
Permafrost and Oceans are Warming, Antarctic Ice Melting Faster

Recent reports note a globe of warming features of real concern to those with a little awareness of the environment of the Earth they live in. Instead of just reporting facts that 97% of scientists believe it would be useful to identify those large regions with global warming troubles and work on finding politically pragmatic alternate industries and industrial methods for those people and corporations developing to ill effect those sensitive areas.

Governments need to form perennial think thanks looking for employment solutions for business that should be phased out of particular sensitive areas instead of simply passing laws to protect areas that throw people out of work and then are eventually revoked.

I personally feel there should be no fossil fuel engine use in the high arctic because all that carbon monoxide piling up toward the pole must be bad. Yet the chances for doing anything differently look negligible.





One additional ecosphere challenge is that of land degradation. A report is here...


SDG Academy- free courses on sustainable development online - https://sdgacademy.org/

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