
Ordinary People Care About Environment-EPA

Donald Trump has nominated an oil unbeliever in atmospheric warming from human causes to lead the E.P.A. Elites are often out of touch witrh reality regarding the environment, and Donald Trump's choice seems to reflect that.


Though we like Donald Trump shaking things up in D.C., the environment needs good protection from predators so that it may last for countless generations. The environment is not just a place for cheap-profit scumballs to destroy forests, coastlines, fish stocks and healthy land. While oil still produces 40% of the nation's power, it needs to be phased out as a fuewl and those evolved beyond Neanderthal status intellectually at least have tried to do so.

President-elect Trump choose to get into an unChristian business field-gambling- when his othewr businesses had a turn down in fortune. The nation's environment is not however chump change for gambling with. Alaskan forests and wild lines-remaining shorelines and wildlife are public trust goods and services that keep the world and nation healthy so far as predators cannot cash them out for dirty profit.

The new Trump administration should stop gambling with reality, life on Earth, public health and human society and grow up about environmental conservation. For many ordinary people a healthy environment is all they have that is good besides God. Those oily ecospheric slum-lords that want to force everyone into a box as wage-slaves though see only raw materials to exploit.

The Trump administration should be a good steward and quit gambling everywhere including states lotteries and the health of the ewnvironment and people on Earth. Why is it that godless atheist socialists and capitalists gamble with the fate of people and the environment instead of working for a rational society where everyone has enough?

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