
Why the Left Wants Cold War With Russia

Since the end of the cold war the left-leaning U.S. leadership has moved to keep Russia out of main stream European and world business and of course it must if it hopes to restart communism around the globe. If Russia were to develop a very strong middle class and reduce poverty with free enterprise even the left of Europe would lose leverage for global socialism.

So the main idea is to make nice with China, keep Russia sanctioned and down so far as possible while putting the U.S. into such deep debt that social welfare benefits necessary to relieve poverty's extremes are eliminated and a restive underclass seeks more left leadership. China is developing capitalism yet the state requires that the majority of foreign owned companies be held by Chinese. China hence is a far better prospect for continuing socialism than Russia in the immediate future, and besides, China has cheap labor.

Recent conflict with china of a minor sort regarding the next administration reminds one of that of the Bush 43 administration that amounted to nothing eventually. The United States has such leaky tech security it seems that China probably has more filched tech items than they could produce and use in their own military.

Initially the Clinton administration sought to take Russia's spare nukes and destroy them and get them to sign away the Ukraine and some of its land that was part of Russia before Communism arrived in 1917. Then they were happy with war on Russian interests and of course the Obama administration placed tight sanctions on Russia because I suppose of president Putin's failure to support the homosexual agenda of President Obama and the Clintons.

No U.S. president since Ronald Regan have been very dynamic. Donald Trump will be an exception to thatline of insider style people in the White House since 1989. It was Ralph Nadir though that was the last candidate that seemed to have any sort of real competence and business and environment with good sense. Ecospheric economics with sustainability, strong nationalism on a democratic rather than an absolutist foundation, and an ethic of total social well being of all citizens won't be easy or even possible to accomplish without strong leaders. Fortunately the incipient Clinton dynasty was cut down leaving the possibility that quality Democratic candidates will arise in the future that are more normal yet with excellent environmental economic education.

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