
Can President Putin Publish What He and Pres Trump Talked About?

It is likely that it was Director of the F.B.I. James Comey who investigated the matter of President Trump possibly working for Russia. Plainly the President of the U.S.A. should work against Russia to help restart the cold war better because a lot of jobs depend on that. New arms need to be built to create prosperous economies. The United States is confused about what direction international relations could or should have taken after the terrible end of the cold war.

In the good old days before President Trump seemed to chummy with President Putin the United States was making progress and renewing hostile relations such as existed with the former Soviet Union. President Reagan isn't around anymore so its o.k. to get a good nuke arms race going and even space-ships of war race.

President Putin; you may be called before the Mueller Investigation to testify as to what President Trump said to you in Helsinki and at any other occasion where it was not on the public record. If you would just send the record to wikileaks it might pre-empt that. Unfortunately it does appear that you won't be asked over to a summit in DC this year or to speak to a joint session of Congress.

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