
ETs Might be Interested in Theology

Maybe aliens would be interested in theology. For instance; Would God's omniscience allow an infinite recurrence of mind or does eternal recurrence have a limit in potentially existing only within matter and time? Though God is non-temporal in his eternal being, are black hole singularities with zero-time at 100% general relativity compaction not restricted to particular spatial locations?  Interesting to consider how omniscience relates to N-dimensions and space-time singularity terminal points.

Because there are millions and more black hole singularities time ends at a vast array of spatial locations, yet how do those ends of time coexist with loose spatial-temporal matter without?  Are all ends of time equal and of equal scale? Do space-time terminal points find appropriate classification within Cantor trans-finite infinity sets? One might believe the zero-points move independently of their outward appearance.. White holes may emerge with being and time letting light be and become, and eventually beings are scheduled at teleologically correct moments to consider it.

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