
Three Million Miles of Roads; Has Anyone Calculated the Heat Absorption Numbers?

The United States has more than four million miles of paved roads and approximately 3 million or more are asphalt. Asphalt is a good absorber of solar energy released as heat after dark. Why is it that the contribution of asphalt roads to global warming and climate change in the U.S.A. is virtually entirely overlooked?

Changing the way asphalt roads warm things up should be a priority for anyone concerned with global warming and climate change. Roads of course also break up ecosystems into little isolated pockets that most animals and even bees find problematic.

The albedo of asphalt roads is quite negative. If roads could be resurfaced with white solar repelling material that would be an improvment. Even better though would be discovering a way to pave the three million miles of roads with some sort of solar voltaic material that produces electricity.

Phoenix Arizona should become the focus of a federal infrastructure upgrade experiment that would eliminate dark asphalt roads and produce electricity with new paying materials. Bureaucrats perhaps may not wish to work on anything new or that requires innovation and experimentation.


NASA's Newly Released Amazing Pictures Of Mars

Confederate Statue Infrastructure Renewal

Robert E. Lee was married to George Washington's granddaughter and they lived at Washington's former estate at Arlington House. Much of the present controversy about civil war generals neglects to understand the history of the founders or of the Confederate leaders that fought to keep men slaves.

George Washington's wide Martha had been married before. She and George adopted the son from that marriage George Washington Park Curtis. Curtis's daughter married Robert E. Lee. One cannot easily purge history as one might in the former Soviet Union or Hitlerian Germany and replace it with a politically correct revision.

It is easy to understand the hatred people feel toward civil rights statues of generals that fought to keep men slaves. One might want to tear down the hated symbols of slavery that some glorify as if they would put Lebron James back in to chains if they could and have him work for nothing dunking basketballs and cleaning toilets after the games are over.

Frankly, I would remove all of the old statues and replace them with modern upgraded statues of the same people. One should not tear them apart like the Taliban might. The old south may need statue infrastructure renewal.

Instead of a General Lee on a rearing horse with a hat or saber in outstretched hand I would have a more recondite Lee with downcast air signing a document of surrender. Rather than a glorious General Hood defending Atlanta one could have a tired, one-armed general fleeing toward Savannah. General Gordon, a brilliant brigadeer who almost flanked Grant at the 2nd Wilderness campaign, could be shown lying on a hospital bed about mortally wounded.

It might be a good idea to promote statues of Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas if statues must be placed. Thomas was the most advanced of northern commanders who innovated numerous modern military techniques and is largely responsible for the union success at defeating the southern confederates with the Army of the Cumberland. General Thomas was from North Carolina.

The old pidgeon-dropped statues should be collected and placed together at some federal site to historically note the war. New statues could be of modern art theory and in color with blood, woven looking neo-metallic structures and perhaps reflecting rainbows and laser beams with extruding guts from eviscerating shrapnel. The potential for using new confederate war statues for education and art-for-art's sake that are interesting yet not glorifying of war in the old way of design has quite a bit of potential. Input  from a number of sources regarding design could be included, with some scenes of liberators and slaves, the dead and so forth. Perhaps holographic statues could play out during the day and let the old soldiers fade toward dusk with memories of conflict.


National Infrastructure Renewal and Eco-Synergy

The nation's infrastructure is pretty crummy. Apparently 271 billion dollars is needed for processing piss and poop. Why not develop a new approach such as microwaving without using any water?

The nation's highways are the usual anachronistic infrastructure with asphalt heat collectors everywhere absorbing solar energy and releasing it to add to global warming at night. Correcting those crummy roads with a new approach would be a good idea.

Why not develop some white paving material to reflect solar heat and increase albedo (not libido)? Why not make some sort of solar voltaic resurfacing technology to charge electric cars and not absorb solar heat?

The government inevitably uses the same old ideas as last century or two for infrastructure. Consider that the highway idea precedes even the Roman Empire? Why not eliminate roads and have hyper-tubes and electric sidewalks in the majority of places where practical instead? Wildlife needs badly to be restored. How many modern Americans really are uncomfortable with contributing poisonous gases from an auto exhaust to the atmosphere? If there was a technology that Americans used that contributed a little mercury poison to the ocean every day-even a little, wouldn't some people be uncomfortable with that?


Global Media and Alt-Left Blunder Attacking Pres. Trump

Leftist government and media attacking President Trump who rightly gave responsibility to both fascists and anti-fascists for the violence in Charlottesville have made another tactical blunder in logic.

I like term logic myself with the simplicity of using +’s an -’s for converting language and ideas into formal notation. The left may have a wish to have only extreme leftist governments and globalist overlords in power and so attack Trump for wresting power away from Hillary the Friend of Globalist Billionaires. Yet when failing any sort of impartial consideration of events they add quite a bit of non-sense to the historical record that people would need to sort through to get toward the facts in the future.

I will note that it is interesting how men and women interpret politics and history differently, as it is interesting how various racial groups interpret history differently. Much of the time people are talking past one another and neother side accurately understands historical facts. THe media have generally not reported that the largest racial hate group cluster in the U.S.A. is that of black seperatists. I suppose they are roughly equivelent to white separatists. None of those people, of either side, are packed with people that have completed graduate school.

If the Southern Poverty Law Center really had objectivity they would include today's Democrat Party as a hate group for their attacks on Trump and cutting taxes on the rich. https://www.splcenter.org/ Do the Democrats hate Donald Trump and are they an organization?

Giving President Trump some credit for reasonably wanting to better the U.S.A. for all citizens of any race- an old-fashioned idea, through secure borders and better trade deals with foreign powers, would allow a more realistic interpretation of the President’s response to the Charlottesville mini-riots created when antifascists purposefully confronted the lawful meeting of fascists and others opposed to the removal of a statue of the primary losing general of the American civil war.

There is a long history for antifas (anti-fascist) that existed since the Spanish civil war according to the article referenced above. Notably absent from the leftist narrative is support for democracy and border security in the United States. The global left tends to run roughshod over national democracy viewing it as non-communist and irrelevant.

The global media and the alt-left remind me of this stanza from a poem by Ezra Pound, for they seem to thrive on chaos driving their agenda forward...

" Damn it all! all this our South stinks peace.
     You whoreson dog, Papiols, come! Let’s to music!
     I have no life save when the swords clash.
     But ah! when I see the standards gold, vair, purple,
     And the broad fields beneath them turn crimson,
     Then howl I my heart nigh mad with rejoicing."

The European history of anti-fascism occurred in a continental history of aristocracy of varying degrees including authoritarian. The remedy for that was not democracy so much as universal socialism aka communism. That was a simpler and more practical approach that allowed leftists to unite across borders to help war on capitalists and remaining aristocrats that would certainly have united to defeat any national democracy movement in a small nation. The revolutionary geographic paradigm for Europe just wasn’t like that of the U.S.A.- and it still isn’t.

In the great communications chaos and confusion of the modern world that allows a surfeit of global powers in and out of government to organize and subvert democratic politics in the U.S.A., Donald Trump has become a lightening rod for the global left to ground itself in. The disinterpretation of the President's remarks is truly astounding. History will show those Trump dissertations as among the most kind and compassionate that an individual and Presidential leader might have made.

As the poor media choices compile ,democracy and the rights of individual Americans for equal political, legal and social protection of the law is eclipsed by mass pejorative polemics. The logic of that falsifies conclusions, if the conclusion desired is more justice and liberty for individuals generally. The primary irony is that the new antifas left of the alt-left is itself a fascist force like that of the mainstream global media. Method is the means is the operative end-for-itself. The left today is a fascist method seeking to draw everyone into a global corporate evil empire as swine-subjects.

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Clinton Admin Policies Supported N.Korean Nuke Development on Two Fronts

Not only did President Bill Clinton's administration policy provide food to North Korea in return for little more than a promise to stop developing nuclear weapons (it didn't), the Clinton policies of swiping the Ukraine from Russia and making it independent so that people that supported the German Nazi side in world war two could have it and kick back to Wall Street led to a second chilly political war with a Russia trying to get it back. Chaos in the region necessarily grew.

Creating a new cold war to swipe land that was part of Russia before the Soviet Union existed was a policy bound to create tensions and lasting regional destabilization. Now it appears that North Korea was able to buy some rocket engines, designs and perhaps scientific technical help from the Ukraine or Russia that enable it presently to attack the United States and especially attack Guam.



It might be fun to delude oneself that one can bully states with impunity and Russia was a poor choice of a state to try to intimidate rather than to build good social and commercial relations. Because the Ukraine was unsecure following the end of the first cold war nuclear technology was filched and forward to points unknown. It is quite possible that numerous nuclear warheads and weapons grade uranium are already out of control of regular nuclear powers.

At least President of Russia Vladimir Putin was able to help congress trim the federal budget when he kicked 750 U.S. diplomats from Russia following new U.S. sanctions. Congress sure can't cut back on the size of government itself.

On Deck (poem)

Ye were there rested, when
e’en the edge exceeds
shelters endless, 
perfect strength’s sleep
stemmed  to end
when hedges drempt
wetter waves 
set free.

Composition B Fortiori (poem)

Vikings rising with desert winds fair:
cross over the crown of creation passed by
lights from nothingness in phenomenal majesty:
beyond the world to Tao Seti wear
forms of being, muscled, bare,
brains given orders of idea doth lie
nervelessly retaking the distant sky;
a fight against reason and mirages of air.
Warring ‘gainst bloody nightmares steep
scriven on stones rising along the hill;
where ever bodies of recurrence piled deep!
found Valhalla the wrong destiny’s will:
the very dead forever asleep;
decorate destruction still!

*I have used the last word from each line of a poem of Wordsworth in this poem (Composed Upon Westminster Bridge, Sept 3rd, 1802

Cold Can of Empty (a poem)

Snap over the red hatch, covers
a dimple for draught, over
deep nothingness given, volumes
specific as a live space-time, added
machine sprayed shining, shapes
jumping with bar codes, like
a cylinder with circles, never
again full like the start, packing
six ends of days, smoother
7th paint rolled over, shaped
imprint of enterprise, with
pixels of instants, nothing

like little cat feet.

Imperfect Character is Universal

The question of why anything exists rather than nothing was a question that Plotinus considered in The Enneads. Why would The One order anyt...