
US High Schools Need Competent Security Design

It is amazing to me that such a large part of the public can so often be so wrong about fairly simple issues. It is something like that saying about some of the people being fooled much of the time and in a democracy that has consequences. A school shooting today in Sante Fe Texas could have been prevented with up to date school security, not taking away gun rights. Yet Americans will wail about this and that and school security won't be technically improved. Instead a few more union security guards sitting around will be hired.

Face recognition tech is ubiquitous and can recognize school students and intruders or other unauthorized people on campus. Metal detectors can visualize guns and knives. Retired military can screen students through metal detectors and imaging devices that are as good as the T.S.A. uses. In short there is a surfeit of technology that can be used to make certain that students cannot get weapons into high schools. Why not use that and reduce teacher salaries a little to pay for it?

Israel had a problem with Palestinian terrorists taking school students hostage; once. Maybe the Trump administration should call in some Israeli security consultants.

 The common reaction is to spend copiously on post-shooting counseling, love sessions and so forth as if statistically anomalous student behaviors could be absolutely prevented when the internet, games, movies and television are littered with violence and wacko behaviors rising to super-hero status. Probably it would be possible to rediscover common sense on security in an era where student behaviors are off the deep end as a matter of pride and principle.

The kid shooter seems about as normal as anyone can get for an adolescent guy. Honor student, football player; yet with a Greek minority name. Normal is a bit wrong in America these days and the President cannot even secure the southern border much less get high school security able to withstand some less than brilliant weapons smuggling into them.

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