
Some Media; Not James Comey, are Biased Against President Trump

Apparently the FBI needs a little adult supervision to keep its agents from back flipping and shooting fellow dancers. I knew an old minister (and a good carpenter) who jokingly asked his son and I if we needed adult supervision when we 50 somethings were working on a building facelift. James Comey was insubordinate- perhaps loyal to his former boss (my speculation) and some FBI people thought they could stop Trump from being elected. They should have applied themselves better and thought about getting the President not to appoint Scott Pruitt to the EPA .

There is no final resolution to the Clinton emails and the possibility of foreign collusion in her phone being cloned by a foreign government so they can read it first before the media. At least Scott Pruitt is trying to muddy the nation's waters by attacking water quality regulations before he leaves office.

Maybe Special Investigator Mueller deserves some of the blame for the insubordinate atmosphere, if it exists pervasively, at the F.B.I. Those guys just aren't like J. Edgar Hoover at all. I am not sure if that is good or bad.


The Inspector General named Horowitz's report looking into former F.B.I. Director James Comey’s handling of the Clinton emails/election era 2016 conundrum was released. It found that Comey harmed the F.B.I. somewhat with improper actions. Thus it appears the President is moving closer to the day when he won’t have special lawyers back-biting like a pack of wolves chasing down a deer in the forest.

Some of the left-wing media are acting right-wing on the President’s canceling war games in Korea as a token of reconciliation to Dictator Kim Un. They need to be on the opposite side of anything as critically as possible. Only a troop increase with new weapons on the DMZ would satisfy the peace mongers.

Eventually Washington will turn to more serious issues, such as; Did North Korea collude to elect Donald Trump?

Was Einstein Racist or Descriptive?

Several publications have declared Albert Einstein's diaries tainted with racist stereotypes. He made a journey to the far east in 1923 and observed the mass of humanity in China, perhaps in Shanghai. He called the Chinese "“industrious, filthy, obtuse people” and compared them to robots"- quote of Einstein from the Guardian via Haaretz.



Apparently the media are so desirous of deconstructive scandals and sensational headlines that they forget historical reality of an era and believe that Einstein should have viewed modern China circa 2018 with political sensitivity and pc language as if General Relativity had wormholed and superimposed 1920's and 2020s space-time coordinates. 

In 1923 China was in the midst of revolutionary issues with the Republican government. There was a revolution in 1925 and two Republican governments north and south helped drain the economy. The infamous Shanghai Green Gang bled the city. Dead bodies were common laying in the streets. Women and children were exploited. People probably were filthy and obtuse keeping their heads down and trying not to say anything that would be held against them at the summary war court and heresy trial.

Undoubtedly the Chinese were also industrious hard workers having little choice about taking it easy or cleaning up at the spa. They may have seemed robotic to Einstein who could not even speak Chinese. China was not the best place to be Chinese in 1923.   


Einstein apparently liked the Japanese. A pure race he commented. One should not be racist by being against races pure or not. Japanese may have been more insular and defensive, enjoy baths and had a more orderly society with some good aesthetic (art and landscaping) values in the 1920s. Japan was 50 years into the Meiji Restoration and had a steadily increasing economy and industrial sector. Island nations can be places with swift progress or failure as the geography allows total government control. Japan was stable and would have resembled to a certain extent the German social environment Einstein was accustomed to rather than the disorderly chaos of China.

Einstein commented on the Chinese population growth, as have many others. The Chinese government finally forced one child families during the 1960s and forced abortion in order to halt population growth at just 1.3 billion souls. In the 1920s the appearance of a rapidly expanding Chinese population mired in social chaotic revolutionary strife with very corrupt leaders and widespread poverty must have seemed like a poor prospect to Einstein for all of humanity.

For pc and pr reasons the media seem historically obtuse, as if they were robotic and incapable of reasoning beyond their social-economic programming. That is fairly amusing since Einstein did not foresee the Second World War and holocaust. Ortega y Gasset foresaw the Second World War at least in his book ‘Revolt of the Masses’ published in 1929.

The reason China has had the population problems it does it that it is a very ancient society and was ruled more than 2000 years by imperial governments that viewed people as subjects and property. The living condition of the subjects was of no interest to the royals except as it served royal interests. Without peer development and equal private property ownweship rights for all, righteous physical spacing wasn't part of land development. Instead, people were bred like herring for royal use.

The World Cup; Sharing the REM of STD's Globally

I hadn't given a thought to the value to diseases waiting in the microworld to infect humans across the globe of pro sports extravaganzas until I noticed this url  headline; https://sports.yahoo.com/russian-lawmaker-warns-sex-foreigners-world-cup-another-race-worse-000304087.html

Giving a little thought to the concept of tens of thousands of sexually active and even promiscuous sports followers and sportsmen journeying to a common event where they can share the rem of sexually transmitted diseases together, it is reasonable to conjecture that they can equally well return home to their originating nations carrying packets of venereal disease new to their nation.

Wave after human wave of sexually transmitted diseases may get a start from major world sporting events. I guess that isn't good though the U.S.A., Canada and Mexico will need to wait until 2026 before themselves getting the chance to receive the world's pathogens related to sports sex transmission from infecting their own nations.


Promiscuity is of course celebrated in the media and Hollywood and society is trained to follow that. Leaders fear global over-population and have conditioned the public to receive homosexuality too as a way to curb population increase globally. Promiscuous sex without any reproductive purpose without a monogamous, hetero relationship has it's downsides and especially so for those nations of the less-developed world with lower standards of health care. One cannot really care too much in today's world though; the powers that be seem to want things that way.


What Would Reconstruction of North Korea Cost?

If Dictator Kim Jong Un opens the economic and social flood gates billions and billions of dollars of investments in physical infrastructure to support business inevitably will surge into North Korea. North Korea will develop state of the art infrastructure for communications and transportation one might guess because of the lack of contemporary ossified infrastructure. South Korea will probably be as large a factor of investment as was West Germany in East Germany after reunification.

West Germany invested more than $1.7 trillion dollars in East Germany, and bringing North Korea up to speed may cost just somewhat less; perhaps a trillion dollars, over a decade or so. Without South Korean investment in the North with the prospect of reunification, the pace of mass infrastructure would find it difficult to support all the business investments' need for infrastructure. Business is a head with no body to support it in most cases outside pure colonial style exploitation of raw resources with only the most minimal infrastructure needed for resource acquisition.


This may be a blind spot in President Trump's point of view toward creating free markets and trade in North Korea. And it is unlikely that the United States can afford to create a 'Marshall Plan' for North Korea that would develop a new technology of microwave toilet systems and pure drinking water. It may be able to afford some ecological rescue investments and a few billion dollars for reconstruction yet one sees how the Puerto Rico rebuild went; costly and time consuming.

After the four leaders (including Dennis Rodman) win their Nobel Prize for Peace, the reality of the cost of rebuilding the north will set in. Its worth the cost.

California May Split into Three States

A proposal to split California into three states has reached the ballot. Plainly California is a leftist entity that is a rotting place unto-itself politically. It would be far better off with three states more able to distinguish themselves from, and compete politically with, themselves in order to find a better place in the sun.

Though it is unlikely that Californians would have the initiative to create three states instead of the present giant, unwieldy malfunctioning neon-leftist pseudo-nation since people usually are pacific and like to ride the inertial bureaucratic waves until they break, plainly it would be a good thing i it did.

The three states would need to go through a period of federal control as territories before petitioning to join the union. Probably the Congress would vote to admit at least one or two of the territories into the union.

The billionaire spoored initiative to dump the vast right-wing prisons into states other than the southern coastal counties that would keep the name California, obviously is a good idea to benefit Hollywood and Beverly Hills residents. Initiative arises from the most unexpected sources.

Nobel for Trump, Un and Rodman for Reducing War Games Greenhouse Gassing?

Halting War Games Reduces Greenhouse Gassing in Korea

An unintended collateral benefit of the promise of President Trump to skip holding war games in Korea this year is curtailing emission of copious greenhouse gases from military vehicles. Though the U.S. Army has tried to present a greener motor infrastructure there is still a lot of filthy diesel exhaust from military tailpipes. High performance in power combat platforms can use a lot of gas. Tanks may have thousand horsepower and up engines and all that greenhouse gassing exhaust is added to the atmosphere.

If you consider the war games as human activities designed to accelerate global warming they are somewhat inefficient. Tens of thousands of soldiers running about and sailors and airmen turning up dust or placing pollution high in the atmosphere. Still, the concatenated effete is substantial. Hence it is good that the President promised to halt the war games this year and allow both North and South Korea to continue developing commercial and family ties.

The Singapore summit of Kim Jong (Rocketman) Un and President Donald Trump was just the start of what could be progress toward normalizing relations and ending the state of war that continues in spite of the recent rapprochement. Korea does not need the threat of nuclear war developing and the North should recognize that and enjoy the benefits of peace instead. The United States does not actually need much practice to launch a variety of stand-off weapons anyway if the North chose to attack the south.

Though the Nobel Committee had to cancel this year because of potential ignoble conflict of interests, if there was a Peace Prize it should go to Dennis Rodman, Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un together for fine work in wild diplomacy.


Obama Admin Hostility to Russia and the SS29 Mobile Nuclear Missile Launcher

Also known as the RS-24, the missile called the SS-29 by westerners is quite powerful, accurate, and easy to hide aboard a truck. Its range of 12,000 kilometers and seven minute launch time as well as multiple warheads make it a good retaliatory missile against western attack. The missile was tested in 2007 and deployed during the Obama administration. It was put into the field in 2010. The webpage article below mentions 63 mobile missile launching trucks driving around (its an all-terrain vehicle) so far.


The hostility of the Obama administration for eight years did nothing to encourage Russia to have confidence in the west. Much of the work of reducing nuclear weapons that was a victory for the west along with Russia was reversed by the Democrat Party and the broadcast media. The indifference to being on good relations is of no consequence to Democrats though for they would believe that nuclear war could never occur.

Each Yars may be packed with six warheads each of which has a 100 to 300 kiloton punch. The Hiroshima bomb for comparison, was 15 kilotons.

Sure its important to stand up for national integrity. Democrats are against comprehensive U.S. border security with Mexico and against it for Russia too regarding the Ukraine and the Crime that were historically Russian. Because Russia does not have a homosexual marriage friendly government Democrats prefer to socially war upon and sanction Russia instead of developing peaceful, productive constructive engagement strait way.

Russia does make good rockets and nuclear warheads. Its heavy missile carrying trucks aren't bad either. One wishes the U.S. Government could develop a rational policy and move forward instead of keeping up with a one-side our way and/or die kind of approach.
image credit; https://www.vitalykuzmin.net/?q=node/353  creative commons license

File:19-03-2012-Parade-rehearsal - Topol-M.jpg

The Problem WIth Washington State Solar Farms

Solar is good yet some solar farms are pretty ugly and even invasive. They tend to transform the land into uselessness for and exclusiveness from anything else. Plainly the state should find a way to get more bang for the buck on public land. Bureaucrats need to get thinking caps on.

Working toward a multiple-use criterion with grazing, solar power perhaps higher off the ground), wind, bicycle trails, habitat for wildlife and especially birds and bees along with some sort of agriculture. Simply installing line after line of sterile panels in scorching ground without hardly another living thing on it behind a vast left-wing chain-link fence is just wrong.

There is only so much land in the state of Washington and it behooves the government to use it well and for as much as possible rather than to dump the only idea that appear to them into permanent form as social concrete. Where are the buffalo supposed to roam?



UEFI or BIOS and Legacy Mode; To Linux or Not to Linux-That is the Question

It used to be easy to dual-boot Windows and Linux systems together. Now it can be difficult since UEFI differs from BIOS. Unified Extensible Firmware Interface will replace BIOS and it makes dual-booting more difficult. Windows tends to want it all.

One can choose legacy mode in BIOS on many laptops and allow dual booting. The problem with that is that one needs to go into BIOS each time to change to the other operating. Things can go wrong; lower end computers with a Celeron or Atom 1 something Ghz cpu are slow and finicky, and batteries can be built inside so one can't easily turn off the power and restart.

Even with the worst-case forced-choice either windows or Linux, it would be good if some sort of plug-in live mirror from the cpu of bios or uefi with OS choices were possible from a thumb drive. There must be some kind of work around to renormalize dual-booting Linux and windows in a UEFO environment that allows windows to boot only in "pure UEFI" mode without legacy (that allows Linux).

Another way to go might be for windows to make a version 2 for all of its windows versions with an update going back to XP that makes it resemble something more like Linux Mint or Debian with all the invasive sorts of on-screen distractions removed. It should be like a trouble-free open source screen that does not distract a user on his present tasks.

Alternatively a software developer could market a program to filter out every dumb, distracting thing windows does and make it a harmless OS suitable for ordinary progress.

To have daft messages from the operating system appear while engaged in creative writing or bullet chess live is a nightmare.


Will Weaponized AI Evolve to Kill Civilians Too?

One wonders if weaponized artificial intelligence won't someday short-circuit itself into attacking human civil society. It could happen unless artificial intelligence is always made with a law degree and legal sensibility concerning the rules of war (joking). Artificial intelligence made to command and control ordinance to kill human combatants, and they are difficult to identify sometimes in irregular wars of today, may be instructed or find their own way to kill the innocent (well, if they voted for Hillary perhaps not so innocent).



 Weapons are too easy to invent. If people were so creative with ecological zoning and tech to conserve habitat for wildlife and humans it would be better. There are innumerable ways to air-drop anti-tank munitions with A.I. able to attack tanks, and to camouflage them. i.e. They could look like dead animals then produce a rocket as a tank becomes visible in its cold dead eyes. Revenge of the road killed. Dissolving parachutes could place hover-drone warheads disguised as cow pies. etc. ad nauseum. One must stipulate that the video is better than Star Wars; Attack of the Clones.

While the A.I. in the anti-tank systems can be pretty stupid, weapons designers aren't likely to be content with stupid artificial intelligence systems and inevitably will want their A.I. creations to be smarter than the average and much smarter than the enemy artificial intelligence. The United States has built a super-computer that is the biggest in the world; more than twice the size of the Chinese former world record holder, yet is that smart enough? Is it used a little bit for out-thinking the enemy in tactical situations (hen winning is peace and prosperity all around with a recovering ecosphere?)

Will artificial intelligence military systems given enough intelligence to make a talking rabbit able to trick humans into believing it voted for Trump, will the A.I. become some sort of peace nik with the belief that war is stupid?

Writing and the Point of No Return

I read somewhere that one should always finish what one starts if it was worth doing to start with. Just put your head down and ride into th...