
Why the U.S.A. Entered the Vietnam War

The U.S.A. didn't enter the Vietnam War because of the Cuban Communist revolution near Florida. The Cold War began much earlier, as early as the first Russian revolution when the U.S.A. sent 2000 soldiers to Russia in support the white army fighting the red army. The United States wasn’t willing to give diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union until 1933. The Nazis were rising then and President Roosevelt may have had a pragmatic interest in establishing relations.

World War II occurred and the U.S. and Soviets became allies to defeat the Nazis. Then with the end of the war and two large winning armies in Europe the continent was largely divided up in two sides; those free nations of the west affiliated with the western allies and those of the east affiliated with Soviet Communism.

Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin had a row with a rival; Leon Trotsky, and liquidated Trotsky and his relatives in the process of gaining absolute power. He also purged the military of potential security threats to himself before the war. Stalin as absolute dictator believed in communism in one country, Russia, instead of global communism as Trotsky espoused. Of course he kept a tight leash on those eastern European nations rolled up in defeating the Nazis although preponderantly they were not annexed, retaining nominal independence. With Trotsky dead Stalin’s more inward-looking politics of industrializing and rebuilding Russia and increasing it militarily prevailed. Yet with Stalin’s death a Trotsky policy of support for global revolutions commenced. Communist revolutions around the world were supported by the Soviet Union intensifying the Cold War.

Stalin died in early 1953. The Korean War was already in progress. That war occurred from 1950 until 27 July 1953 because of the ideological cold war between communism and free enterprise democracy. The two incompatible systems required two separate nations in Korea, so the United Nations ordered elections for a government for the South and the Northern Communists invaded starting the conflict.

China supported the North Koreans. The United States was the major ally of the South Koreans although numerous United Nations forces participated. The U.S.A. already had military advisers in Vietnam. The U.N. also recognized two nations divided along the same lines as Korea, and thus a war was fought in Vietnam too.

The N. Vietnamese regarded the war as anti-colonial conflict battling the French and as a civil war fighting against the South. The United States supported the South in Vietnam as it had in Korea with different results.

The Cuban revolution was not an anti-colonial revolution. It was the United States that liberated Cuba from Spain acting in a sense with paradigmatic symmetry with that of Russia supporting the liberation of Vietnam from colonization as part of French Indochina. Vietnam was colonized by the French from 1887 until 1954.

Because the Soviet Union with its vast and growing nuclear weapons arsenal was an empirical threat to the free world, the Eisenhower administration was conservative in trying to control or contain communist revolutions globally. Even formerly friendly nations such as Iran became distrusted. The U.S.A. sponsored a coup to end the democratically elected government under Prime Minister Mossadegh who had nationalized Iranian oil fields. He did that because Anglo-Iranian oil owned the oil rights and wouldn’t let Mossaddegh look at the books. Winston Church and Eisenhower organized a coup and let the Shah have the country. He ruled like a dictator friendly to the west. That happened in August 1953- it was a busy year.

The Cuban revolution occurred between 1953 and 1959. It was another communist insurgency to overthrow an oppressive government. It was difficult in the 50s and 60s to have a non-communist revolution overthrow an oppressive government although many were worthy of one. Unfortunately colonialism of Brits and other European nations along with dictators in former colonies were conflated with communist propaganda and support in revolutionary movements. Vietnam also fell in to the juxtaposition of wars of liberation, war against dictators, was against communist globalism etc that were all concurrent thematic elements of the ropes humanity hung itself with in that time. Each had valid reasons for existing, tragically, with the probably exception of the dictators who generally had anti-communism as their valid premise for existing, and that in some respects was just a borrowed excuse valid more externally rather than domestically.

Wars for survival of the west and freedom generally against global communism sponsored by the Soviet Union and Communist China clashed with numerous local liberation movements that were supported by real globalists for communism, even if the local revolutionaries were motivated more for local empowerment. It was all an ideological mess especially with capitalism thrown into the mix that eventually would evolve in global corporatism and plutocracy cozying up with Chinese Communist elites.

Christianity in the U.S.A. and a Couple of Challenges

Christianity has several theological and ecclesiastic challenges to meet. In a way Christianity has experienced some of the same difficulties that adversely impacted newspapers and network television from ubiquitous mass media and internet. For Christian churches the socialization by anti-Christian elements that became pervasive along with additional technological changes in U.S. and world society made it much easier for people ti choose to opt out of attending church. Yet in the underdeveloped world Christianity increased in numbers because of the easier dissemination of information and expansion of social contacts made possible with new technology.

American Christians have encountered numerous structural issues along with theology that is off. Two easy to consider issues are those of apocalyptic end-times; did it already happen as Jesus said it would before that present generation passed in the first century a.d. or is it still ahead with all of the strange metaphysical events that pre-millennialist teach? The theological example is the failure of the church with universal literacy in a technological information age to adapt to Martin Luther’s idea about the church that all Christians are priests. A priesthood of believers church structure would be egalitarian and share roles in church presentations on Sundays. It would be a far more active church, a more honest church with all being professing Christians rather than pew sitting observers. Modern Christianity should be a participation practice rather than one of a laity under a separate class of Christian priests or even one priest that is non-working an over-tithed.

In the post-millennial era Christians are supposed to be increasing in numbers and increasing the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is within you as the Lord said, and the Holy Spirit leads as God wills, to make it possible for as many Christians to be saved as He has pre-destined. Not one shall be lost.

The actual pace, scale and shape of the future demographics of Christians in-the-world is known to God rather than mankind.

Pres Trump Should Build Icebreaker and the Wall

Instead of letting things slide the President should build a new icebreaker as well as a vast hovercraft designed to live in the Arctic. Alaska could use such capacity anytime. The two icebreakers the U.S.A. has are old old built in the 1970s.

The wall should go ahead in order for the Democrats to prove that they aren't simply obstructionists that must have everything their way or they won't play.


Bernie Sanders in 2020?

   No. Sanders isn’t a good potential shelved product for the Democrat market. He would lose. Democrats want someone like Oprah Winfree or Eric Holder or maybe someone with 1/32 Cherokee ancestry that is female to stand for the job. Just so long as they don’t know what ecological economics is and support homosexuality and illegal alien mass immigration the Democrat Party would be down with that. New York Governor Cuomo II is just to white and male; probably even strait and without hookers in the closet, although the Mueller investigation hasn’t given him the eyeball yet, to be a potential candidate.

What happened to the Ralph Nader sort of radical environmental and capital reforming Democrat- Independent; are they an extinct species"

If the U.S.A. Had Given Germany an Armistice in 1945

Armistice instead of unconditional surrender? Why in the world would that have happened? World War One ended with an armistice. Patton said that was a great mistake at the time. Without fighting to the point of Germany’s unconditional surrender, World War Two was inevitable. The ground was set for the rise of the Nazis to replace the lost aristocrats against which Germans had revolted for leading them into the first world war with a failing outcome.
There was no way at all that the Second World War could have been concluded with an armistice that would have allowed Nazi scientists to finish projects like jet fighters and nuclear bombs. The paradigm of armistice is too bizarre to realistically consider. Even so; here is what would have occurred; all of Europe would have been in the communist block after the Soviets conquered England while the United States withdrew all of its forces so as not to get in the way. The twenty million Americans that had served in the war could have had illegal aliens do their heavy lifting work and legal dope and homo marriage to queer society with and forgot about war and conflict that are known in California to be stress inducers.

Clintons; Ethical Good Example Compared to Cohen? (LOL)

I wonder if the Clintons were more ethical at practicing law than Michael Cohen. Ever since F.D.R. used law like silly putty as a lawyer, Presidents with law degrees have tended to feel the law is there’s to finesse. When a lawyer is President it’s as if there were a civil and criminal trial and just one side was represented in court; the lawyer-President’s side. So they tend to go way too far with expropriating the powers of other branches regarding interpreting law and cutting corners.
None of the items that Special Democrat Prosecutor Mueller’s federal co-conspirators got Cohen to plead guilty to had the word ‘Russian’ in it. Initially that was what the task force was put together to investigate. Maybe half the lawyers on Wall Street and in D.C. if grilled like Cohen with their law offices being ransacked too by federal agents, could be convicted of something I would guess.

Trump is innocent until charged with something besides maybe giving a porn star money not to talk about theoretical sex with candidate Trump. John Edwards paid a lot to keep an affair quiet when he ran for President against Hillary and was shot down. None dared called that treason, an illegal use of campaign funds or even a crime of passion. Wealth and power attract the wrong kind of women- like flies seeking to land on what is for them, their ultimate good; rotten, do-oothing dead meat.


America is Unique in Some Respects

If one means the United States in saying “America’ (one needs to disambiguate the term as the U.S.A. or one would need to default to North and South America and regard them as one entity or fail to have uniqueness), it is a concatentation of historical events and geographic things-for-themselves that have made the United States unique. Some elements are unique such as leading the revolt against all things British and royal. America was the first large colony of Britain to decolonialize; a process that never really ended though dozens of nations have kicked the king out for themselves.

The United States of America were free states in the Americas while everyone else in the Americas were ruled by Kings and Queens. It is theoretically possible that other nations will join the United States in the future. Perhaps the U.S.A. is unique in that respect.

The United States developed french fries and cheeseburgers when other nations had sandwiches and dainty slices of boiled potatoes. America had coca cola when others were drinking tea at 4 p.m. on hot days. America has possums and Europe, none. It is the constitution of the United States as well as the Declaration of Independence that set the nation apart as a leader and defender of democracy. The United States even fought a terrible civil war fewer than threescore years after the British invaded and burned the national capital, to keep the U.S.A. from splitting apart and being victimized again by tyrants that hate democracy and prefer aristocracy. The war was also fought against the confederacy and their foreign supporters such as Britain to free men enslaved in the confederate state-about three million slaves I believe the number was.

The United States banned the importation of slaves within 25 years of the constitution being ratified into law. That was a leading article in the day. The U.S.A. is a nation that formed from its start without an aristocracy. The greatest threat to the freedom of Americans today are foreign and domestic plutocratic corporatists that own a sycophantic broadcast media incessantly attacking the nation and its values.

The United States of America has had the grace of God with it for much of its history. Humanity itself has a poor history of goodness and the battle to achieve dignity in the rights of the average man along with freedom and security has only advanced with blood, sweat and sacrifice. The United States sacrificed hundreds of thousands of young lives with casualties approaching a million in two world wars to bail out their traditional enemies the British, as well as a few other nations that could not defend themselves. The dangers presented by the Nazis were plain enough, although the dangers posed in the first world war by the German aristocrats that prosecuted Hindenberg’s war are far less clear. Perhaps that was America’s first mistake that set the course for some further errors in the 20th century. Alternative history that didn’t happen is largely an exercise in fiction writing unfortunately.
The United States could be regarded as unique in leading the defense against global totalitarianism. That is a two-sided issue I am well aware; the cold war had supporters on the side of communist totalitarianism rather than that of the free markets of the free world.

The United States continues to be the only nation that has placed men onto extra-terrestrial bodies. The United States is blessed with having two oceans and nations north and south that could not defeat it in war though each have been military enemies of the United States at various times in their history. It had great people with adventurous natures and scientific brilliance from the start. The number of early 20th century inventors it produced that changed the way mankind lives is remarkable. The nation today has far fewer immigrants than in its early years. Today about one of five Americans is an immigrant and the rest have ancestors that left Europe and elsewhere in some cases centuries ago.

The Colonel that wrote the surrender agreement that General Robert E. Lee signed was an assistant to General U.S. Grant named Parker. He was a full blooded American Indian. America went to some trouble to provide save reservations where Indians could survive the contact with immigrants with better technology and numbers. Some nations such as Argentina tried to extirpate them and largely were successful. Today most Americans know the history of American Indians as immigrants arriving as long ago as 35,000 B.P. and the fact is celebrated. The United States was the first large Western nation to elect a negro to the Presidency. England hasn’t had an African ancestry Prime Minister yet much less Russia, Saudi Arabia, Canada, China, France or Germany. American black men average the same annual salary as white men at about $25,000 annually.

The United States was rather unique in being a God-fearing nation much later than the nations of most of Europe. The number of Christians still comprises a majority of the population but the interminable propaganda of the broadcast spectrum and bad theology are driving down the numbers of believers.

The United States has the power to make large successes and large failures. It is important to direct it to large successes tat advance the well being of mankind and America first rather than to harm the nation and indirectly harm others with its troubles. Continuing creativity and human dignity when their are global powers to destroy individual integrity and independence making civil rights into the right to be a subject of elites with no moral will for-oneself except to be programmed isn’t easy. Wisdom is required along with leadership and those can be challenging to find and elect with such mediocre global powers working against it.

Michael Cohen P.O.W. and the Martinets

Apparently Cohen cut a deal with federal prosecutors to reduce his sentence for sundry criminal offenses. Cohen plead guilty and said that Donald Trump directed him to pay off various women as “hush money”.

Michael Cohen Says He Arranged Payments to Women at Trump’s Direction

One wonders if Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer can be trusted. Trying to get a reduced sentence might have influenced his decision to say what Democrats wanted to hear. Mueller is a known associate of Trump-hating politicians that has a better career path if he can convict the President of something instead of just saying he couldn’t find a darn thing to lever the President with. CNBC wrote that Michael Cohen plead “guilty on Tuesday to eight counts related to tax fraud, excessive campaign contributions, making false statements to a financial institution, and unlawful corporate contributions at a court hearing in New York on Tuesday.” Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen admits to illegal payments at direction of candidate to influence election

None of those charges included anything about paying hush money to women during the campaign. I wonder if paying money to women so they won’t say they had sex or whatever is illegal? Prostitution is illegal in some states, yet giving women money not to say they had sex regardless of the truth about that, might not be illegal.

If it isn’t illegal for Joe Duck to pay Sally the Slick twenty dollars not to Tweet that she had sex with him because the ladies at church would look down on him while the Sheriff just wouldn’t care, why is it illegal for Joe Duck’s Serious Older Brother who is running for mayor of Pittsville to pay Sally the Slick’s slicker sister 50 dollars of his own money not to tweet and publish on Facebook and buy 10,000 likes an article that says she had sex with Bill the Serious Brother of Joe Duck who is running for mayor?

Topic; The Best NAZI Chess Player

Germany has had a chess championship since 1861, and Erich Eliskases won it in 1939. The Nazis were going to have him play for the WC in 1941 yet he defected before that. So I guess he wasn’t a NAZI. Lasker died in 1941, and wasn’t a Nazi either, apparently.
Alekhine wasn’t a Nazi; he played in tournaments in France sponsored by them before the war in order to perhaps get his wife released from Germany. The Nazis wouldn’t let her go. That is, he sought to be on their good side a little for a favor, yet he lived in France until he moved to Buenos Aires.
He was something like an extortion victim of the NAZIs.
Chess.com published an article on Alekhine and the NAZIS in 2007.
The Chess.com article I cited says about Alekhine “So he stayed in France and played in chess tournaments sponsored by the Nazis.”
Alekhine wrote articles such as the anti-Semitic tract 'Jewish and Aryan Chess' (1941), perhaps under coercion. Alekhine was French and Russian and well aware of Morphy, Lasker and other chess GMs that were Jewish or partly so. In his articles he wrote about Jews being too materialist (grab a pawn sort of materialism). Mikhail Tal, Gary Kasparov and Robert James Fischer who all are or were at least partly Jewish, in addition to Morphy and even Lasker, make the idea seem de trop. Really, one shouldn’t be bigoted against taking a pawn, or advocate chess communism with all pieces advancing together. Perhaps the Hippopotamus opening is an example. It led to a draw in a WC match between Tigran Petrosian and Boris Spassky in the 26th world championship. https://www.chesscentral.com/pages/free-chess-games/hippopotamus-anyone.html
Alekhine was a brilliant chess ultra-modernist and his tract must have been something like having Pablo Picasso write on the blandness of positional classical art. Historians may or may not have gone far enough in depth into understanding his actual motives in the period.
It’s a tough question. Maybe the German chess champion from the war years gets the title? It might have been the champion in 1943- apparently they didn’t have a championship match in 1944–45. Ludwig Rellstab (chess player) - Wikipedia
The wiki article for Eliskases informs us that he choose to stay in South America in 1939 rather than return to Germany, intentionally, along with other members of the Olympiad team. He remained in Argentina and Brazil for the duration of the war and then became an Argentine citizen playing in several Olympiads for them after the war. Erich Eliskases - Wikipedia
The 1939 Olympiad didn’t finish until Sept 19, 1939 and war broke out Sept. 1, 1939 at which time Lufthansa suspended commercial air travel. Yet it is not at all plain that actual Nazis could not still journey to Germany via Mexico or elsewhere. Mexico did not declare war on Germany until late in 1944 or early 1945. Pan Am might have had a flight he could have caught to Europe someplace where he might have slipped across some border to enlist in the Wehrmacht if he’d really cared.
Eliskases probably wasn’t a NAZI. He defected, or appeared to do so, and that is not consistent with acquiescence in the political party values from which he defected. There is an article about Eliskases that has more detail of his history in Austria, relationship with the Nazis before he left to South America, and potential showdown with Alekhine for the World Championship the Nazis wanted to arrange. Eliskases
The German “Grossdeutscher Schachbund' (GSB” wanted Eliskases to be the good example of the pure” German upright style of fighting chess’. He was in somewhat apparently involved with keeping ‘the purity of the German language’, even though he left to live in Portuguese and Spanish speaking nations. I would think that for Alekhine at least the idea of an Aryan style of chess must have seemed very odd or comical, unless he was prescient and thinking about Vishy Anand.
Jewish chess players have had been champions and outstanding GMs. Germany in the Nazi era lost most of the Jews that played a good game. They would have fallen on hard times bereft even of an Austrian champion contender.
Being Jewish was not an automatic exclusion from being a NAZI; nearly so, yet not absolutely. A wiki article states that there were a few high ranking Nazis with Jewish ancestry, such as Admiral Rogge. List of Nazis of non-Germanic descent - Wikipediaand a few Jewish Nazi collaborators such as given in a wiki list Category:Jewish Nazi collaborators - Wikipedia
Some Jews did not know a priori that Hitler and Himmler would try to wipe out all the Jewish pieces from the board with a sweep of the arm.

You Too Can Improve at Chess

So many ways exist to improve one’s chess game that it is not simple to reference more than a fraction. There are numerous websites on YouTube with free chess instruction regarding openings, middle and end games, tactics etc.. Several on-line websites have opportunities to play chess live in games of all forms. There are chess engines to play against such as Stockfish that are free to install in Linux operating systems. Chessgames like Pychess are free to download for several Linux systems and Stockfish may be added to it. One may watch live SuperGM tournaments on-line to watch. Here are a few places…
Many cities have local chess clubs with people that are willing to help with ideas and suggestions for improvement. There are thousands and thousands of books on chess etc.

Veganism Experienced Inflated Food Prices Too

Apparently there are two major branches of veganism; dietary and ethical. The first is for health and the latter to stop cruelty to animals....