
Jesus Christ: Fully Man, Fully God

On the Birth of God

Some 2020 years ago Jesus Christ was born. He existed from eternity as the Son with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Each are personalities, or persona, of one God.

Some wonder how the infiite spirit that is Jesus Christ could be reduced to a finite form as a baby born of the virgin woman Mary conceived by the Holy Ghost. We may wonder in human terms and desire an answer using what physics and concepts of space and time that we understand.

God, many would think, being of infinite intelligence also has infinite size, though as spirit. While God is omnipresent human ideas of space and time don’t apply to God, the Son or the Holy Spirit...they transcend that.

So rather than wondering how the reduction might be accomplished theoretically it might be more useful to consider that God being omnipowerful too, would find a way for His will to be done.

We might wonder if part of the persona of Jesus Christ was he still in heaven while part of his spirit was on Earth yet again, the categories concerning human mind and body do not quite coincide with that of the infinite God of whom Jesus Christ is along with the father and Holy Spirit. Some questions can never be known. We know that Jesus Christ was fully man and fully God though, thankfully for us.

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