
Another Bike Wheel Stolen

So I picked out a bike from Alaska, travelled south to look for a job and ride a bike around, and bought the bike in Eugene Oregon. I had it all of three weeks before the back wheel was stolen effectively making the bike junk since that wheel costs more than another bike.

What I like least about the U.S.A. is the theivery of the people. With a parking lot full of cars the predators steal a bike from the poor. Probably that's the way things work in America though...good ideas and consolidation of real property trickle up while in the other direction, shit flows downhill.

Its not that I was careless-in fact I was as cautious as one reasonably might be riding around on wet, slick streets and camping far away. Alaska was a little better and less likely to have things disappear so fast basically because there are far fewer Americans there. Trump picked the head of Goldman Sachs to lead his economic team; do they steal bikes too?

It is challenging to help oneself much when people can destructively interefere.. Sometimes I wonder if laws should all be negated and people allowed to shoot whosever they want in order to get rid of the sophistry of the b.s. that largely supports corruption... the joys of 7 billion souls in a world ecosphere attacked by political leaders so that the vast spaces of the world are those converted by human economic activity into unproductive or unhealthy areas while the wild has a declining share.

The incident reminded me of a visit to Mexico City long ago. I was pickpocketed getting on the subway, so I reported that to a policeman who walked to the subway and waved to me as I got aboard and was pickpocketed the second time. In Oregon a policeman smiled on the way out of a building I was entering so should have known that I would be walking later in the day.

Jesus Christ is good though-even while human wickedness is the usual. Phenomenality of mind attacked through the body by other people with phenomenality of mind; and the resullt is a bunch of consumers of the ecosphere, corruption and so forth. That is temporality.

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