
Speaker Johnson Ought to Resign Rather Than Send 34 Billion to Ukraine War

 Speaker of the House Johnson should resign rather than fund the Ukraine war. Thirty four billion dollars should be spent in the U.S.A. rather than in Ukraine to try to get Russia to give up their righteous claims to the Crime and at least the eastern half of the country.


A Christian should stand for something intelligent and consistent with the ten commandments at least; the grossly incompetent treatment o Russia to fund a military industrial complex venture and bring the world to gain the world for his soul? Is he also bitten with a case of the ass?

Tin Men are running the U.S.A. Finding peace should be simple enough, yet those without a brain might not even be aware that it is possible to have a just and lasting peace with the nations ceasing fire in place.

Does Speaker Johnson attend a church with a doctrine in support of sin, of homosexual marriage and murder? With a rectification of names churches with a doctrine of sin could correctly rename their beliefs something other than Christian.

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