
The Rich Congress Doesn't Want a Wall

It is ordinary Americans that voted for President Trump that want a wall for security and to slow down illegal cheap labor that keeps wages down for legal workers. Because the cost of being elected is so high- a million and up, congresspersons get fundoing from the rich that own corporations and the congress so they just don't want to actually fund construction of a border security slatted wall.

The Pope too sides with the rich to destroy labor value in the U.S.A.


Those against democracy, sovereignty for nations and security and in favor of imperialism tend to like to divide the body politic of nations they seek to invade. Mexicans too benefit from labor that cannot be relocated illegally in pursuit of scab labor. If North America had no illegal labor wages would rise everywhere. Yet there are those that always seek to corrupt civil society and keep it in stress and strife as if it were s frontier town and workers like whores to be used for the lowest possible cost.

Yet it would be possible to use cheap legal Mexican labor to build a slatted wall and temporarily employ maybe 20,000 Mexican construction workers on the project. U.S. steel might drive up the cost of course, yet maybe Chinese steel could sneak in under the 5.7 billion and get a hundred extra miles built.

Legal Mexican workers paid $8 dollars an hour with Americans allowed to work for that too if they are qualified could expedite construction. Of course Congress is interested simply in enriching the rich, so it is not very likely.

It would of course be better to build a vast left and right wing canal to contain desalinated seawater siphoned from the Pacific ocean with solar powered pumps. Desalination would start in New Mexico under plexiglass  v shaped canal covers to provide water for agriculture and to offset global warming desertification of the S.W.

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