
President Trump Isn't Causing Recession

The President is no progenitor of recession. Economists are well known to have different opinions about mass economic policies and effects. Accurate predictions of future recessions are not made with scientific rigor so well that the methods are verifiable and indisputably accurate. Emotion is part of the equation and it can be difficult to quantify. Sometimes they are political opinions expressed as a way to oppose a Presidential incumbent’s economic policy. and neglect national development.

Without correction the Chinese trade relationship would harm U.S. national interests. Like ancient imperial Rome that became too globalized and reached the Toynbean condition of a Universal phase (so far as it could without owning everything such as Parthia or China, the U.S. hyper-active global traders and investors tend to neglect continuing development of national interests and like ancient Rome the historical tendency is to fall.

Unlike the former great British empire the U.S.A. has a great land mass so it need not over-rely on foreign trade. Facing the EU Britain seems to have a choice between dissolution as a small part of the EU or to remain somewhat self-standing nationally and to seek more national self-reliance with new tech in addition to foreign trade.

Rectification of economics in the present era would seem to require a transformation to and renewal of infrastructure and regulating governance to one of national ecological economic sustainability of material quantitatively as well as the national standard of living. Adam Smith’ approach to capitalism expressed in the Wealth of Nations reflected economics and social needs of the day where over-population and ecological decay were not pressing concerns. As a small nation in land area England needed unregulated foreign trade to allow its vigorous traders to function in business transactions globally across an expanding empire. While individual direction and initiative are important still, the United States and even China have not got the same trade globally in proportion to a small land mass relation as did Smith’s England of the 18th century.

The President could stimulate a recession upon indolent, obstinate and recalcitrant people by causing their reactions to transpire that would slow down the national economy perhaps, yet there is plenty to work with such that business activity need not cease.

Unlike the 70’s recession that was caused in part by the lack of iron and other materials for automobile production in the mid-west as well as expanding global competition and production of fossil fuel automobiles (and numerous other reasons involving foreign and domestic affairs as well as tech and capital changes, and reallocation of resources), the present U.S. economy has impending recession only insofar as mass terrorism and ecospheric disasters to existing infrastructure are increasingly expensive to repair and as after 9–11 lead the fear factor to shrink the economy. The reliance on foreign trade is historically at least, amusing. It seems that China too wants to expropriate African and other natural resources for redistribution to itself for a variety of reasons, and of course the United States has done so too (as well as Europe). China has a huge population that is challenged to improve a standard of living and civil liberties with reliance on domestic resources so far as possible in order to conserve the planetary ecosphere. The United States has the same challenge with a smaller population it seeks to increase through legal and illegal immigration in order to de facto arrive at least at half of the Chinese challenge of sustaining a standard of living that is good for half a billion people. The fewer the people to a certain extent, the easier it is as less material resources are required.

In the modern world to recede might not have the same economic meaning and value as when it was first used. Then there is the fact that overseas expansion concentrates wealth in the United States for the 1%. Ordinary average wages don’t match Wall Street’s rise in value for example. The minimum wage of Americans in 1974 was $2.00 while today it is $7.75. That is just a +300% increase. Since 1970 the Wall Street index has increased far more. In 1970 it was at 832 while today it is more than 23,000.

Yes President Trump could find some way to move the economy toward recession yet I.M.O. the problem if any is in the people without ideas for national development rather than in those seeking national development and ecological economic sustainability.
The national public debt is not President Trump’s, it is that of both parties and an incompetent House and Senate that cannot ever balance the budget or provide services to the people affordably. People generally believe those elected are or become corrupt materialists and corporatists seeming primarily to benefit themselves and Wall Street instead of the people of the United States.

Huawei, Iran, Trade War Etc.

Did a Huawei arrest help win the trade war? I.M.O. it wasn’t intended to. Arrest of Huawei perps is self-standing for legal reasons, or obviously they should be released. For that matter, the trade war is important only insofar as soy sales need to resume and Chinese solar power panels should be allowed to flood the U.S.A. without tariffs in order to simulate competition.
Violating U.S. sanctions on Iran is a serious matter. Though we would like to be on good terms with Iran’s fundamentalist Shi’ite government (well at least I would though its hard to say what godless atheist Democrats really think about it. In a way Pres. Obama seemed to want to pursue a constructive engagement policy with Iran, give them a decade to develop quality missiles and twenty years to just research building nuclear bombs before putting them on quality missiles), the U.S. for bureaucratic ineptitude development of fine foreign policy because of inertial drifts into inflexibility and maladaptive recognition and correction of dysfunctional policy reasons, objectively has made a tradition of bungling Iranian-US relations. Even so, buying and forwarding banned U.S. manufactures to Iran is a violation of law.

Huwei’s 5G technology may be of service to Chinese Red Army intelligence gathering and that is a concern although probably not a present violation of U.S. law. As the new tech goes on line western powers and others that have no desire to kow tow to China as they might to Apple or Google intelligence gatherers, Facebook etc might want to ditch the Huawei phones etc.


White Queen was trapped after moving it to attack too early. I played black. Of course leaving the bishop en prise was inexplicable.

WWG1WGA, Broadcast Media and Corporatism

WWG1WGA is an interesting and to most, an unfamiliar word-string of letters. It is part of the Q and MAGA movements. One web site describes in at some length.

Mr Geddes calls WWG1WGA the greatest communications event in history.

I would tend to call the phenomenon a natural result of average people that are materialists and atheists trying to rise in corporate media that is owned by the 1% of concentrated wealth. The philosophy of corporatism was invented by the Italian Fascist Dictator Benito Mussolini and unifies the government and corporate leadership. Adolf Hitler used it well in pre-war Germany. Unfortunately corporatism destroys individual civil liberties as efficiently as did Soviet Communism. National socialism and regular socialism are still collectives of meaningless proles living in a vast sardine can susceptible to Eleatic shrinking of wealth as corporate-government leaders prefer.

Sure there should be rectification of U.S. politics in order to stop the corrupted broadcast media from having its way brainwashing the American public generally for the benefit of corporatism. Pure materialists from average to the most wealthy lack a spiritual element and actually lack good sense regarding material value systems that is compounded through the middle term called money.

The corporate media, NPR sycophants of corporatist goals and the broadcast media complex of compresence inclusive of large social media Internet sites hate non-corporate profit  supporting and corporate goal controlling free expression. They minimize it and bury it in dark place of the Internet. Because concentrated wealth has its way in mass and social communications as well as rents their influence natural gets rid of free expression 'weeds'. Ordinary people are often satisfied with that because they haven't any creative thought for-themselves; they aren't philosophers that would like a perfect democracy with a vast freedom for spiritual and intellectual activity where inventors actually profit instead of ever idea trickling up to produce wealth for the 1%.

Basically no one in government or media has any good sense or awareness of the actual way things are or what is occurring. Not even global warming theory will fix the misunderstood political zeitgeist.


Obama's Man Comey Still Hostile to the President

Former F.B.I. Director James Comes Comey continues to show his hostility to the President that apparently began during his tenure in office. He had F.B.I. Employees working for him that were hostile too, and his record does appear biased in favor of the Democrat party. His most recent hostile act was to call the President a liar for a Presidential tweet saying euphemistically that government agents broke in to his former private attorney's office to take his confidential records. The language is euphemistic yet descriptive of the fact. It was true describing an aggressive, hostile action and not a lie. It was a lawful forced entry that was a break in from the victim's point of view...that is the entry and plundering was not done with the consent of the victim. Citizens don't want such events to become so common that the nation need begin a 'me too' movement describing government break ins to their personal attorney offices.

The President probably is smart enough to know that a legal warrant was issued for the exceeding rare act of violating attorney-client privilege to let prosecutors ransack what normally are confidential records. It was a threat to the security and integrity of the legal justice system of the United States with its adversarial form. Dictatorships of course have no reluctance or inhibition to violating any rights of the accused, yet in the United States that was at least beyond the pale, though there are some few circumstances where such violations or breaking of the normal legal procedures occur.

There are other trends from Clinton-Obama Democrats and fellow travelers that concern the erosion of freedom in the United States. That is, they can gloss over facts or true accounts and generate through sympathetic media big lies. When falsehoods take over the media and are common to become common currency in the courts and drive legal procedures to nearly unprecedented lengths such as breaking the sanctity of the office and records of the personal attorney of the President of the United States, democracy is in danger of becoming a sham.


Senator Schumer and the Tradition of Flaky Senatorial Palaver

It seems that every decade has its own special flaky U.S. Senator given to making inaccurate or just plain spaced statements. After Senator Helms passed on the nation was without one for a time. Senator Helms spoiled his irascible wierdness with some quality work and backbone too. Then along came Senator Lindsey Graham with a wacko opinion every week it seemed. Yet he gradually quit that and actually started sounding comparatively reasonable. He did a great dis-serve to watchers of politics when he quit the clownishness. 

So the nation has Senator Chuck Schemer to amuse them with illogic and disinterpretation of events for the present. Senators need to enrich special interests of course while accumulating wealth for-themselves. The are required to seem incapable of creative and efficient thought that would make a better more efficient and affodable government working for a better nation unceasingly for the people including the poor. Senator Schumer's public statement seem the antinomy of anything like that.

If Voters Had Known Of Moscow Project Would It Have Made a Difference?

If voters had known that the Trump organization was trying to build a hotel in Russia in 2016 would that have made a difference in the election? President Trump has properties and licensed places all over the world so overlooking Russia would have been strange.

If Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin had taken out an ad in the N.Y. Times in October 2016 saying that he was working with Donald Trump to build a hotel in Moscow (possibly) would that have elicited more than a yawn from readers?

The President of the United States made a pre-inaugural agreement that he wouldn't pursue foreign real estate or hotel deals while in office. I cannot say how far that applies to his organization. Yet it is not secretive apparently.

Wikipedia quotes Forbes magazine writing on the topic; “The Trump Organization has curtailed some of its international work, pulling out of deals in AzerbaijanGeorgia and Brazil, while pledging to do no new foreign deals (though it has apparently resurrected an old deal in the Dominican Republic). Trump’s international hotel licensing and management business only makes up $220 million of his estimated $3.5 billion fortune, but it’s the most dynamic part of the Trump portfolio—and it throws off chunks of cash with virtually no risk. As the Trumps have wound down some international deals, they continue to push forward with new domestic agreements.”

Forbes recently published an article claiming that President Putin of the Russian Federation had a hold over Donald Trump in that Donald Trump was fearful that Putin would let slip that Donald Trump had tried or was trying to build a hotel in Russia.

That President Trump was going about normal business activity is the prime plum that Special Investigator has found according to Forbes. It is underwhelming enough. President Trump also owns a Vodka making business. That should not have been overlooked for possible Russian collusion in case any Russian experts were imbibing that in 2016 as a way to divide the nation that otherwise would love Hillary, Obamacare, homosexual marriage, illegal aliens, a degrading ecosphere and twenty trillion dollars of public debt.


Guessing P.M. May's Next Vector Fork Brexit

 British P.M. Theresa May having survived a vote of confidence test in her conservative party has some few months to get her Brexit bill passed by a recalcitrant parliament that would prefer to have her cake and eat it too or let the hard natural Brexit evolution become fact 29 May 2019 when the lines would be cut to EU pirate ships plundering British booty. What is her secret recipe the next few months?

The Brit PM might organize an alternative global economic organization with the British former Empire at the core yet welcoming anyone that wants to be member of a preferred trade and business group without any sort of social surrender requirements regarding sovereignty. It is possible that she might sell a new ecological economic trade organization that lets nations join whom are willing to work sustainable economic policies and measures within her new economic organization. At least the organization might allow just sustainable businesses the zero-tariff free trade while taxing anything else that would seek to pass through the green screen.

Probably leaving without an agreement is best for Britain insofar as Britain is enough of a party house as it is and millions of migrants arriving to plunder and trash the place wouldn't be too helpful. Alternatively may have a Russian economic collusion card she could play after Brexit is wrapped up to bring Russian into a new economic order with Britain being the non-space business brain to develop Russia for a profit.

Actually there are too many economic possibilities to enumerate in a brief note for the British PM to potentially utilize. PM May could choose a conservative Wilsonian reform direction or a liberal Thacherite equalization of trade globally within any of several potential international organizational formats She could create and lead. Instead of the many EU encumbrances that made belonging an onerous duty to those without ecological economic ideas for-themselves or for-others May's Thatcherian updates could induct new players into a more equitable business union.

Sen Schumer- Illogical Wall Funding Ideas

Senator Chuck Schumer illogically believes that because Mexico will pay indirectly for the wall through increased U.S. income from revision of NAFTA the U.S. Government doesn't need to appropriate funds to build the wall. If that sort of reasoning is typical of federal politicians it easily explains why there is a twenty trillion dollar public debt.

Senator Schumer may believe that foreign governments directly fund U.S. government projects while the Senate sits on its ambition. Yet Mueller is investigating President Trump instead of Schumer for foreign collusion. 

US Judge Body Slams Obamacare- Dems May Tap Out

After a Federal Judge in Texas body slammed Obamacare ruling the individual mandate unconstitutional Democrats that forcibly snuck passage of Obamacare through a congressional recess should tap out and look for a new match for health care that actually includes the poor that must travel interstate for work annually. Those people were left out of the Obamacare program that was designed for obese middle class Democrat voters whom are sedentary.

A righteous and realistic health care bill would be multi-purpose and cover all of the poor, veterans and would serve as a national emergency health care disaster back-up facility. It would greatly expand the VA and homeless clinics, unite them and let all poor Americans with citizenship identification walk in to any of those facilities for free treatment.

Democrats could tie the system access together with a new national high-speed electric mass transit tube train infrastructure to bring patients to hospitals. Those prosperous Americans that can actually afford health care insurance or pay it out of pocket should do so and not use a system designed for anyone that cannot afford proper or any medical treatment besides band aids.

Saved by Faith, Not Works

Calvinists believe one is saved through faith alone (sola fide). Yet believe that if one is saved they shall do good works. Some say that if...