
Some Dare Call Capitalist Business With Russia Treason*

Sometimes Americans seem like backward hillbillies regarding foreign policy and history. Unfortunately the Democrat Party- a party that seems to be in permanent foreign collusion with illegal aliens and their governments or at least criminal organizers to defeat U.S. national security, feel the need to make the worst sort of McCarthyite accusations against Donald Trump for a domestic political platform. The Anti-Russia phobia of the Democrat Party leaders exemplifies U.S. ignorance of history.

Donald Trump is not a traitor because he is a capitalist. Maybe investing in China or Mexico could be considered treason by the sort of people that believe business with Russia is treason. For myself I felt that President Clinton’s foreign graduate education at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar was a qualifier for treason in a Presidential candidate; he might have ate jellybeans with King George III's face on them.

During the cold war while an Army reservist I took college courses including those for Russian history. A good general historian need learn more than western European history or African history or U.S. history; he need cover all the world including Russian history. Usually Democrats are so bloody ignorant on the topic one might guess they devoted their lifetimes to inhaling bleach fumes.

Democrats might not be able to differentiate Menshivism from Bolshevism or Alexander Nevsky from Alexander Kerensky. They could not recognize that Boris Godunov is not a pseudonym for Boris Yeltsin, and some might believe that Chernyenko was a nuclear plant melt down.

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