
The Disquotation Theory of Truth

The disquotation theory of truth basically says that saying that something is true is redundant, yet it saves restating all of the statements about a state of affairs that would be necessary to explain that something is so.

For example; Sally, Jane, Princess, Harry, Jewel and Spike all hate Dickie. All of the preceding people except for Dickie are math students at the Hill School. If someone were to ask if the math students hate Dickie, the easiest answer would be to say that; "Yes, it is true". The alternative would be to say that Sally hates Dickie and Jane hates Dickie and Harry hates Dickie and Jewel hates Dickie and Spike hates Dickie. The disquotation theory comprises a disquotation of the full, formal expression required to explain a state of affairs.

Another example is that of a computer programmer with a list of all of the phone numbers in a city. If someone asks if it is true that all of the numbers have area codes for London the programmer may answer yes it is true or alternatively read out all of the numbers to prove the point is in agreement.

One could call up a a fellow shooting billiards and ask if it is true that all of the balls are round. Instead of saying that the cue ball is round, the 1 ball is round etc . enumerating and confirming that each ball in the rack is round, the billiard player could say; 'it is true'. Truth in a way is a subject-predicate verification of conformity. Truth for humans is a word about words.

Truth theory that is disquotation theory simply means that the reference point questioned about being true or false is in agreement with the conditions that would make it true rather than false. Truth is still about words rather than things in themselves. A description of what things-in-themselves are is also a matter of words. People tend to forget or overlook the fact that all words about anything remain a matter of words and word structures rather than things-in-themselves. People are free to correspond words to objects after deciding what objects are, yet the objects or reality remains imbued with Kant's noumenal reality. That is the field objects in the Higgs field are elements of a Universal for-itself existing independently of human labels.

The Apostle John wrote that “1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” 

Only God transcends the gulf or ditch between words and objects implicitly. Truth or the coincidence of Word and Objects correspond perfectly solely for God for there is no difference for God, while for humans, they are always on the outside of the perceived objects and Higgs field that they comment about, and about its operations and configurations. The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy say that;The simplest formulation {of disquotation theory} is the claim that expressions of the form ‘S is true’ mean the same as expressions of the form S.

There isn't a Platonic aspect to truth, unless one refers to God and John's statements about the Word. Truth doesn't exist independently outside human language except for God. That doesn't mean that Platonic forms don't exist; I believe that the forms of force comprising particles are a reasonable facsimile of Plato's ideas applied within a modern and upgraded context.

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