
Human Winners in the Race to Extinction

Many modern humans have no clue about the origin of mankind. Some deny they evolved from chimpanzees though a look in the mirror should prove their error to them (a joke). Actually chimpanzees and human branch off separate ways about 14 million years ago. Humans had many near human like ancestors such as Neanderthals that could have survived independently in a different and less adverse social environment. Like modern humans with their great skill at war, the ancestors of humanity evolved in a bloodbath and killed off non-self-like hominids whenever they could.

Actually the law of the jungle making killing and eating normal and the rule except for close relations made it rather animal; normal rather than evil. It was a big change when anyone began to think that their was anything wrong about killing and eating non-tribal genomes I would think. 

The number of ancestral branches of humanity of hominids re numerous and they are all extinct. In a bigger planet maybe several human-like species that evolved intelligence and tools could have existed to the present day. Unfortunately there is just one remaining; homo sapiens sapiens.

The hominidae for scientists comprise four species of great apes of which mankind is a member. He has largely killed off the others in that group classification too. Quite likely mankind will kill off himself as his final great killing achievement.

The Bible brings Cain and Able into the historical time-line about the same era as humanity evolved farming and making tools for farming approximately 12,000 years ago. Cain was a metal worker and Abel a farmer. Cain killed his brother Abel. The flood was somewhat earlier, probably a neolithic era end of Pleistocene ice age flood that  rose world sea levels 200 feet and sent great floods and storms to the Mesopotamian lowlands where some proto-civlization was drowned predictably at leas to Noah who understood the implications of global warming with divine help.

Humanity perhaps could be said to have been created or entered into the world from Eden circa 14,000-16,000 B.C when they had a great awakening morally differentiating themselves from the law of the jungle genomes that existed everywhere on Earth. Adam and eve could name them and their children eventually move to their regions and begin creating nations.

It is sad though about humanity evolving nits own death and just the grace of God entering the dragon of social reality can save a few unto eternal life through the Son Jesus Christ. Humans are not the evolved highest species so much as they are the remaining of the numerous hominid lines that have all gone extinct. Any one of those lines might have been able to develop tools and advanced thought if they weren't so busy killing each other off. Humanity were the best killers and the prevailing winners of the global extinction competition/

The New Testament has the apocalypse occurring in the first century A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem. That interpretation is consistent with a post-millennial point of view. The kingdom of God is prophesied to increase until most humans remaining alive are Christian, and those consistent with the meek inheriting the Earth. it does seem reasonable to me that the great killing species that humanity is evolved as a kind of upside down pyramid from innumerable hominid species living until just one remained, and that seemingly self-destined for self-destruction.


Iran Should Restore Diplomatic Relations With Israel

Iran could practice real politik and restore diplomatic relations leading to full renormalization with Israel and be quite better off. Iran was the second Muslim nation to recognize Israel. Israel could be an ad hoc, positive security element for Iranians concerned about Sunni state threats to its security, and paradoxically serve the same role regarding Sunni concerns. Shia and Sunni governments of the Middle East have more dangers from within and from other Muslim states than otherwise.

Muslim nations have problems with concentrated wealth and power that drive strong fundamentalist morally right wing populism to work with terrorism against conservative and even royal governments. Israel is a popular scapegoat for historical reasons. In the present era that dynamic is not very useful for the lawful regional governments nor for the people or Israel. Plainly the Syrian civil war should have been avoided along with the loss of life and suffering however the political way of being in the region tends toward organized extremism with support from international actors. Iran could take a low cost and pragmatic direct action of just restoring full and normal diplomacy with Israel and moving on toward bringing its own civil economic and security concerns to the front of its agenda. The practical is too often the last political item of possible choices to be enacted.


Duras Gambit - 3 M Blitz Chess

I played black in this three minute chess game.

If Aliens are Near Enough to Attack- Will They Have Vacuum Tube Tech and Radio?

image credit:
 The search for extra-terrestrial intelligence has gone on for a while and not found anything. Using radio telescopes to listen for alien hip hop music or some sort of equivalent several light years away scientist keep looking for the tell that will show where the aliens live. What sort of technology would they have that would allow them to travel faster than light, or maybe just at a high percent of it in order to reach Earth and vote for Hillary if she runs again?

 Aliens may not have advanced beyond vacuum tube technology and radio waves terribly far yet with a little tweaking they could ram up their spacecraft of war and slide on the space-stream greased with proto-teflonium beams maybe. The sort of technology that N.A.S.A. or SETI could detect from light years away might not be the sort of technology that aliens would actually use if they presented as great a threat to the Democrat Party as another Clinton run at the White House or global warming carbon dioxide gas that has already reached 410 parts per million in the atmosphere. 

Aliens might be able to slip through quantum super-positioning dimensions and get about instantly faster than light without reference to space-time local history at all. They might be able to surveil with smaller than atoms technology and rebroadcast that across the galaxy or galaxies in some unknown way. What I mean is that if they are able to get to the Earth they probably would do so without being noticed by scientists. If they were to survive and not be hunted down by other space travelling species travelling to their home world they may have learned to scrub space of any sort of artificial signal and hide their presence in a way comparable to the way people wipe out their trail from trackers with brush in centuries past.

image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Triody_var.jpg

Couldn't Private Interests Fund N.A.S.A. Greenhouse Gas Monitor Program?

N.A.S.A. only spent 10 million dollars annually to keep an eye on the Earth's green house gas content in the atmosphere. While the U..S. government has a vast right and left wing pile of debt and needs to cut back on spending, one would think that a few billionaires that spend 10 million dollars on plush toilets seats perhaps could step up and fund the Greenhouse Gas Monitoring program.


Sure there are Trump administration officials that would  increase their environmental I.Q. with an infusion of Neanderthal genes, yet the nation understands that the President is a politician who must walk a tightrope politically to stay elected appeasing his electorate.


Billionaires may have toilet seats that put music through skin contact into their waste removal sorties. One would think that knowing if the atmosphere is being so badly abused that human life will come to a swifter end should be equally important for them.

Congress is looking in another direction. Aliens. Congress wants to spend 10 million to make SETI great again in its search for extraterrestrial alien life. Practical.



Religion, Government, Skepticism, Legalism and Faith

Bayle writes somewhat like Socrates and Protagoras. His writing about epistemological issues of true and false conscience remind me of Socrates discoursing on true and false opinion. Europeans however arise from a different traditional political, socially, economically and ecclesiastically than Americans, so it is interesting and useful to learn a little about the matters historically that were of concern to Europeans and why they developed a lack of religious faith.
Europeans generally have an inquisitorial or magisterial system of justice. religious courts had an inquisitorial system as well. Those are virtually alien to the point of being unknown in the United States. America never had a theocratic condition and no American since the foundation of the United States had a royal master over them. So it is possible to nearly entirely forget or even never to be aware of such evils and issues. Americans had no cause for losing faith conflated with a desire to overthrow ecclesiastical courts or theocratic totalitarian powers.
Bayle though writes quite intriguingly. I suppose in his day it was quite meaningful and even dangerous to do that. I tend to view Jesus Christ and God as pure and perfect beings with a divine economy and a mission of improving the animals that are always in rebellion and incapable of being good all the time because of original sin.
Original sin is the thermodynamic physical condition that happened to mankind after the fall. Mankind aged and Eve gave childbirth. Sure there were probably existing evolved humans in-the-world populating the Middle East already when A and E were thrown out of Eden. Eden was guarded by four cherubim at the point of each of four dimensions.
Bayle presents quite a legalistic argument in Philosophical Commentary, II, 9. he use the word magistrate numerous times. Before the printing press most of mankind was illiterate. Their fidelity was to local rulers, kings and the religion they sanctioned for the people. Though Jesus Christ brought a new covenant to mankind that would write the laws of God on human hearts, the world and Europeans generally tended to have traditional feudalistic societies overlain with careerists working the religion of the state. God's grace foreknew all that would happen and created a kingdom of God that would slowly evolve after the first century apocalyptic end of the old covenant, the Temple worship at Jerusalem, crucifixion of The Lord and destruction of Jerusalem. Mankind takes a long time to understand and only slow uses reason well enough to begin to understand faith as a spiritual, individual relationship between an individual and Jesus Christ. Only slowly will a priesthood of believers evolve to replace the traditional hierarchical church structures that reflect royal orders with subjects conformable to the will of the monarch in war and peace.
The impostor and the wife's relationship to the impostor is not an allegory of a false Lord to his bride. It is about individuals living in a neo-legalistic setting making decisions in a paradigm very like a Jew might have had in trying to live by the law before the era of Jesus . Questions arise about the accountability for an individual acting on his conscience yet possibly acting in error. One may think about Bayle's questions as like those of act and rule based utilitarianism with a context of faith wherein the greatest good is in following the will of God, whose divine will and divine economy are complete perfection beyond the understanding of mankind.
If democracy can evolve to improve its ad hoc and modular formations for regulating mass social affairs it would be comparable to Christianity evolving a priesthood of believers structure that is largely egalitarian though quite effective and proving the gospel, services and goods for the church.
People resist good sense and instead tend to accumulate material and work chop jobs on social reason. In the Bible book of I Samuel the Jews demanded a king. God wanted them to be more or less democratic with spiritual guides such as Samuel, yet the demand a king. God gave them Saul for a king. The meeting of Saul and the Jews looking for a king was marvelous. Saul's father Kish lost an ass and sent Saul out to look for it. And he found it with the Jews who were looking for a king; an exemplary transition.
I Samuel 8 KJV; "4 Then all the leaders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They told him, “You’re old, and your sons aren’t following your example. Now appoint a king to judge us so that we will be like all the other nations.”
6 But Samuel considered it wrong for them to request a king to judge them. So Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 The Lord told Samuel, “Listen to everything the people are saying to you. They haven’t rejected you; they’ve rejected me. 8 They’re doing just what they’ve done since I took them out of Egypt—leaving me and serving other gods. 9 Listen to them now, but be sure to warn them and tell them about the rights of a king.”"
Bayle is also somewhat before his time (nearly four hundred years) on improbable social changes. The magistrate that is the U.S. Supreme Court made Bayle’s paradigm come true."
Bayle-“But what! say they in the fifth place, wou’d he have us suffer Men to preach up Sodomy, Adultery, and Murder, as Actions praise-worthy and holy? And if they pretend that Conscience and a Zeal for the Truth had mov’d ’em to undeceive the World in these points, must not the Magistrate restrain ’em? I answer, this Objection smells strong of the Cavil; and there’s so little danger of this Case’s ever happening, that the Difficulty founded upon it deserves not to be consider’d.”

Bayle, Legalism, Skepticism and Politics

Bayle writes somewhat like Socrates and Protagoras. His writing about epistemological issues of true and false conscience remind me of Socrates discoursing on true and false opinion. Europeans however arise from a different traditional political, socially, economically and ecclesiastically than Americans, so it is interesting and useful to learn a little about the matters historically that were of concern to Europeans and why they developed a lack of religious faith.
Europeans generally have an inquisitorial or magisterial system of justice. religious courts had an inquisitorial system as well. Those are virtually alien to the point of being unknown in the United States. America never had a theocratic condition and no American since the foundation of the United States had a royal master over them. So it is possible to nearly entirely forget or even never to be aware of such evils and issues. Americans had no cause for losing faith conflated with a desire to overthrow ecclesiastical courts or theocratic totalitarian powers.
Bayle though writes quite intriguingly. I suppose in his day it was quite meaningful and even dangerous to do that. I tend to view Jesus Christ and God as pure and perfect beings with a divine economy and a mission of improving the animals that are always in rebellion and incapable of being good all the time because of original sin.
Original sin is the thermodynamic physical condition that happened to mankind after the fall. Mankind aged and Eve gave childbirth. Sure there were probably existing evolved humans in-the-world populating the Middle East already when A and E were thrown out of Eden. Eden was guarded by four cherubim at the point of each of four dimensions.
Bayle presents quite a legalistic argument in Philosophical Commentary, II, 9. he use the word magistrate numerous times. Before the printing press most of mankind was illiterate. Their fidelity was to local rulers, kings and the religion they sanctioned for the people. Though Jesus Christ brought a new covenant to mankind that would write the laws of God on human hearts, the world and Europeans generally tended to have traditional feudalistic societies overlain with careerists working the religion of the state. God's grace foreknew all that would happen and created a kingdom of God that would slowly evolve after the first century apocalyptic end of the old covenant, the Temple worship at Jerusalem, crucifixion of The Lord and destruction of Jerusalem. Mankind takes a long time to understand and only slow uses reason well enough to begin to understand faith as a spiritual, individual relationship between an individual and Jesus Christ. Only slowly will a priesthood of believers evolve to replace the traditional hierarchical church structures that reflect royal orders with subjects conformable to the will of the monarch in war and peace.
The impostor and the wife's relationship to the impostor is not an allegory of a false Lord to his bride. It is about individuals living in a neo-legalistic setting making decisions in a paradigm very like a Jew might have had in trying to live by the law before the era of Jesus . Questions arise about the accountability for an individual acting on his conscience yet possibly acting in error. One may think about Bayle's questions as like those of act and rule based utilitarianism with a context of faith wherein the greatest good is in following the will of God, whose divine will and divine economy are complete perfection beyond the understanding of mankind.
If democracy can evolve to improve its ad hoc and modular formations for regulating mass social affairs it would be comparable to Christianity evolving a priesthood of believers structure that is largely egalitarian though quite effective and proving the gospel, services and goods for the church.
People resist good sense and instead tend to accumulate material and work chop jobs on social reason. In the Bible book of I Samuel the Jews demanded a king. God wanted them to be more or less democratic with spiritual guides such as Samuel, yet the demand a king. God gave them Saul for a king. The meeting of Saul and the Jews looking for a king was marvelous. Saul's father Kish lost an ass and sent Saul out to look for it. And he found it with the Jews who were looking for a king; an exemplary transition.
I Samuel 8 KJV; "4 Then all the leaders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They told him, “You’re old, and your sons aren’t following your example. Now appoint a king to judge us so that we will be like all the other nations.”
6 But Samuel considered it wrong for them to request a king to judge them. So Samuel prayed to the Lord. 7 The Lord told Samuel, “Listen to everything the people are saying to you. They haven’t rejected you; they’ve rejected me. 8 They’re doing just what they’ve done since I took them out of Egypt—leaving me and serving other gods. 9 Listen to them now, but be sure to warn them and tell them about the rights of a king.”"
Bayle is also somewhat before his time (nearly four hundred years) on improbable social changes. The magistrate that is the U.S. Supreme Court made Bayle’s paradigm come true."
Bayle-“But what! say they in the fifth place, wou’d he have us suffer Men to preach up Sodomy, Adultery, and Murder, as Actions praise-worthy and holy? And if they pretend that Conscience and a Zeal for the Truth had mov’d ’em to undeceive the World in these points, must not the Magistrate restrain ’em? I answer, this Objection smells strong of the Cavil; and there’s so little danger of this Case’s ever happening, that the Difficulty founded upon it deserves not to be consider’d.”

Russian Mace Trolls Behind More Facebook Ads

 I don't know that I will ever trust Facebook after learning that Russian trolls ran millions of political ads before boredom set in after the 2016 election.


 I used to think of Facebook as some sort of global predatory tenticle'd Leviathan vacuuming up every dupe's personal data and political ideas on the planet. Now I regard them as, uh, well no matter.

 The low-budget Russian trolls gort a lot done for their rubles. Millions of ads for just a thousand bucks per. I should use that for selling my e-books if I could afford it.

  With such cheap prices its no wonder Russian trolls pin-ball the U.S. electorate. I suppose its the moral equivalent of all those junk e-mails for great foreign women that want sex with yuse, or Nigerian pleas for helping Maxine Romanov transfer her great great aunt's recently discovered fortune in platinum certificates to your American bank. One might appreciate the artistry and ignore it otherwise.

  The Russians general took up conservative causes even if they were in support of conservative Hispanic invaders illegally crossing the U.S. border for a reconquista of the American west. In a way few of the ads were implicitly false except using pseudonymous account responsibility. They tended to be realistic rather than of the radical left. That is why they aren't terribly offensive to many Americans and are definitely not really worthy of federal panic-works.

  The bottom line is that the cheap efficiency of the ad campaigns will likely increase Facebook advertising sales.


Plato; Inventor of Historical Cycles

Plato is the inventor of cycles of history and explains political forms as cyclical. Plato conflates economics and form of government as if they were necessarily one and the same. Plato also had a paucity of political forms as well as economic to choose from. In his day there just wasn't a surfeit of political theory. Actually there still isn't that much. There are thousands of potential forms of government and of economic organization yet people tend to drop back to the very basic forms that are quite old.
Plato wrote about too must liberty being socially destructive and a protector; a Caesar or Napoleon, Hitler or Stalin arises in extreme cases, as a protector of a democratic society. The protector becomes a tyrant.
Plato didn't note that a monarchy is just ossified tyranny with relatives continuing the tyrant's line and the retainers and bodyguards being the nobility eventually. Fundamentally there are just two kinds of government; those with rule of force and those with rule of reason. Force has tyrants and royals while reason must occur within a democratic society.
Popper was correct about a piecemeal or ad hoc structural approach to government as a democratic society being the preferred form. Plato was correct about realism. Obviously the sub-atomic realm has forms that are Universal at the quantum level and otherwise in steady-state-of-energy-as-mass. Plato was a developer of political theory and did not need to conflate metaphysics with politics.
I should point out that Plato was not so much like Rousseau in his inspiration. Plato or rather Socrates was a supporter of the oligarchy and was a sedulous fellow convicted for corrupting youth in that he tried to get them to revolt against the demos. Plato apparently was an admirer of Sparta and his Republic is a kind of idealized version of Sparta. Plato was a sort of brilliant traitor to Athens and democracy, like Socrates, who mentored Alcibiades- the future Athenian fleet admiral that became a turncoat and led the Spartan fleet.
The trouble with democracy is that it is just and entry level form and philosophical approach. Like an ox-cart, where there is a lot of room for improvement on wheeled transportation and other forms of transportation, democracy needs to be upgraded and evolved into adaptive forms that maximizes efficient human ingenuity, invention and liberty.

Idealism, Godel and Einstein

There is an epistemic and metaphysical difference of opinion about reality and the extent to which mind interprets and shapes its perception...