueling political corruption, civil disorder and the failure of security for Mexicans and Americans alike. The need to close the Mexican border to any unauthorized immigration is plain; only in a secure environment can democracy be on an equal footing with organized crime and the killers causing more fatalities than America experienced in the Vietnam war. If on an equal footing democracy, law and order main gain ground taking the city on a hill that is the nation's capital and those toward the U.S. border back from the drug traffickers and corrupt politicians making mockery of justice, equal protection of the law and the opportunity for a secure investment environment.
  4. Human intelligence requires fluid adaptivity to civil challenges that subvert social order and progress. The Republican Party having retaken the legislative branch of government have a clear and present obligation to seal the Mexican border with a physical boundary impassable to casual or determined law breakers. There are numerous ways that would create jobs and a better economy including elements of traditional boundaries such as the Romans and Welsh built to keep the barbarians at bay-in this case the barbarians are the savage drug traffickers and human smugglers as well as those taking jobs from Americans and subverting labor wage relations with management regarding labor supply and the value of labor. The President has been entirely spaced on the issue and promises unilateral action like King Canute to flood America with legal illegals whensoever he deems it desirable to get Hispanic votes.
  5. Creating a Gulf to Gulf canal that would be used to desalinate salt water piped in to the continental divide and collect the evaporated fresh water in adjacent canals with water dripping down from a condenser-roof would make a vast supply of fresh water in a desert for drinking and irrigation as well as create a substantial barrier to illegal crossings with three canals and control roads and berms patrolled by electric vehicles. Jobs building the zone as well as maintaining it would be numerous. With water shortages in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas a new fresh water source would be useful. Water siphoned and pumped perhaps with augmented power from solar panels would bring water from the higher Pacific Oceans and spill it downhill from Deming New Mexico toward the Colorado River and trans-American canal and Rio Grande respectively with a detour in Texas to cut along the border.
  6. The value of allowing honest work and honest history to replace the corrupt milieu of underworld kitsch def facto dominating two economies in the region would be an American value that has grown a little rusty in recent decades, The President should support the effort instead of obstructing it. Shovel-ready jobs across the S.W. are needed right away-for Americans.
      1. Creative Destruction of Evolving Capitalism Destroys the Ecosphere 2

Joseph Schumpeter is credited with coining the term 'creative destruction of capitalism' in reference to the change of economic infrastructure from industrialism to post-industrial tool-kit. That creative destruction has the side effect of destroying the planet's ecosphere as a bi-product or externality. Plainly stuffy capitalism as ecospheric vishnu defenders need to destroy their own ideas about what capitalism is and adapt to a post-trash-the-ecosphere new way of capitalism. 

Environmental economics that are adaptable to present national and global challenges require intelligent design of political parameters responsive to meeting the challenges to the synthesis of social economy and ecosphere. Capitalism in its present evolutionary form is demonstrably inadequately responsive to challenges of habitat loss, mass species extinction, global warming, oceanic pollution and dislocation of economic and physical security of the citizens of the U.S.A. and world. In theory capitalism with intelligent design parameters established politically would better work to satisfy political and consumer needs.
Mass media sycophants of concentrated wealth and power get news feed from government and corporate releases largely. Reiteration of ethics values of concentrated wealth form the bulk of the political socialization of the masses encountering the mass media, hence those values of evolutionary capitalism instead of capitalism under the direction of intelligent design gather together like a pelaton in a distance bike race riding through ecospheric and economic eschaton waiting to crash down upon them like a spring-loaded hyper-Maxwell’s hammer.
Plainly one wonders if the Federal Reserve can print up money to buy U.S. bonds and issue zero interest loans to large banks as a permanent feature of the U.S. economy without causing hyper-inflation and devaluation of the value of the dollar. Another potential problem is the large number of dollars held abroad in relation to the quantity held by Americans-will Americans be able to afford to live in their own nation if they aren’t part of the 1% in the future?

Present Obama had nine major policy achievements in his 6 years;

1-Obamacare for corporate power instead of expanded V.A. system networked with homeless clinics
2-Queering the federal government
3-Making Bush tax cuts for the rich permanent
4-Getting anarchy started in the Middle East
5-Forming bad diplomatic relations with Russia and Germany
6-Running the money printing presses copiously without causing hyper-inflation
7-Hiding inflation
8- Killing the date expired (ten years) Osama Bin Laden
9-Building more public debt in one term than Pres. G.W. Bush in two

It is the last policy that is remarkable and a cause for wonder. It seems as if a new age of economics has arrived long after Nixon took the U.S.A. off the gold standard; the Federal Reserve can just issue more money to buy U.S. bonds and fund the cost of government and make zero interest loans to large banks- free money effectively so the rich can buy up global business opportunity. There must be some unintended consequences for that-I just can’t say what it is.

                                                 Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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