
Art of Intelligence; C.I.A. and Russian Hackers

Reading through former C.I.A. CTC director Hank Krumpton's book The Art of Intelligence recently I was struck by the differences between the Central Intelligence Agency and the F.B.I. approaches to intelligence. The C.I.A. supplies customers in government with intelligence that might be useful concerning foreign powers while the F.B.I. gets intelligence only to use as evidence in criminal prosecutions. Even so it seemed evident that national policy makers were not the sole government persons failing to discern the big picture and how to go about making excellent national policy as well as foreign policy.

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0064W5SGY/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1   The Art of Intelligence

The recent matter concerning the investigation of Russian hackers that may have tried to influence the Presidential election as much as global broadcast and even print journalists through prying into intelligence sources in order to publicize them is a case in point about failing to see the big picture rather than instant media frenzy-worthy issues. Globalism is also a problem inasmuch as most Republican and Democrat leaders have a vague grasp of political philosophy and believe rather naively that globalism necessarily leads to liberal democracy and the optimal state of global workers if not so much for American workers. Just to note; Adam Smith's 18th century economic-political treatise on Capitalism; The Wealth of Nations, wasn't the gospel, final and infallible statement on trade, commerce and business on the planet.


It is rather amusing that Karl Marx's prescriptive 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs' was a blatant rip off of the thought of Jesus Christ. While that economic formula is a sound Christian ethic for giving and sharing it is in no way a good business model except for exploitation. The Lord Jesus was a realist about business matters as one finds in the parable of the unjust steward Luke 16:1-13. Christian ethics leading the soul on to eternal life commensurate with what the perfect God finds acceptable differs from business and manufacturing skills techniques although good ethics are valuable everywhere. American politicians cannot fathom that competent economic policy founded on ecological sustainability and full employment and well being of the majority are their actual primary tasks in government as well of course as enabling the right defense of the real world environment and employment, liberty well being of the majority and all so far as possible.

Sure Russians might have preferred that the Clintons not again corrupt U.S. domestic and foreign policy, however many people voted for that too. If politicians whipsaw about from issue to issue instead of working to defend the nation and make the nation great again as a environmental economic and strong civil rights example for all the nations, a gradual slide into global despotism with Plutocrats ruling their degraded, corrupted minions is not unlikely even while the environment is degraded too.


The Clintons and Republican leaders may be indignant that while Americans are easier to fool regarding dirty political secrets behind the curtain than Russians possibly. Quality internet security is de rigueur for those that haven't got open source, open door lifestyles. Democrat Party leaders should have taken care about what private email servers they transacted public affairs of state on.

If the U.S. Government hired Russia to build a moon base lab for manufacturing applications for a particular price they probably would get it done for a fraction of the N.A.S.A. cost. Since Richard Nixon's day American presidents have let manned space exploration and business die. R.F.K. challenged Americans to 50 mile hikes while modern Democrat presidents prefer inspiration of legal dope and homosexual marriage. For the nation to move forward it needs to tighten up somewhat and not abandon its borders to dopey globalism with despots, tyrants, plutocrats and neutered democracy. Thomas Jefferson said that all citizens should be soldiers. Modern leaders seem to think that all politicians should be rich and wear designer clothes.

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