
Democrat-Republican Dialectic of Closed Minds Show Need for Third Party

Democrats would keep the government closed rather than let the President have 5.7 billion dollars more for border security. Plainly there is a need for a tie-breaking third party in government ordinarily.

Brits have coalition parties and show the way parliamentary government is supposed to work stalling implementation of a national referendum and jacking the system to benefit the most rich. Brexit has brought calls for new government yet border security has just brought Speaker Pelosi to demagogic indignity.


A third party might not differ much from the Demo_Republican dialectical evolution of corporatism and scialism unified to concentrate wealth and political power yet it might help bring some ecospheric political progress.

Corporate power controls the media and politics with mass communication control to program the electorate. Democrats have provided Orwellian hate of Russia while seeming to be rabid dogs regarding political theory and priorities. Everyone expects Republicans to just benefit themselves. Conservatives seem somewhat anti-madness yet many are on the Satanic sheet of msic anyway and one could not differentiate them much from Democrats in that regard. Homosexual corporatists seem to be an economic sabotage element glad to break laws for political purposes with internet access technologies. They work like the most conservatives in history toward censorship- lacking any sort of democratic principles of free speech. It is unfortunate that they have politically formed a permanent division within the body politic through a will to intentional domestic political hegemony.

Conservatives often aren't creative enough and resist change that is necessary, positive and utilitarian. Yet rabid, pervasive change and dogish moral norms are not beneficial either. The repression of civil liberties may occur through innumerable avenues.

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