
True Belief is Knowledge

 Maybe the kernel of the issue is; can anyone ever have absolute certainty? Probably not. That would be a belief (of absolute certainty)…wait a minute- cogito ergo sum. True belief does require verification.

Human makes speculative formula about supernatural. If x then not x because x equals not x.; find the value of x. Maybe that’s a wrong expression so I’ll try again.

Human makes proposition about supernatural or undefined literal term and factors (rewrites) the expression. The simplification of the proposition is less difficult than multiplying the irrational numbers by half of the value of natural numbers, yet more difficult than deciding if eleatic paradox prime numbers are beyond good or evil. The product is for human consumption as they factor out God from equation and sleep better knowing calculations are perfect and convincing. A is necessarily B because C follows B and A follows C. If that isn’t persuasive enough then…

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