
Porn Stars, Politicians and Journalists on Retainer

 The show trial of former TV star of The Apprentice Donald Trump for declaring payments to a journalist to be retainer payments to a lawyer raises interesting points about why the rich can get tax deductions for retainers and why lawyers are regarded as superior to other workers in regard to qualification for tax deductions. If Mr Trump had paid a cousin a million dollars a year and declared that a legal retainer instead of modest payments for retaining a journalist to suppress dubious newspaper articles about him it is probable that Mr. Trump, or Mister Donald as might be said in Disneyland, would be on the campaign trail instead of being in the public stocks in a manner of speaking, for journalists to pie.

The rich can afford to pay a retainer to a barista to make that special latte when or wherever they need one. They can keep an illegal alien on retainer to stand in line to buy a bus or concert ticket for them sparing hours of agony. The special illegal alien agent knows how to cut out those line cutting illegal aliens with skill and their services are valuable, yet New York tax law would socially discriminate between retainers paid to upper class lawyers and patrons and services provided by poor baristas yearning to breath free.

While poor students struggle to find payments for community colleges rich students at Columbus college in New York coalesced as if they were Young Nazis for Hamas to hate Israel with raucous protests while giving tenting a bad name and being considered for student loan forgiveness for loans exceeding the lifetime earnings of some ostracized, homeless poor people earn in a lifetime.

While rich anti-Jewish college students are skipping classes to degrade the academic quality of the U.S.A. in support of a terror organization that beheaded babies, the President of the United States has promised to find ways to cancel more than $100,00 each for loans of the Columbus students in an effort to buy their votes in November. News update; Joe Biden almost always forgets campaign promises after being elected. In fact he forgot being Vice President of the United States.

If Hamas isn’t removed from power in the Gaza more terrorism and war will probably return in a few years with more and probably greater numbers of civilian casualties because weapons keep improving in quality. Hamas uses civilians as bargaining chips to remain in power. Badly educated American students are the best military survival tactic for Hamas available now. Hamas hopes to keep sanctuary in Southern Gaza in order to return to full political over over all the Gaza after Israel troops withdraw. In the next conflict they are likely to attack Israel when clouds of buzzing drones assembled beneath hospitals in weapons laboratories. Students might ask themselves what the world would be like today if Adolph Hitler and his loyalists had found a lasting sanctuary in Munich 1945 because the League of Nations had wanted to prevent civilian casualties of people that had voted Adolph Hitler Chancellor of Germany.

Honest working poor janitors attending the same school might provide great clean up skills and be put on retainer by Donald Trump yet New York tax law would dishonor the janitor’s social value and declare them unequal and unfit for being on retainers for purposes of tax deductions in comparison to lawyers. Journalists are regarded by tax laws as inferior beings and citizens in comparison to lawyers.

Certainly one might stipulate that American broadcast journalists have the lowest Graduate Records Exam scores of any college major or minor field of study and that they are the least trusted ‘people’ of all American occupations. Ordinary people may hate their perfidy, Machiavellian neon-racketeering organized crime approach to ‘news’ with dittoed sycophancy yet fair minded citizens must ask; are they really inferior human beings in comparison to lawyers? If the Donald had given excellent janitors the payments instead of a journalist New York prosecutors might have let him do a Michael Jackson moonwalk from court instead of a John Gotti perp walk to court. Prosecutorial discretion allows vast left wing conspiracies to come out from the shadows and sewers into broad daylight as if given Wesley Snipes inoculations against vampirism.

Were lawyers deemed essential workers during the Covid 19 pandemic? When people were dying in New York and hospitals full, when the unknown effects of the virus were substantial and grocery store clerks risked their lives, especially if they were older. Could Donald Trump have received a tax deduction for keeping a grocery store delivery clerk on retainer if he had afforded to keep food delivery workers on retainer, and get a tax deduction equal to that of the dubiously essential lawyer the state prefers?

How can a retainer for a lawyer be essential if the poor cannot afford to keep one? Couldn’t the rich equally benefit from public defenders as the poor hired on the spot? Is there such a shortage of lawyers that the rich need have tax deductions to keep one retained on reserve while the poor can’t afford to keep a box of crackers on reserve?

Equal protection of the law is necessary for a democracy. Lawyers, baristas, janitors and grocery clerks provide equally valuable services, or ought to before the law. While it is challenging to claim that a porn star is an essential worker and service, or that a broadcast journalist is a better quality human than a porn star, the law should regard them as equally entitled to tax exempt status on someone’s tax form declared for being paid a retainer. One should be free to pay a retainer or reservation for services to a member of any occupation and receive an equal tax exemption, or none should receive them at all.

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