
Phenomenalism and Realism

Quine said he was a physicalist once when asked. Yet he’s also a realist concerning math. I believe people are entanglements in the Higgs field as is all matter. There isn’t anything unless it’s spirit that would outlast the structural change of the field…maybe not even information.

Eventually, like one of those disappearing knots everything returns to two dimension massless waves with probabilities of being somewhere and that may become just space and nothing.

Once after an  abcessed tooth developed I discovered that eating chocolate would make me lose balance and I would slowly fall to the ground tilting left with my mind seeming to break apart into quarters. It was a terrible experience that would go away when my head was on the ground.

That made me aware of the phenomenal temporality of mind.  I went to an orthodontist and got the tooth pulled. The experience disappeared yet I remember.

In late October 2018 I took a 13 foot boat south from Juneau 160 miles with a 2.5hp outboard. Wind and waves came up in Stephens Passage/Taku Inlet and I had to basically surf the vessel across crests and trough side seas for an hour until nearing Slocum Inlet. I prayed all the way across. It was phenomenal. One error and the boat capsizes in cold water, yet it worked out dry. That too made existence seem more phenomenal, comparing analogously a ram entangled in a bush to life entangled in the Higgs Field.

So I have faith in God yet still have interest in ‘reality’ and its nature. Having read Plato as my first philosophy I regard the realm of forms as a kind of template for quanta so far as humans can consider it. I tend to leave the location of data storage for blueprints with God for I have no idea where actual abstract universals would be physically stored in this Universe.

Husserl wrote 'Logical Investigations'. A tome on philosophy as rigorous science. I am not sure that he achieved proving the point. He did create phenomenology though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Husserl

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