
The Energy of Space-time?

People are part of space-time. They do not possess it. Humans are privileged or, alternatively penalized to experience time.

Energy may be a measure, yet it can refer to mass changing form;  E = m c2 as in radiation from uranium for example. Semantics for non- scientific lexicons can make practical discussions difficult. People sometimes call electrons flowing in a wire ‘energy’.

Fields exist, and the Higgs field exist with two dimension particle-waves slowing and entangled in it seeming to have a third dimension, so energy measurements are contingent selections of the relationships of apparent yet not actual energy?

I don’t know if the total quantity of energy in the Higgs Field ever changes due to the conservation of energy. Gravity may be a space-time curvature attribute or a residual of the unified field, while the strong force, electroweak and Higgs field are in some way joint progenitors of the quark era? One might wonder if quarks are energy, or strings and if there isn’t some kind of solipsistic barrier physically at some level of reduction to fundamental substance-matter-energy.

Mass is the amount of matter of an object. Energy is the amount of work it can do. Quarks are classified as fermions with half not zero spin. In some ways they seem like circular descriptions for noumena at the core of matter. It's hard to regard a field of massless particless as matter- like photons carrying force in an eng field  

Quarks are fermions. Mass, like energy, is also a measurement. Photons have zero mass and are classed as bosons because they carry force. Apparently matter is the only 'substance'. Gluons and quarks are classed as fermions because they build matter. Fields existed prior to gluons and quarks. Those fermions put on mass in the Higgs field. I believe the interaction of two-dimensional particle-waves in the Higgs field including photons with their 'timelessness' is interesting to consider.

I believe some would like to regard space-time to be the source of everything in-itself that in various phases emits or allows divisions of packets of virtual energy to become temporally existent independently leading to universes with ‘mass’. I cannot say where all that space-time in-itself evolved to…probably nowhere I think of a soul as information. God backs up that data perhaps…ssds haven’t enough storage capacity

About Christ in Collossians 1- "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. 19  For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell."

God always existed, yet the universe has time and had a beginning.

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