
Mind, Matter and Analytic Philosophy

Is there an abstract world such as exists in imagination or a Platonic realm of ideas? Alternatively a tie coat.might exist in language to cover the world with solar voltaic paint metaphorically speaking. The point where mind and conscious, abstract thought merges with matter would be insensible and non- sentient. Sentience in the border would discontinue. Quine”s analytic approach is still valid regarding epistemology paradigmata. People do perceive matter in their own way. Matter fir-itself is probably completely dark.

There are some vicious attacks on Analytic Philosophy. I found a reference to APS- the immune syndrome attacks healthy cells. Ad hominems do that; lysergic attacks. Analytic philosophy isn’t psychotic. Ayer should have thought of that as a defense for empiricism. Quine’s reasoning seemed correct on language to me. Ontological relativity and other essays was a great collection. Maybe from the Tarner lectures. The meanings of words have nominal values with use and can evolve or disappear rather than last forever in a realist sense. Kripke had a neo-realist opinion that was reasonable too. Neither were the least psychotic.

Bringing naturalist epistemology into the discussion was helpful. Apparently Quine is credited with inventing the term  I need to read more on that subject and discovered much material. I tend to view the human experience as one of existing within quantum fields providing sensations for sentients composed in them. https://iep.utm.edu/nat-epis/

Quine’s point of view is based on logical analysis of language and ideas about it including the concepts made with language about ‘reality’. I agree that after invalidating empiricism it just left matters there instead of providing a replacement model. Ideas arise in mind rather than in sensations though sensations may  prompt ideas

Charles Sanders Pierce invented pragmatism. C.S. (pronounced purse). He had an interesting life and was fired from a teaching job at Johns Hopkins for marrying a Romani.

There is use of Pierce's scientific method criteria in contemporary applications in programming and tech

 People have commented it is similar to the OODA loop.

On mind Pierce considered ideas to form in a trielectical evolution psychologically.

Perhaps he was influenced by Hegel- that isn't likely though.


He ended up living "in near penury". I wonder if the Quine-Putnam 'indispensability argument to categorize math as realist is an example of pragmatic reasoning.

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