
Such Destiny- a rewrite from 'Pieces of Eight'

John Dwight looked at the branch diagram outlining the lava tube ahead with little interest, distracted as he was with reflections on the illicit, methodical social economic veto of his self-interest objectives by supervening powers . Nevertheless the tube system below the surface of the moon of the main planet of the Diafron system required his attention if he was to complete the journey to a storage area for teacher-robots with jigged programming; unknown to the Aristarchs.

A crusty-cruel coordinator for the Aristarch Department of Offense named Hard Carbon was hunting Dwight. Receiving data and energy through his power anus from the Shenzing float-vehicle soft-dope seat energy plug Carbon followed a vaporous trace trail in the air over the subterranean tunnel network that brought it to a relative exo-stationary synchronization. He saw the mole fugitive John Dwight scurryplinking in futility below. Hard Carbon disdained the whole fugitive political dissident movement that sought reallocation of energy resources from the Aristarchs to the masses of individual poor-poops. Energy, Carbon knew, could only be rationally allocated if in the control of the elites owned all power and managed it righteously for the benefit of the righteous rich.

The threat of existential philosophers arising whom would ignore the intimidation of Aristarch military power contaminating outer worlds needed to be contained. The existential threat terrified military equipment manufacturers across the aristocracy. Poor poops needed to be tolerated for conservation environmentally of their genetic basis that could be exploited to assure the supremacy of the elites that governed development of the Silky Way galaxy. Neither could they could be allowed to exist with unslaved thought  to become an empirical threat to the elite dominion.

John Dwight made his way deeper through the lava tube. It was coated throughout with glow light paint creating a moderate bluish illumination in his eyes. After an hour of taking ecosphere motion trails through the silent, empty variegated cylinders he reached a drop shaft. The original inhabitants of the tube system mined useful resources and deepened and expanded the network. The down fall was broke and without any gel-charges in the wire-tubes to provide electrons for empowerment. He clipped a carabiner onto one intact wire and used a magnetic wedge for a brake then leapt into the darkness to slide a few hundred feet down into the chamber. His sonic ear chip had sounded the depth.
Landing in a modified crouch, John saw a niche at the bottom of the main chamber with a pile of teacher robots piled arms and legs akimbo like detritus moved out of the way by an auto-skidder. Maybe this was the pile with artificial intelligence in an unnaturally altered state?

John Dwight wiped his brow with the back of a hairy hand and gave the first bot he reached a jolt of gel-trons from a tube clipped magnetically on his servo-derm. The bot's artificial intelligence came to life with a light in its eyes.

It spake thus; “And so they reached the age of truth and reconciliation. The D.N.A. of every member of society was freely submitted to the Public Identity Project. The true parentage and genetic history of every member of society was mapped. Occupational percentages of progeny fathering was statistically discerned, and members of the broadcast media were found to have an anomalously high factor of supra-marital progenitor productivity trailing only athletes and politicians in fecundity although with leftist chirility.

Those elites were unhappy with publication of the results of their sexual prowess and quickly suppressed the results with a declaration of martial law. They blamed the facts on subversive terror-revolt of poor distant poops. Yet that was just the start of the war to end mankind. Soon the elites discovered their control of finance and energy provided absolute power politically. With genetic samples of all of humanity in their possession already through free, legally mandatory public health provisions, humanity itself was superfluous.
The genome of any particular individual could be grown,if required for some reason, within a human synthetic uterus, while computers with A.I, could run artificial evolution genomic recombination programs simulating every possible genome that could ever have happened for humanity of humanity and continued to exist. It was thus tin light of the horrible hegemony of the elites taming free humanity that  the first inhabitants of the lava tubes sought refuge from the pandemic conversion of human-kind in the Diafron System. They survived just a few Diafronous years before they were discovered and converted into the ubiquitous and pervasive blood pool.”

Dwight turned the A.I. off and considered the surprising history of this remote and old outpost of the Trittytwillium Empire that had given birth to the first Aristarchs of the Silky Way. As an ordinary poor-poop he became more concerned about his future prospects for security. Yet he was already distrustful of the Aristarchs, so what was new really, he thought?

Hard Carbon banked the Shenzing left and dropped three-thousand feet closer to the dirt of the Diafronous moon. His sensors observed Dwight's movement through the tube tunnels. Carbon noted Dwight's stop at a lower level. He thought that could not mean anything good was happening and choose to directly intervene.

John Dwight's thought wasn’t common for a nin-com-poop in that it was not entirely slaved to thought-minders as was that of nearly all of the poor poops brought into existence to serve Aristarchracy and purely materialist, egoist, expansionist, and unsustainable corporate economics. Dwight had been to the edge of the Silky Way on a few missions. And those regions still had feral free-thinking human poops that may have liberated Dwight's formerly enslaved mind. When Dwight was taken into custody for reprogramming and given a fresh Aristocratic neural minder he could explain where, when and how his pristine enslaved mind had become contaminated with ideas about freedom.

Diafron's moons (of which there were several and variable according to the valuator chart with extra gravitation and resource allocations useful for system management) generally were converted to star photon capture and subversion surfaces among other applications. Physical engineering exploited voltaic materials in regolith that were fused into superconducting surfaces. Moons of Diafron would capture and store sunlight and release it as luminous orbs too if directed so. Hard Carbon's subsurface imaging technology presented Dwight's image as a vapor trail with varying degrees of solid red heat. He wondered what Dwight was thinking.

Truth”, Dwight thought, “is like a tiny sand castle constructed on a beach before a giant wave of lies and deceit crashes upon it to disperse its meaning forever. Organizations produce their own falsehoods and regard them as truth because of their utility for working toward organizational goals with moral righteousness. Union lies always defeat individual and accurate truth. So even if the Aristarchs wipe out humanity of the poop class when their usefulness expires, where does that knowledge go? Where could I find anywhere to live beyond the power of Aristarchus and the Aristarchs?”

Space and time were bound together as a relationship in regard to the deployment of matter and energy of the Universe that was said can neither be created or destroyed. Even virtual particles in space are temporal and potential cohort balances for existing mass and energy. Energy, mass and space-time began together it has also been said, in a primordial singularity (as viewed from within the Universe by some sentient beings in history). Space expanded along with energy and later, mass too as it was converted from energy to a more solid-state form of being. In some respects mass drew space outward with it for several billion years. After 7 billion years from the singularity and inflation, gravity had drawn much mass together and so intergalactic space was left without matter or energy to a vast regions and space newly liberated from the ties of energy and mass was free to expand. Space it seems has a super-fine, non-granular nature of its own.

In the beginning there may have been eight Universes compacted together at a particular point after their useful life spans were completed and matter was allocated to a desolate, low energy state of maximum entropy. In their miserable terminal condition the eight Universes experienced phase shifts with energy cascading into infinite compaction in pervasive, ubiquitous and equal gravity with their dimensions reduced to four  dimensions compacted with mass and then energy vanishing into singularity. Spheres have something three dimensional about them with time adding a fourth dimension. At singularity zero dimensions have potential to skip a spherical phase and expand more than three or four, yet that isn't here nor there for this, my recollection.

Dimensions may be made of different natures or colors. Some may combine easily and other not at all, or may even repel of take reactive configurations. The Universe with the Diafron System and Silky Way Galaxy is a four-brain Universe. That was not entirely disadvantageous for poor poops that were able to free themselves from the reductive powers of Aristarchs. If they only knew.

Hard Carbon was mostly human. The poor poops also were human yet they were as aliens to Carbon. He had changed. Promoted to being from the nothingness of the blood pool of which he had no actual memory, and given a state of the art neural mind control actuator nestled in his cortex that trained his thought to the best killing efficiency deemed appropriate for him by the benevolent Aristarchs, he calculated an intercept course to take down the plainly malfunctioning John Dwight.

The Shenzing A.I. was networked with the moon A.I. controller of its sub-atomic composition and ordered it to part enough to enable a high velocity friction-free penetration of the craft through the lunar surface into its chtonic depths. It slowed to maximum survivable decent speed within 15 meters of Dwight who already was entering a probability exfiltration phase.
Dwight's backpack auto-sensors shot emp grenades and quark fog at the Shenzing that landed in smoking melt-rubble. Dwight's actual position auto-strobed for most opfor sensory targeting systems while he ascended the wire upward. In the Shenzing Hard carbon saw a jackrabbiting prey escaping the close confines of the storage chamber with growing frustration. The will-o-the-wisp soon disappeared through the ceiling while his tracking tech was returning inaccurate locations on the Dwight prey.

In addition to being a moon-sized solar energy collecting and storage surface, Diafron's main moon Enchilada was infused with innate print on instruction nano-tech ops that permitted it to reshape itself into any material form for habitation or utility structures on demand. It presently resembled a ski slope lit eerily with blue-green light. Accelerating his escape to the surface Dwight engaged electro-magnetic leviforward instructions to the wall magnets to propel him faster upward through the tube network. He thought of the unquenchable fires of hell that awaited those that failed to be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ as he discovered in reading of God in the Holy Bible transported from the ancient forerunner Earth world of the Gentiles before the age of the Trittytwillium Empire and the following rise of Aristarchus and his Aristarchs.

So many people had drawn the wrong conclusions from the appearance of Darwin's theory of evolution. They believed that God was dead as a necessary inference from life evolving biologically. The believed the Biblical explanation for the creation of life was incompatible with natural evolution, and that God could not have used evolution for-himself as a creative tool. And further, the lost believed that the book of Genesis could only be understood in terms completely antipathetic to biological evolutionary process; in that they were entirely wrong. The destiny for those without faith in God was eternal hell and that was the thought presently holding John Dwight's focus as he neared the lunar surface. Where could hell be physically located? Perhaps in the singularity at the beginning and end of time?

Below absolute zero physicists speculated that the opposite end of the heat spectrum exists at a virtually infinitely high temperature. Beyond the heat death of the Universe when entropy has dispersed the subatomic quanta so far that individual particles are isolated and the temperature of space is absolute zero, hell awaits either as a membrane phase shift and/or through gravitational re-collapse into singularity.

In a naked singularity of a black hole time and motion virtually stop. Matter and energy are compacted to a condition with less actual energy than that of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Paradoxically, while all the energy and potential mass of the Universe reaches its virtually infinitely small state of motionless, timeless stasis, it takes on the temperature of infinite hell. Because soul mapping continues even into the singularity and no information is lost through conservation of Shannon Entropy criteria, each soul that was not saved with the Lord and taken unto heaven continues as a present mind experiencing eternal hell in the singularity where Satan rules the remnant Universe compacted to a smaller size than 1492 angels dancing on a pinhead could imagine. Information, mass, energy and everything not extracted by God from the Universe unto a special place eventually encounters eternal singularity in hell. Though they had a way out through faith, they would not be saved Dwight thought,with sadness.

Below, or inside the singularity nothing existed besides everything left out of heaven, and information. Beneath the absolute motionless compaction of everything that transformed temperature and time to absolute zero, each was information and infinite heat that the info-minds experienced. Satan clawed through the sentient beings and the information of the Universe in all of its forms as ideas that rose and disappeared as images and ideas with which to torment his faithless captives forever. And the funny thing is, nothing of it was real. Nothing existed outside the minds and information of the singularity that Satan ruled from boundary to boundary that comprised no space-time at all. Such destiny!

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