
Failure of U.S. Foreign Policy with Ukraine

Successive U.S. administrations failed to secure peace with Russia following the end of the Cold War. Any rational and well read president should have understood that Russia would never accept the loss of it’s lands of the Crime and Eastern Ukraine. Nevertheless three Democrat administration worked toward the end of severing Russia from its border lands while expanding N.A.T.O. and the EU to its borders. While profiting on the peace dividend by cutting military forces the west built up Ukraine towards the inevitable war that wood follow when Russia was strong enough to try to recover the stolen lands given by the last Soviet leader to Bill Clinton and followers.


The Biden administration election heralded the necessity for Russia to take the land facing four years of Democrat party and N.A.T.O. led by leftists full of hate ahead. The Biden administration has sought ever possible means to increase the scale of European war and paranoia regarding Russia instead of seeking peace with a settlement in place.

Peace is far superior to war for the environment in an Anthropocene age and world economy that should transition to ecological economics and to reason. No more weapons should be provided to Ukraine. No U.S President should so callously disdain peace and economic cooperation with Russia instead of building toward the insanity of Nuclear word War as if that likelihood were nothing at all because he is so old that he may croak in his next term anyway and won’t be around to suffer the consequences of his apocalyptic misunderstanding of reality.

The United States could induce the puppet government of Ukraine propped up by billions and billions of dollars of U.S. public funds that should go to national U.S. infrastructure upgrades instead of destroying Ukrainian infrastructure with war (and it will cost billions and billions more to rebuild Ukraine and Russia after the war and Democrats will want to invest in that by cutting off war funding entirely and proposing a peace settlement that actually works that is fair to Russia and Ukraine by ending the war where it is.

Before the war era there were a lot of Russia sympathizers in Ukraine all over. Now they are purged and treated as traitors unless professing loyalty to the west. People in Ukraine and Russia should be able to live and work together with a tax free zone of substance between them on both sides of a largely demilitarized border. The world could and should return to peace and normal economic relations as soon as possible instead of pursuing the insanity of western hegemony over Russia and forcing the high probability of World War Three to develop. The west has rank incompetence for political leadership and that often accompanies the fall of a civilization.

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