
Phenomena of the Edge (poem)


On the edge of the galaxy
time spins like a silent pinwheel
phenomena of life flare for reason
in conversant dialectics of being
arguments about oblivion
and nothingness

  Wars in theories actualize
D.N.A. helixes with conflict
gaps of logic
countercurrent tides in tomorrows
building of the unknown
with pride

  Cycles of theory
for the weary philosophy of history
arises on distant plains
where grass grows and songs flow
in every river of creation knowing
mass, energy and forms

  What is the norm
environmental, evolutionary, teleological theories
discrete and cyclical; what shapes mass social behavior
simultaneous sequences, serials and individuals
-red flowers appear one morn
in spring bloom until the last breath

  Periodic and recurrent causes
of conflict without pauses
energetic pyroclastic flows
with haute greed a glow one knows
factors with inertial needs
for power ‘til nihilism reaches death.

College Campus Protests Capriciously Harm Poor Students

 Political protests should not be allowed on college campuses if they disrupt students from attending classes in a normal atmosphere. College students are adults and like other adults not attending college their protests should be peaceable and held in places that won’t disturb business and government activity. Political protests should instead be safely held in public spaces with permits to assemble or march.

Student protests on campus are stupid. It is as stupid as it would be to for students to hold disruptive protests in front of Ford, GMC or Apple Corp every time there is some foreign event that students are emotional about that is entirely unrelated to Ford, GMC or Apple Core. Only of there is some on-campus element to protest such as janitors not cleaning bathrooms well enough to satisfy privileged students should upper class protesters even consider disrupting campus life.

College is very expensive and many students are poor. They cannot afford to have their studies interrupted without substantial harm and risk to themselves financially. In fact for many poor students attending classes on a schedule is a once in a lifetime opportunity that they can barely afford. Sometimes they need to finish their college program using a credit card to buy food. Students often don’t qualify for food stamps if they are full time students. Partisan Palestinian protesters, or any other political partisans should not target college students for victimization because they don’t like a college or some foreign political activity. They should instead let poor students attend classes without disruption so the non-protesting students can get a job and repay their student loans.

Young people may lack wisdom and be easily duped politically. Many change their political opinions as they age and become more conservative. Education though, if it of quality lasts a lifetime if it is reinforced with lifetime learning. Colleges and students should be allowed to proceed regardless of extraneous politics. When college students to choose to protest it should not be on the campuses that prepare students for a lifetime ahead. Instead they could assemble in a field someplace like Woodstock and boycott classes, as if they were a union on strike, and let strikebreakers and independents continue to work on making academic progress.

Obviously students aren’t a union and colleges aren’t employers. Even when unions strike a large business though, they are not allowed to forcibly lock it up by forming barriers to prevent non-participating workers from entering. Yet the radical Palestinian supporters have acted to prevent normal college academic and graduation procedures from taking place, and that is simply wrong.

Graduate students face even worse dangers from on-campus protesters. Grad school is very costly and the financing is not nearly as available as undergraduate work (grades 12-16). I sought financing for graduate school for a couple decades before quitting the search after contracting pneumonia while homeless in Anchorage one winter. In Houston twenty years before I had to drop out of graduate school after a semester because my student loan didn’t arrive- so all I got was debt to repay and no parchment. Graduate school is an entrepreneurial activity and like any start up small business can be terminated by unforeseen disruptive events; plague, famine, pestilence, tornadoes, hurricanes and Palestinian on-campus protesters.

The United States already has experienced a national decline in its student academic scores in comparison to other nations. Retarding college students with mass student protests- and not all protesters are students, by preventing them from peaceably going about academic activities simply shouldn’t be allowed to happen.

Rationalism, Existentialism and The Matrix

In a way rationalism, idealism and existentialism are three sides of the same coin (maybe using some Riemannian geometry). I would like to say that Rene Descartes work in writing Meditations on a Method with the cogito ergo sum ‘sound bite’ sort of approach to examining mind and reality (of subjective perceptions) with first principles (with-oneself,from oneself, for-oneself) is the foundation of rationalism. Yet one knows that reason and cogitation about objects and/or perceptions is a rational activity. Descartes simply was the first philosopher to apply disciplined rational principles to examine the phenomenon of mind at its source. Jean Paul Sartre followed Descartes's path of investigation three centuries later.

Before getting to Sartre and his tome ‘Being and Nothingness’ I should detour to a bit of sight-seeing to Bishop Berkeley and his ‘invention’ of idealism in his ‘Three Dialogues’ (of Hylas and Philonous). Berkeley named his work ‘ideaism' and that morphed into idealism. Idealism of course has a more popular application entirely unrelated to the meaning of ideaism. Idealism in the popular use refers to lofty ideals that one pursues regardless of the crude political facts of life (wherein lofty ideals are showpieces in politics rather than things actually applied). I am considering Berkeley’s ideaism here rather than the political slum of debasements of democracy that are anathema to idealists).

Berkeley seems to have applied the rationalism or existentialism of Descartes ( I should have described that relationship before that of Berkeley’s ideaism for purposes of clarity. Yet I would need to have simultaneous dual threads more suitable for a flowchart) theologically. Because I can’t use retro-causality in the human history of ideas without fiction, I can’t say that Berkeley applied Sartre’s existentialism with theological filters. If he had one might say that Berkeley examined Sartre’s existential, rational perspective of the ‘empirical world’ objectively, considering its causality Berkeley speculated that the entire experience of reality could be produced by God for the experience of human minds. 

  Berkeley’s ideaist paradigm is quite comparable to that of The Matrix. Except instead of a benevolent God creating and exciting and challenging experience for humanity to exist in; one in which their character in part serves to write some of the script of reality, evil artificial intelligence using machines and technology have made a fake world that humans are deceived in. Berkeley’s ideaist parameters converted to the usual worst case human trajectory of evil and adversity following and consistent with original sin.

Sartre’s modern rationalist paradigm described in ‘Being and Nothingness’ advanced Descartes's verificationist method of considering reality based entirely in subjective epistemology to the empirical world. Rather than re-litigating Descartes's verificationist approach to determining if one’s apparatus of thought and perception was valid or true, Sartre seems to have implicitly stipulated those parameters and taken the practical approach of describing how and what one experiences in the self-evident empirical world that provides experience and content to the perceiver. Sartre’s paradigm was named by moderns Existentialism. 

Existentialism utilizes Bishop Berkeley's adaptation of Descartes' rationalism that Berkeley had transferred to the empirical world providing immersive experience for the perceiver. Berkeley considered the complete complex of compresence (Russell’s term) of experience and speculated upon its metaphysical supports. Sartre considers the complete complex of experience with an explanatory application of mechanics; differentiating and inventorying categories of content of experience without the metaphysics of Berkeley or the metaphysical doubt of Descartes. Sartre considers the mechanics or content of objective perceptions; not the neurological, epistemological or metaphysical.

That raises one final point concerning Plato and Aristotle. Following the work of pre-Socratic predecessors like Parmenides and Heraclitus, Plato and Aristotle considered the empirical world. In the day, at least outside the Jewish nation with their cosmological description given in the book of Genesis, philosophers were required to invent their own cosmologies. Some simpler cosmologies were innovated with inferences from pagans such as greater, superhuman beings (like Thor) need to exist to manufacture all of the phenomena of the Universe of experience. Philosophers and even pagan religiosity extrapolated causes from the observed phenomena of the empirical world.

Reasonable observations would see recurrent patterns and forms in nature. Plato experiencing recurrent forms and patterns in nature inferred the existence of a metaphysical library of forms, or patent office of forms, from which everything materially existing was a copy (although imperfect copies because the library or patent office office forms lasted eternally while copies in the world broke down, aged, died etc.). Aristotle began the work of classifying the kinds of forms that exist making observations of nature inventing scientific classification of biological species. He also invented formal logic and syllogisms. Followers believed that syllogistic reasoning about material objects and forms was entirely integrated and accurate. Modern investigations demonstrated that words including logic are labels applied to the existential experience. Yet of course science has also conducted empirical investigations into the mechanics of the field of objects and fields experienced (i.e. quantum mechanics).

That was the final interesting point to consider; Plato’s metaphysical inferences about the support for observed forms is comparable to string theory’s metaphysical inferences with mathematics and extra-dimensions to explain observed forms and problems in the quantum world (such as gluons, quarks, hadrons, gravity etc.). Although string theorists haven’t yet reached Aristotle’s level of classifying observed forms (as votaries of the Copenhagen Interpretation (classical quantum physics) have accomplished with the zoo of atomic and sub-atomic particles, the work so far is intriguing and stimulated a range of new metaphysical speculation concerning the nature of the Universe presented to experience experience for the mind, body and soul (perhaps a soul is the unique data comprising a human beings life).


After the Space Odyssey (a poem)


The blob do’ozed its way
over the black lagoon
battling zilla
the brain that wouldn’t die
a lost world was lost

  An invasion of the carrot people
with the 50 foot woman
under crabs conquering Santa Monica
-oh Monica can you surf
20, 000 leagues under the sea

  Michael Renie the world policeman
after the 2001 space odyssey
was defunded with Gort
retention of orders
the thing is
the war of the worlds
a forbin project
wasn’t on the forbidden planet
of Dr. Strangelove.


Age and Immigrant Status Verification Software

 The state of Alaska legislature is in the process of developing restriction for access to pornography sites such that age verification would be required, as well as to create a social media account. One couldn’t just become a twitter tor X user without parental consent. Besides asking age sites might want to know if a user is a citizen of the U.S.A. or works for the Chinese Ministry of State Security or whatever. Does any government really know who lives in the U.S.A. these days, and do the left care? recently read a novel centering on the concept of genetic engineering and hacking to grind out upgrades to one’s own genome under the table. There was also a more concerning idea of actors using ethnic genomic strings for triggers in manufactured, synthetic lethal viruses.

So I wondered about commercial requirements for age verification and where that might lead. Would age and identity verification include demands for D.N.A. samples, fingerprints and iris scans eventually since they can have surplus value for social tracking and compiling a D.N.A. database for the world (useful in the novel for eliminating dissidents).

Identity and age verification could evolve to that stage because it should become too easy to produce and market fake I.D. generating software. With I.D. templates for each state included in a package for a couple easy payments of $19.95 a consumer might produce thousands of fake I.D.s that would pass the computer camera upload to age verification software.

State government I.D. templates in fake I.D. generating software would let the consumer drop his real photo, the photo of what he would look like in a decade, or an artificial intelligence generated image of a qualified individual of any race. For simplicity the program might have an A.I. select matching ethnic, name, address, photo, fingerprint and other identifiers that though fictitious are credible. If the A.I. database is expanded to include state birth and death records the capacity for the A.I. to spoof I.D.s would be nearly without limit for practical purposes of deceiving commercial requirements for age verifying I.D.s

Paper dollars are difficult to counterfeit because of the physical medium. If all that were required was a photograph of a dollar counterfeiting would become unlimited and the dollar as insubstantial as those electronic entities passed by the Federal Reserve to commercial banks as zero interest loans, simply of no value though. Government should not solve one new tech problem with solutions that create a cascade of other problems that they apparently don’t foresee.

Porn Stars, Politicians and Journalists on Retainer

 The show trial of former TV star of The Apprentice Donald Trump for declaring payments to a journalist to be retainer payments to a lawyer raises interesting points about why the rich can get tax deductions for retainers and why lawyers are regarded as superior to other workers in regard to qualification for tax deductions. If Mr Trump had paid a cousin a million dollars a year and declared that a legal retainer instead of modest payments for retaining a journalist to suppress dubious newspaper articles about him it is probable that Mr. Trump, or Mister Donald as might be said in Disneyland, would be on the campaign trail instead of being in the public stocks in a manner of speaking, for journalists to pie.

The rich can afford to pay a retainer to a barista to make that special latte when or wherever they need one. They can keep an illegal alien on retainer to stand in line to buy a bus or concert ticket for them sparing hours of agony. The special illegal alien agent knows how to cut out those line cutting illegal aliens with skill and their services are valuable, yet New York tax law would socially discriminate between retainers paid to upper class lawyers and patrons and services provided by poor baristas yearning to breath free.

While poor students struggle to find payments for community colleges rich students at Columbus college in New York coalesced as if they were Young Nazis for Hamas to hate Israel with raucous protests while giving tenting a bad name and being considered for student loan forgiveness for loans exceeding the lifetime earnings of some ostracized, homeless poor people earn in a lifetime.

While rich anti-Jewish college students are skipping classes to degrade the academic quality of the U.S.A. in support of a terror organization that beheaded babies, the President of the United States has promised to find ways to cancel more than $100,00 each for loans of the Columbus students in an effort to buy their votes in November. News update; Joe Biden almost always forgets campaign promises after being elected. In fact he forgot being Vice President of the United States.

If Hamas isn’t removed from power in the Gaza more terrorism and war will probably return in a few years with more and probably greater numbers of civilian casualties because weapons keep improving in quality. Hamas uses civilians as bargaining chips to remain in power. Badly educated American students are the best military survival tactic for Hamas available now. Hamas hopes to keep sanctuary in Southern Gaza in order to return to full political over over all the Gaza after Israel troops withdraw. In the next conflict they are likely to attack Israel when clouds of buzzing drones assembled beneath hospitals in weapons laboratories. Students might ask themselves what the world would be like today if Adolph Hitler and his loyalists had found a lasting sanctuary in Munich 1945 because the League of Nations had wanted to prevent civilian casualties of people that had voted Adolph Hitler Chancellor of Germany.

Honest working poor janitors attending the same school might provide great clean up skills and be put on retainer by Donald Trump yet New York tax law would dishonor the janitor’s social value and declare them unequal and unfit for being on retainers for purposes of tax deductions in comparison to lawyers. Journalists are regarded by tax laws as inferior beings and citizens in comparison to lawyers.

Certainly one might stipulate that American broadcast journalists have the lowest Graduate Records Exam scores of any college major or minor field of study and that they are the least trusted ‘people’ of all American occupations. Ordinary people may hate their perfidy, Machiavellian neon-racketeering organized crime approach to ‘news’ with dittoed sycophancy yet fair minded citizens must ask; are they really inferior human beings in comparison to lawyers? If the Donald had given excellent janitors the payments instead of a journalist New York prosecutors might have let him do a Michael Jackson moonwalk from court instead of a John Gotti perp walk to court. Prosecutorial discretion allows vast left wing conspiracies to come out from the shadows and sewers into broad daylight as if given Wesley Snipes inoculations against vampirism.

Were lawyers deemed essential workers during the Covid 19 pandemic? When people were dying in New York and hospitals full, when the unknown effects of the virus were substantial and grocery store clerks risked their lives, especially if they were older. Could Donald Trump have received a tax deduction for keeping a grocery store delivery clerk on retainer if he had afforded to keep food delivery workers on retainer, and get a tax deduction equal to that of the dubiously essential lawyer the state prefers?

How can a retainer for a lawyer be essential if the poor cannot afford to keep one? Couldn’t the rich equally benefit from public defenders as the poor hired on the spot? Is there such a shortage of lawyers that the rich need have tax deductions to keep one retained on reserve while the poor can’t afford to keep a box of crackers on reserve?

Equal protection of the law is necessary for a democracy. Lawyers, baristas, janitors and grocery clerks provide equally valuable services, or ought to before the law. While it is challenging to claim that a porn star is an essential worker and service, or that a broadcast journalist is a better quality human than a porn star, the law should regard them as equally entitled to tax exempt status on someone’s tax form declared for being paid a retainer. One should be free to pay a retainer or reservation for services to a member of any occupation and receive an equal tax exemption, or none should receive them at all.


Mr. Trump and the Retainer Paid to a Journalist

 So far as I have learned Donald Trump is on trial for 34 counts of paying a journalist not to publish bad news about him. Trump's attorney apparently called it a legal retainer instead of a journalist retainer on New York tax forms, yet if the deduction would be the same in any case what is the difference? Trump is said to have paid some sort of National Enquirer executive to have repressed bad stories. The public was led to believe that Mr. Trump's bag man/lawyer wearing a trench coat was meeting Story Daniels- a porn star- in dark wet New York City alleys late at night to pay her "hush money" for services rendered to the candidate.

Donald Trump's 2016 campaign expenses legitimately included suppressing bad propaganda/news as well as promoting good propaganda/news. The cost of bad publicity declaring Trump a lem could have assured his election loss. bad publicity from journalists can destroy business and lives. A sociologist once said in a college course that if a community forms a bad opinion about one through gossip and propaganda the best thing to do for the individual is to move.

So Mr. Trump is sitting in a New York City courtroom instead of being on the campaign trail because the Democrat state of New York found some legal language it can charge him with. Retainers paid to journalists should be regarded as equal to those paid to lawyers. Each serve as mouthpieces to the public putting out good or bad words in relation to how they are paid. All of the oft repeated "thirty-four felony counts" will exact a costly toll on the Republican party candidate at the polls even if the blue state jury acquits him of the charges in its own sweet time.


Extrusions of Planetary Sphere(oids)


The hill to mount
beauty inviting a climb
where snow is covering
volcanic slopes
with gravity gracefully syruping flow
from upward where I should go

Tectonic surges compiled urges
to be and not to be
beyond questions of pain or blister
barren hills and high desert will
not a drop of water in hell
or communists do tell

Anything about summits that free
with trails covered in vines and forests
waterfalls and broken trees
deadfall delays and pointless concerns to see
atop is downhill, another side
thinner air and something with pride

Proprietary rights dashed by communal plans
as organisms take over what is left of man
the vertex is a corner
for temporal mourners
who’ve assembled from a burbled deficit financed base
to become Zarathustras of no other place.

Former Presidents Can't Get An Unbiased Jury

A former President of the United States cannot get a fair trial in America. The jury pool is also the electorate and lived under the former President’s power and policy. The electorate tends toward liking or hating former Presidents in relation to how the Man or woman’s policies affected them.

For every prospective juror the politic and policies of the former President form part of the life experience of the juror.  Jurors don’t usually have a pre-existing subjective relationships with those a trial's defendant. For jurors the politics of a former President comprise part of his or her character. If they hated the policies they hate the former President and vice versa.

Richard Nixon could never have found an unbiased juror in the nation if he had faced a criminal trial brought by democrats who largely hated him as much as they hate Donald Trump. If Joe Biden loses the 2024 election and runs again in 2028 some voters would prefer that hate his policies wouldn’t mind if he were convicted of a few hundred felony counts of and sentenced to hard labor and isolation at Devils Island though ts unlikely that Republican prosecutors would cook up charges as have Democrats for former President Trump. 

Barrack Obama brought to trial would not find an unbiased jury in America. Prospective Democrat jurors interviewed in the courtroom in the Presence of Barrack might feel a tingle run up their legs or answer voir dire questions with rising inflection at the end of a sentence to make any sort of statement sound like a question. Republicans against homosexual marriage, abortion and fomenting foreign wars that cause hundreds of thousands of casualties might be disgusted with Mr. Obama before they even heard a word from the jury box about the criminal issues of the trial.

Those jurors that claim to be unbiased perhaps are liars or self-deceiving. Judges and prosecutors too may have implicit bias shared with jurors of the electorate in addition to that of being appointed to their job by Democrat or Republicans working within the policy guidelines of the former President. A former President is the one American who cannot get an unbiased jury within the borders of the United States- not even illegal aliens that hate Donald Trump for building a border security wall or love Joe Biden for sending the money for a border wall to stimulate war in Europe and gamble that Armageddon won’t be a fallout derivative of the chaos and economic disaster instead would be unbiased f they had the chance to be on the jury of a former President.

Spinning Buckets and Relativistic Quantum Spin

 Isaac Newton’s spinning bucket experiment efforts like those of the pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Heraclitus (no they weren’t partners) examined the nature of the volume that is space. If one spun a bucket half full of water around in a circle at the end of a rope somewhere in the void would gravity or centrifugal force keep the bucket’s water at the bottom? One might wonder about quantum spin and how the fields in which quantum spin are affected or drawn in a special direction comparably.

We would say space-time rather than just space, yet that may be a convention too as time seems like a secondary rather than a primary quality of space and mass. Time cannot appear without mass, energy or matter to act upon with differential values in relation to the location and characteristics of mass. If mass in one or two dimensional fields pass through other 2 dimensional surfaces that may create the appearance of time and relative motion at present points of juxtaposition

Paradoxes of unknown compositions of gravity, fields and dimensions raise more theoretical structures to consider. For instance, could dimensions entailing fields be inserted through stars and their nuclear furnaces to absorb energy and transfer it far beyond the star in coherent charged particle streaming; could fields be structured with dimensions forming flat two-dimensional surfaces passing through stars going in one side and out the other for millions of miles like vast charged microscope slides?

One might wonder about the nature of the volume that contains a Universe or Universes or any possible configuration of Universes including a Multiverse. Typically physicists tend to describe the configuration of matter (or anti-matter) and energy existentially and phenomenally as if only mass and energy existed rather than a volume of space. It seems rather plain that a volume of space- a truly empty void- that hosts the Universe, doesn’t figure into calculations of modern cosmology. Instead various fields arising from an initial solitary unified field; one indubitably made of energy- a singular sort and condition of energy, pervades the expanse of the Universe. The Universe exists only as far as the fields expanding from the initial singular unified field at T=0 (Time equals 0) have traveled. Those fields may be encountering unknown content within the true void or not.

There are many interesting points about the four basic fields of the Universe to consider. Gravity is said to have split off first followed by the strong force. The strong force split and released the electroweak force dividing into the Weak force and electromagnetism and the Higgs Field arose. Apparently each of these fields must equally pervade the entire Universe, yet they may induce local field phenomena that appear in the presence of entangled mass and energy.

Did gravity actually split off? For a moment consider Einstein’s criterion of space being warped or curved by concentrated mass with gravity. It isn’t space that is curved though it may appear so. Instead mass has quanta existing outside of it as if mass were an aircraft carrier battle group with a carrier at the center surrounded by a constellation of smaller defense ships. There is a thicker cloud of particles surrounding concentrations of mass that entangle or deflect photons and other particles traveling near it. It could be that the field in which those particles exist is warped in relation to mass or that the quantity of waves or virtual particles that exist in the field statistically attract particles traveling near the mass to alter their course in proportion to the quantity of ‘virtual’ particles in proximity to the mass concentration.

What is called space-time is different than the volume of void that hosts it. Space-time mass and energy are regard as having four dimensions, yet no one knows what a dimension is or if it is made of anything. The field-energy filling the entire Universe, or making the entire Universe is thicker and thinner in various regions as far as mass, dark matter, energy and dark energy go.

Overall one might expect that field content logically should be generally equally distributed in all directions from T=0 expansion though not exactly. Because energy is charged it could cancel out through various means such as matter and anti-matter contacts and spin anisotropy and generate uneven distribution. It is also the case that energy becoming entangled in the Higgs field generates the appearance of mass, and mass is a secondary characteristic of the fields that comprise the Universe rather than primary.

It is possible that there is a difference between primary and secondary fields and field phenomena. The speed of light is the fastest possible speed for matter or energy entangled in the Higgs field, yet the primary fields are not subject to the laws of general relativity perhaps- unlike possible secondary field like electro-magnetism. Gravity itself may be just a field generated phenomena and a secondary phenomena without a graviton to transfer its power. It is a good idea not to consider laws as primary and real physical things when philosophically contemplating structures of cosmology.

Some wonder about the spooky action at a distance of quantum entanglement. Mass in one location may entangle quanta with quantum mass at a distance. Perhaps the concatenated quantum entanglement of mass with other mass at a distance faster than light creates a secondary effect of mass attracting other mass at light speed. Light speed would be slow in comparison to the faster than light status of primary fields hosting the matter and sub-light speed energy of the Universe. Gravity waves would be generated by mass quantum entanglement comparable to the way that waves may be generated in the water of a swimming pool by a mechanical push at one end of the pool even though water is made up of individual particles/molecules. Gravity waves in the normal human universe of experience reflect mass quantum entanglement occurring in primary fields faster than light and lacking the spatial distance values inherent in the subluminal Universe of mass.

Still it is interesting to consider a bucket whirled at the end of a rope half full of water that is in empty space. There is a problem with the definition of empty space affecting the outcome of the experiment. If the bucket was spun in this Universe it would be acted on by fields pervading this Universe. If it was truly in the void that hosts the Universe and the Universe did not exist (just the bucket and the experimenter) then the experiment and the bucket would be quite anomalous. There would be micro-gravity in this Universe, while in the true void not even the experimenter or bucket could exist- since they are generated from quantum field effects of entanglement in a Higgs field.

Some experimenters and theorists have conjectured about extra-dimensions- maybe smaller ones, that might exist in the Universe in order to explain the structure of matter. Beside the obvious problems that appear when considering time as a dimension with factors of general relativity at the quantum scale, there is the problem of the nature of the void that hosts the Universe. How many dimensions does it have and could a Universe appearing within it have more dimension than the pure space-void? Can a true void host infinite numbers of dimensions?

I believe some physicists have said that a pure-void does not exist and that only matter and energy exist even if it is stretched very thin. Plainly though fields are primary and exist although in what form is to a degree still unknown. Fields exist and dimensions exist at least within the space-time of the Universe where matter and energy arise in a Higgs field.

Maybe the host fields don’t have the same dimensions as the contingent Universe we live in (entangled as mass in a Higgs field). Because they are not like this Universe spatially, there is no distance comparable to the scales of this Universe. Light speed is not a meaningful speed in fields without distances based on mass relations (a contingent phenomenon). The fields as separate from the one singular field may be stacked together like layers in computer chips and convey information in a different way. For a trivial example horizontally and vertically rather than in a simple line vector. Non-linear time passage based on a stacked, layered field information would perhaps be different than that of inertially driven mass with relativistic time such as occurs with special relativity combined with general relativity. Plainly though stacked four dimensional time is compatible with general relativity.

I wonder about the basic question; can this Universe have more dimensions than that of the true void, and I think the answer is no. If a true, logical void has just three dimensions and one of time then it probably wouldn’t be possible to construct a 23 dimension or 230 dimension material Universe within it. Mathematicians obviously can construct multi-dimensional models simply changing a number value- a variable. That sort of Multiverse might have no corresponding value in the Universe.

Aristotle believed that words have a necessary relation to real objects and that logic would therefore bring true results when formulating logical equations about ‘objects’ of the real world. Subsequent logicians discovered that words and material objects haven’t a necessary relationship at all. That paradigm probably exists between mathematical models of quantum cosmology and actual quantum cosmology. It is a great tool that applied probabilistically for making judgments provides valuable insight, yet fails the kind of rigorous logical tie that Aristotle sought when inventing classical logic (although some dispute that he invented classical logic).

A logical volume of absolute space would seem to have three spatial dimensions. A physicist friend of Einstein's said that human life couldn’t exist in a Universe with more than three dimensions and one of time. That judgment was made concerning the structure of quantum particles yet if one consider a true void- primary empty space without fields with more than three spatial dimensions- perhaps six or more it becomes increasingly difficult to imagine a coherent Universe structure existing within it.

Could dimensions rather than being fields of some unknown nature that exist in a true void be better compared to vector-directions? Within a three-dimensional unbounded true void their might be a veritable Cantorian infinite number of vector-dimensions radiating out of some central point (for simplicity in visualizing the structure) or existing in an infinite number of other ways like straight spaghetti strands of some thicker or thinner value than others. So while a Universe built from three strands of spaghetti-like dimensions added together could be elected to build a universe in, there could be thinner, smaller spaghetti strands mixed with it at the quantum level to support loop quanta or something like mini-spaghetti strings. A Quantum Chef of spaghetti-sauce may explain the secret recipe someday.

U.S.A. Doesn't Need to Support N.A.T.O. Members that Attack Russia

The N.A.T.O. treaty the US is signed into should not obligate the. U.S.A. to join into wars and military conflicts started by N.A.T.O. membe...