
Initial Content of Hilbert-Vector Space and a Creativity Game

Eventually a better game than chess may model Hilbert -Vector space and players will be aesthetically judged on the creative use of the initial content in it. Math and logic without content are no more than vague theoretical and variable structures. A posteriori content endowed through a time axis provides content that for-itself shall afford theoretical reconfigurations, aesthetically, for artful purposes.


All particle-wave quanta of Hilbert space coexist within the metaset Vector Space
vector space is temporal while Hilbert Space is static.

Mass, even represented as Energy, phenomenally appears only within Vector Space, because time-space-mass are integral. Cutting a slice of Hilbert-Vector Space and relocating it without severing the HVS originating location 'connections' is a problem. So it might indeed be useful to clone HVS content for relocations, although not philosophically satisfying.

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