
Human Winners in the Race to Extinction

Many modern humans have no clue about the origin of mankind. Some deny they evolved from chimpanzees though a look in the mirror should prove their error to them (a joke). Actually chimpanzees and human branch off separate ways about 14 million years ago. Humans had many near human like ancestors such as Neanderthals that could have survived independently in a different and less adverse social environment. Like modern humans with their great skill at war, the ancestors of humanity evolved in a bloodbath and killed off non-self-like hominids whenever they could.

Actually the law of the jungle making killing and eating normal and the rule except for close relations made it rather animal; normal rather than evil. It was a big change when anyone began to think that their was anything wrong about killing and eating non-tribal genomes I would think. 

The number of ancestral branches of humanity of hominids re numerous and they are all extinct. In a bigger planet maybe several human-like species that evolved intelligence and tools could have existed to the present day. Unfortunately there is just one remaining; homo sapiens sapiens.

The hominidae for scientists comprise four species of great apes of which mankind is a member. He has largely killed off the others in that group classification too. Quite likely mankind will kill off himself as his final great killing achievement.

The Bible brings Cain and Able into the historical time-line about the same era as humanity evolved farming and making tools for farming approximately 12,000 years ago. Cain was a metal worker and Abel a farmer. Cain killed his brother Abel. The flood was somewhat earlier, probably a neolithic era end of Pleistocene ice age flood that  rose world sea levels 200 feet and sent great floods and storms to the Mesopotamian lowlands where some proto-civlization was drowned predictably at leas to Noah who understood the implications of global warming with divine help.

Humanity perhaps could be said to have been created or entered into the world from Eden circa 14,000-16,000 B.C when they had a great awakening morally differentiating themselves from the law of the jungle genomes that existed everywhere on Earth. Adam and eve could name them and their children eventually move to their regions and begin creating nations.

It is sad though about humanity evolving nits own death and just the grace of God entering the dragon of social reality can save a few unto eternal life through the Son Jesus Christ. Humans are not the evolved highest species so much as they are the remaining of the numerous hominid lines that have all gone extinct. Any one of those lines might have been able to develop tools and advanced thought if they weren't so busy killing each other off. Humanity were the best killers and the prevailing winners of the global extinction competition/

The New Testament has the apocalypse occurring in the first century A.D. with the destruction of Jerusalem. That interpretation is consistent with a post-millennial point of view. The kingdom of God is prophesied to increase until most humans remaining alive are Christian, and those consistent with the meek inheriting the Earth. it does seem reasonable to me that the great killing species that humanity is evolved as a kind of upside down pyramid from innumerable hominid species living until just one remained, and that seemingly self-destined for self-destruction.

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