
Howard Shultz May Be the Ticket Leader for President

Farmer CEO of Starbucks may be the right billionaire to get the nation squared away. He seems sober enough and if elected might be able to get the nation a good deal on coffee beans from foreign rivals that aren't given Americans a fair coffee break.

Mr Shultz expressed concern about the U.S. public debt of 21 trillion dollars even going so far as to call it reckless. Maybe he hasn't eaten the magic beans and kool-aid required for supply side economics and more tax cuts for the rich- who knows?

He talked about ideas rather than party hack loyalty and that is a good sign. It seems like a game of musical chairs in the White House though and soe day some lucky winner will be their when the economy crashes really solid and Wall Street hits a floor of 10,000 to 15,000 points downward, maybe.

New ideas are useful but ordinary unions and inertia averaged doesn't like that. New to democrats and open minded often means simply queer and dopey. That's the party idea for reform really (and a redefinition of morality along with censorship of dissent).


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZWCuFcQSGo CBS story in Schultz campaign 2020

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