
Night Rises in Darkness (a poem)


Driving into the Berlin Wall
crashing through being and nothingness
infinite lines of verse
terse concepts through it all
though it wasn’t
no-brainer certain

The Iron curtain torn asunder
like a temple’s temporal wonder
yet then it was
thunderbolts above
final hours
of Eisenhower

Nothingness foreseen
eclectic bits parse daylight dreams
desert mirages of trains and rain
flowing oceans to window panes
see the world with mind each day
filter what a Universe can say

More complexity for ratiocination
reincarnations planned with atmospheric flight
perfect balanced measured moral standards
as if calculations could evolve tight contrition
in elements that quantum worldlines hazard
valiance beside omniscient right

Heaven hell or deep non-being
the resurrected options of logic seeming
simple to manage, plan and execute
those labeled faithful
amid the condemned to boot
causality with original sin should rave
just Jesus the Lord God saved

It was there, and then it isn’t
the wall was gone,
and then it wasn’t
past tenses brought new with Shannon entropy
deaths littered fissile satrapscapes
night rises with the darkest song.

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