Arctic sea ice is at a record low for this time of year. Bering Sea ice was mostly gone in April making it reasonable to wonder how far the Arctic ice cap will shrink. Very likely this will be another modern era record setting year. There is also modern carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any time in the past 800,000 years with that greenhouse gas reaching a significant 410 ppm level.
American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Some Want Scientific Proof of God
The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God ( a paraphrase). I suppose confirmation bias works for atheists in seeing no evidence. Jurors...
Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
Alaskan officials have cut down or banned King Salmon fishing in much of Alaska because so few of the large fish are returning. The Ancho...
Why do F-22 pilots lose consciousness and let their planes crash and burn? The air superiority fighters are designed to survive oppositio...