
On the Retirement of Vladmir Kramnik

The retirement of Vladmir Kramnik from classical chess is a novelty to me. He was fairly young when he defeated Garry Kasparov for the World Championship in 2000- 24 or 25 years old. I only began learning chess in 2012 when over age 55 so it’s still all somewhat new to me.
Vlad Kramnik’s style of attack gives the impression of clever use of advancing and promoting pawns; perhaps a forerunner of Magnus Carlsen, yet of course he utilizes a greater range than that.
He doesn’t look to much different now than in 2000. One assumed he would keep his FIDE 2800 rating up and chug along as a good number three or four player another 20 years.
Top level Super GMs apparently require a tremendous amount of time investment in keeping current, after a couple of decades of best 100 in the world and really learning chess long before some players look to pursue other lifestyle directions if they feel they have gone as high qualitatively as they can. With so many interesting spots in Siberia and eastern Russia for outdoor recreation (i.e. fishing, climbing etc.) and the ability to afford to go it is more of a boon for himself than a loss for chess.
Mr. Kramnik has said that he plans to work educating younger players. So his retirement is less than an obituary notice than a change of career direction. At age 40 or 41 his blitz game stands room for improvement and he may take the time to sign up for a Chess.com - Play Chess Online - Free Games account and enter in to tournaments. Blitz chess is attracting a lot of attention from players these days. So many players have never actually played a game of chess with classical time controls. One can play a a few dozen games of blitz in two hours instead of just one classical game.


Theological, Philosophical Creation Cosmology Concepts (revision from a novel)

Omniscience might be requisite for flawless design of species evolution and no one should expect to get it. If one configures an evolutionary system to generate a targeted product in a very complex ecosystem with innumerable variables, the likelihood of system errors deforming the system to bring system failure to evolve a desired product are great. Omniscience usefully designs an evolving system such that it’s pre-determined to create the proper product at the right moment. Thank God for God.

Top-down modular approaches to flowcharting from T=0 to T=Omega aren't the only way to format structure. One can have natural and rational numbers with different dimensional variables (joking)for vectors and tensor-sets. Contingent dream sections may be modularized in chapter-units them placed on some sort of a tree-chart, harvested and set like bricks into a mosaic that's the preferred narrative. If one writes like Jorge Luis Borges the mosaic could be a multi-level circular pyramid with a time axis in several directions.
One might regard the evolution of human life through heterosexual events as an archetype of creation through omniscient configuration of evolution. I suppose when mankind was created and God rested, the designed evolution era ceased and human intelligence became capable of deforming the functioning patterns through genetic redesign and sundry forms of sin for-itself and for-others. Through seven or eight Universes they might find an emergent composite sectional single-verse.

Consider the point that of all the proto-human species that have existed the challenges of designing the ecosphere such that just one species would emerge to dominate were incalculable except for omniscience. Some wrongly believe evolution has no design, or had none in the era in which God created the Universe from emergence in His will to the solar system and let it become peopled before bringing the era of Adamas and Edith to fruition. They go farther and assume it's o.k. to sin and miss the mark of evolving human function and physical health (everyone is spiritual dead unless reborn with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ).

Retrospectively one is looking for a dream on the edge of a desert where night can yield to day and the beginning of the eons of time and history set memories alive and poignant;  bittersweet in that they occur at all before destiny wrests them away, before seasons die and thoughts dissipate to be less than dust; before faces of tomorrow disappear into yesterdays. When living being is given to surpass nothingness from God, who never dies,  when fragments stir sands of time like illusions worn from mountains as Ordovician echoes on a planet, beyond some star, a landscape given to exist, destinies are given, missions are set.

A ball shaped dimension received a zero dimension singularity. Mass-energy went through ball for split second (hyperinflaton). One field-mass-energy stretched over ball. Surface-tension was four dimensional space-time. It was stuck on the surface. Ball dimension surged through mass-energy surface tension- dark energy. Voila. A pre-universe ball-shaped dimension with fragments inflates up.
Goals that ask for investments of time and effort in-a-world arise. Yet one may never achieve the summit and world picture with endless stories and objects. An empirical world does not forever glisten like a shining city on a lake calling those inducted to the halls of consumerism. A transcending, surprising destiny overcoming the world emerges in the fog of time...something never foreknown waits for being and time to expire.

In the beginning of each Universe first light shines into the darkness as the Spirit of God wills it.. First light on a pre-determined holographic membrane given a particular course and destiny moving through a zero-energy vacuum without friction or exogenous relativistic effects as if it were in free fall not subject to extra-Universal forces. I would never know if God could experience an eternal recurrence of omniscience. Probably He is without a temporal yardstick for-himself. That yardstick for the passage of time is time-for-others.

Each braniverse required a certain surface tension analogue to stay together with orderly coherence. The primordial vacuum state remained so at the pleasure of God who one infers was the author of any temporal disequilibrium in regard to an orderly neutral mind-field.

I had so many unanswered questions about mass in regard to relativity where it seemed capable of surpassing itself and its own existence. Observations of super-massive black holes have discovered rotational velocity of as high as 84% of the speed of light. Can they spin at light speed? God can transcend all mass and energy and move it into comparatively null space. Mass and energy quantification and qualification are conditional subject to God. If all Universe, time and space that could be were infinite in number for-God, they could fit within an infinitely minimal space area or actually become nothing at all; becoming quality or quantity as He wills it to be.

EU's Tusk Should Work With PM May to Avoid Article 48 Scenarios

The EU Council leadership is unwilling to work with Prime Minister May to modify the Brexit agreement, yet it should work with the British leader. The European Union would like to gain a pile of cash one might believe, at Britain's expense, yet the real concern the EU should have is that British domestic politics threaten to undermine the democratic hegemonic way of life.

Dissidents opposed to the May Brexit deal with the EU want better terms, and of course many oppose leaving. The Eu may hope that latter scenario develops again at Britain's cost.


Parliamentarians seem interested in changing the way government and parliament relate regarding promulgating laws, in order to have their way in rejecting the deal PM May already made with the EU. If that were to happen it is challenging in this era of corporatism as a political philosophy of the day to say where it would end.

German Chancellor Adolph Hitler exploited Hindenberg's Article 58 giving him emergency powers to make The Enabling Act that set his course as dictator. Though Britain is unlikely to go anywhere that far in the years ahead without the May a Brexit agreement it is a sobering, malodorous direction British radicals seem willing to take.

European Council President Tusk can provide enough negotiating room for moderate changes to allow PM May to get the Brexit deal through without major problems if he wishes to. And he should in order to reinforce democracy so far as he can.

Will Mueller Investigate Pelosi Collusion With Mexico Next?

After Special Investigator Mueller completes his Russian collusion investigation of President Trump, will he be given the task of investigating Speaker Pelosi collusion with Mexico? Plainly, Speaker Pelosi seems hell-bent on keeping national borders as easy to cross for illegal aliens and drug smugglers as she can. With four California referees throwing the NFC championship game to the Rams to thwart an honest Saints victory, who knows how far Collusion goes with Mexico from the Speaker from California?

California seems to produce politicians that feel it is their own right to be beyond good and evil. If Speaker Pelosi needs cheap illegal workers for her vast California vineyard then collusion with Mexico just might be what she feels is needed to continue her personal advantage. The likelihood of Pelosi collusion with real Mexican powers to influence legislation is greater than President Trump colluding with Russian agents to swing the U.S. election. That is, it is easier for Mexican interests too influence Nancy Pelosi than for Russians to become U.S. electors that takes McCarthyist paranoia to an extremely neurotic level.


Democrat Party leaders would have us believe the like Frederick III of Saxony aka Fred the Elector, President Putin is actually Prince Vlad the Elector of Muscovy choosing his preferred Presidential candidates of the United States as well as the outcome. Some are incredulous at the presumption of American gullibility and stupidity.


Like the Democrat Party with many whom prefer to get rid of the electoral college because more people live concentrated within vast urban areas dominated by Democrat bacchanalians, Prince Vladimir the Elector would like the U.S.A. to end the electoral college system because it prevents direct voter absolute majority democracy.


Poor Mexican workers can only benefit when illegal labor cannot be easily obtained in the United States. When only legal workers are available on both sides of the border wages will start to rise in the United States and Mexico too. Those southern aristocrats that kept wages down in the south paying slaves nothing except grief continued a similar policy with mass specious arrests and forced convict labor across the south until a couple of decades into the 20th century. The Pelosi preference for loose borders, the Kamala Harris method of high paying government commission appoints after sex with Willie Brown, are elements of a corrupt San Francisco-L.A. swamp of political ethical corruption threatening to become the national way too.


Howard Shultz May Be the Ticket Leader for President

Farmer CEO of Starbucks may be the right billionaire to get the nation squared away. He seems sober enough and if elected might be able to get the nation a good deal on coffee beans from foreign rivals that aren't given Americans a fair coffee break.

Mr Shultz expressed concern about the U.S. public debt of 21 trillion dollars even going so far as to call it reckless. Maybe he hasn't eaten the magic beans and kool-aid required for supply side economics and more tax cuts for the rich- who knows?

He talked about ideas rather than party hack loyalty and that is a good sign. It seems like a game of musical chairs in the White House though and soe day some lucky winner will be their when the economy crashes really solid and Wall Street hits a floor of 10,000 to 15,000 points downward, maybe.

New ideas are useful but ordinary unions and inertia averaged doesn't like that. New to democrats and open minded often means simply queer and dopey. That's the party idea for reform really (and a redefinition of morality along with censorship of dissent).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZWCuFcQSGo CBS story in Schultz campaign 2020

Hitler's S.A. Is a Fascinating History

Hitler's Storm Troopers helped a lot in putting him into power. He didn't purge them until their number had grown to nearly 3 million. They were led by a homosexual named Ernst Rohm. He and other S.A. homosexual leaders were the thugs that knocked down opposition political events and defended Hitler's Nazi rallies. Apparently about 70% were former communists.



The Storm Troopers (Sturmabteilung) were paramilitary. In the first world war actual military units of Storm Troopers were made to generate unconventional tactical ops. After the war they slowly evolved as civilian paraa of former soldiers and beer hall thugs to become a political organizational resource for Nazi empowerment. The German army apparently was limited to just 100,000 soldiers by the armistice agreement.

The S.A. became a worry eventually to German army officers. While Hitler was exploiting article 48 of the Weimar constitution to grant himself emergency powers after being appointed Chancellor (the Nazis were the largest party in the Reichstag) he created the Enabling Act that let him become dictator. Army officers required that he purge S.A. leadership- their purpose was completed. The rising new S.S. was tasked to work the purge of the S.A. Four hundred S.A. leaders were killed in the Knight of the Long Knives in 1934.



Bundesarchiv Bild 146-1982-159-21A, Nürnberg, Reichsparteitag, Hitler und Röhm.jpg
Hitler and Rohm
It is not unlikely that  homosexual former communists believed the German Democratic National Socialist party would help deliver on making the Weimar State a socialist swine utopia getting rid of large private property-estates. Apparently they did not understand Hitler's true political interests-direction.


Grand Prix Attack Against Sicilian in 3M Blitz

I played white in this 3M game

Is Trading Sex for Political Advance (i.e. Kamala Harris) Now Ethical?

Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris apparently had a solid sex relationship with the married speaker and later San Francisco mayor WiIlie Brown. He helped her with three political jobs; two well paying appointments to commissions and a District Attorney campaign. While women trading sex for favors outside of marriage isn't a new thing, using sex to get political boosts raises ethical questions concerning what are valid ways of promoting candidates in a democracy/meritocracy.

Apparently the former S.F. mayor and California State Assembly godfather-operator boosted several well known California politicians including Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi in yet undisclosed ways.






President Trump has experienced withering flamethrower quality criticism of alleged sex relationships that did no include political promotion and then comes along this Kamala Harris clown car of confirmable sex-ethical swampiness that makes the 2020 campaign look like a swamp-sewer with an odor worthy of cancelling the election (to go one better than cancelling the state of the Union address).



Link to an Article on Solar Power News, Forecasts

This is a good article on solar power prospects the next two years etc


Why Democrats Would Close the Government Over the Wall

The federal budget for 2018 was 3.4 trillion dollars. President Trump proposed a 4.47 trillion dollar budget. There are 1000 billion dollars in a trillion. Five or six billion dollars is a tiny, tiny fraction of 3.4 or 4 trillion dollars. For Democrats to shut down the government over such a tiny fractional portion of the federal budget was inexcusable. If President Trump had decided to close the government if Democrats would not eliminate 30 billion from the food stamp program, or shrink military wage 50% that might have been understandable.

Secrets of the Federal Budget Revealed

There are far larger chunks of money at play in Congress every year and Congress is not shut down over such issues. Unless funding is for abortion, murder, homosexual marriage or other heinous criminal activities there is little excuse for shutting a government down. Democrats should have funded the tiny item of meaning to tens of millions of honest American workers and moved on. Democrat Party leadership is corrupt and supports global corruption so long as their leadership is included in the politburo’s prioritization for goodies. Presently they want Hispanic votes and believe that a loose southern boundary best serves mutual Mexican-politburo interests. Some believe they are in collusion with Mexican drug cartels.

There may be payback at some future time when an actual important issue arises that Democrats want. Closing the government will be one way to make sure they don’t get it; even if it costs less than .06 percent of the federal budget. Important issues could arise; making an agricultural zoning law that requires variegated crop production to conserve soil fertility, requiring federal border wall barriers to be producers of solar power’d electricity, building a vast border desalinization of seawater irrigation canal network through evaporation and condensation fresh water generation of 1500 miles in compensation for global warming desertification, making no net loss of wild lands a requirement for building (maybe artificial mountain ranges covered with vegetation would work to comply with the law) etc.

Democrats have chosen to shut down the government over the issue by not signing off on funding for a well constructed slatted fence-wall for political reasons. The ability of cheap labor to illegally invade the United States and undermine supply and demand laws concerning labor satisfies those on Wall Street that have been happy with keeping the minimum wage of the nation from rising more than $5 in fifty years while Wall Street’s index has risen from 850 to 23,000.

Democrat Party leaders are not laborers, they are millionaires that enjoy illegal alien labor themselves in their vineyards, sweatshops, chicken pluking and slaughtering packing plants etc. They don’t give a rat’s a about U.S. labor.
There is no question about the Secure Fence Act of 2006 of the Bush administration increasing national security.The record shows that it did. More barriers will reinforce apprehensions of illegal entrants.

Mexico–United States barrier - Wikipedia

Where natural borders do not exist, physical borders need be constructed. Since the civil war combat engineers around the world have learned to construct earthworks defensive barriers. Democrats prefer electronic methods that require agents to go out and arrest individuals instead of deflecting them. In war for quite a time people liked using land mines rather than physical barriers such as defeated some landing craft at Normandy. Non-explosive, non-electronic methods of making borders to protect labor supply and demand are better than electronic that will fail whenever Wall Street decides it requires another 50,000 cheap workers in a year to gut wage increases versus profit increases for the 1%.

Unscientific Generalities on the Etiology of Religion

  I am very cool on archetypes of collective subconsciousness such as Jung developed as a theory. The concept of projections is equally dubi...