
Dark Mattter, Energy and Politics

What forces draw matter together and push democracy apart? They are something of a mystery. Even so I will briefly comment on each. The Francis Scott Key bridge that collapsed recently under the sudden impact of a thousand foot cargo ship clipping it in the dawn’s early light between strong legs holding it up illustrates the force to divide commuters from reaching their daily destinies in the parking places and office cubicles of Baltimore. Economic gravity draws them to commercial centers yet some do yearn to break free. A swift kung-fu kick in the groin created civil fracture. The Vietnam War era brought a swift kick to mainstream politics.

What historical forces brought the modern American polity to be described as divided to an extent not experienced since the civil war era? Was it simply about race again as some Democrats claimed. Those opposing loose or undefended, open borders to let tens of millions of foreign workers seeking better earnings were described as racist since they had a core of Republicans of the same European ancestry as those of the founders, and the planet full of would be migrants to the U.S.A. were not. Was it fair to label white American men as racist for being against illegal migration to the U.S.A. when the population was already more than 320 million souls and stabilizing the population was a rational goal. I should mention that a sovereign nation should legislate immigration quotas and sovereign laws rather than having the composition of the polity determined by non-citizens arriving illegally if democracy is to mean anything beyond feeling good while acting as a spectator of real politik.

Perhaps it was President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s leadership to legislate a 90% tax rate on the rich in order to fund the expense of the Second World War that set the parameters for one side of the social geodesics that unified the U.S. labor force. After the war, by the 1950’s, the war debt was already repaid and yet the taxes hadn’t been rescinded. Instead the U.S. Government built vast infrastructure projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Grand Coulee dam that were catalysts for lasting new jobs. When the dams on the Columbia River were built tens of thousands of acres of desert were irrigated into being some of the world’s most productive farmlands. New cities arose and local economic surged. Aluminum plants were built and farm equipment manufactured and sold. With so many jobs union and strait civil workers got on well enough.

Through the 1950s and unto the 1960s the nation was more or less politically unified. There was one mainstream America that continued until Late Night television host Johnny Carson retired circa 1989. Yet the split between blue and red began much earlier; the Vietnam anti-war counter culture fueled with L.S.D., marijuana and designer drugs and rock and rill music was breaking ground for a post-war anti-establishment ancestor of the new blue establishment developing throughout the 1980s ‘me generations’ unto the ecstasy of the post-Cold War 1990s culminating in the hanging chads fight over the 2000 presidential election count. By the 2016 presidential election the blue stream candidate called voters for the red stream candidate “the deplorables”. A profusion of channels for delivering mass content proliferated wit technological advances serving to further fracture the body politick since the 1980s and cable television unto proliferation of the Internet, global cell phones and social media.

Gravity is a mystery that warps space-time and attracts matter, or is attracted to matter. It’s causality presently hasn’t been identified. Einstein’s general observations in his general theory of relativity took place as primary tools for analysis of the phenomenon. The question of what gravity is has been an enigma since the publication of the paper on General Relativity circa 1911. The publication of observation anomalies leading to theories about dark energy and dark matter appeared circa 1997. The phenomena relate inconsistencies in the usual way mass and energy should act in galaxies and in space. Space is expanding too quickly and galaxies stick together too well. It was hypothesized that dark matter must exist to keep galaxies from flying apart and that there must be a cosmological constant energy for force space to expand.

The mainstream establishment in the United States encountered a rival new mainstream from what would come to be known as blue states. After the 1960s the old southern Democrat party with its history of segregation faded and was reborn with all of the constituencies that felt marginalized in mainstream American economics. As late as the 1968 Presidential convention in Chicago the emerging mainstream was outside rioting in protest to the Democrat Party mainstream within that had brought the Vietnam war into being. Eventually the outsiders would merge to become the insiders of the new mainstream.

The new Democrat Party with atheists and some Catholics such as the Boston Kennedys included blacks, Hispanics, women, homosexuals, socialists, students for a democratic society and other Vietnam era radicals. Union workers as well felt the need of being in an opposition political party to the one that traditionally had been the demesne of rich corporate owners. Plainly in the era of globalization with a surfeit of cheap labor the original American labor union paradigm has become obsolete. A new labor theory of how organization can upgrade the lives of all Americans besides the rich and upper middle class has yet to emerge. In an era with speed of light stock trading local wage labor negotiations become even more disadvantaged.

Republicans became the mainstream party of the old mainstream with its socially conservative values. In the division of blue and red states there was of course much overlap of political values, yet over time the enmity between the two groups grew and rhetoric ossified. Many more independent Americans were not at home in either party, and neither understood or advocated as a party platform the complete revision of classical economic practice to change to one of ecological economics. Establishments in blue and red-twin mainstream towers sought cash and political power rather than solutions to present and future environmental and demographic challenges.

The matter of the Universe seems to be energy entangled together into constant forms as if they were standing waves in a fast flowing river. In a hypothetical initial singularity the force Word of God to begin an initial big bang occurred and the field expanded then broke apart into what eventually would become four force fields. The gravity first, then the strong force and the electro-weak field breaking apart to form the Higgs field (wherein energy is entangled as mass), the weak force and electro-magnetism. Those parameters were discovered by physicists working with quantum physics researches and extrapolating from the General Theory of Relativity coupled with astrophysical observations.

Gravity could be something other than a particle or wave. If it is a particle then it must be at some point the characteristic of a hosting field. Particles might be regarded as tiny knots tied into a field/sheet. The cosmos does provide a large scale occurrence of events in time; while gravity and mass are drawing together space is expanding quicker in what could be more than a reciprocal coincidence. It could be that if gravity is some kind of virtual particle drawing mass together that its host field is vacated when gravity draws together with mass. Although the total amount of gravity in the Universe may like energy neither be created or destroyed, it could have its location reallocated. Space expands when gravity shifts to mass and black holes.

When the economy of the 1980s recovered from the post-Vietnam war malaise union labor also began a steep decline. Taxes on the rich were cut and continued to the Obama era renewal of Bush II tax cuts. In order to stimulate the national economy welfare programs were reduced and government deficit spending became essential on a permanent basis for funding unfunded government programs. Workers in the old economic natural resource extraction and industrial remnants leftover from the aging of the rust belt and outsourcing of work to places with cheaper labor abroad were preponderantly non-union workers. Unionized shops were closed because they demanded too high of wages.

With the burgeoning division of the national workforce- especially reinforced with the appearance of affirmative action employment and college admissions programs that began in the 1970s and that were too broadly applied to generally include every non-strait white male as a target to be replaced by democrat constituents from the blue mainstream, the rich were able to keep wages down, allow in millions of cheap foreign workers illegally and concentrate their wealth. Dividing and conquering labor values the rich discovered millions of lower cost laborers to undermine the traditional middle and working classes that had slowed the return of the rich to plutocratic status.

Democrats of the blue mainstream targeted the red mainstream yet overall the average wages of workers did not rise- blue state democrats compensation rose while he wages of the red state workers were reduced comparatively failing to keep up with inflation,. Blue allegiant workers experienced a great increase in wages shifted from the red state workers. Identity politics became paramount.

The great increase in the value of the national product sent proplits to the most rich 1% of Americans. While the red and blue workers were divided jobs were sent to China after the end of the Cold War 1 and CEO compensation rose to average thousands of times greater than the average worker’s wage. The nation experienced waves of illegal aliens arriving to undercut wage-labor negotiations. Even the upwardly mobile blue states supported and sheltered millions of illegal entry foreign workers because they provided cheap domestic workers and undercut the remaining power of the red state rival constituency as a majority. Democrats has returned to their ancient heritage as the party of slavery.

No one has presented a description of the characteristics of a graviton. A gravitational field appears concurrent with mass concentration. That reinforces the drawing together of additional mass. It has been said that mass attracts mass with gravity, yet it could alternatively be that the energy trapped in forms that cardinally appear to human sentience and experience as mass, is attractive to gravity.

Gravitons, like other virtual fluctuations from fields, could add mass to mass. It is expected that gravitons are massless because the gravitational field works at the speed of light (and that of course is a paradox because massless particles traveling at light speed serve to draw together the greatest concentrations of mass). Because gravity may, like the Higgs field, be a

Universe-wide field that because effective only in the presence of matter, and the total amount of gravity in the Universe is unchanging, the distribution of gravity could affect the expansion of regions of space vacated in part by the field’s strength actualizing elsewhere. Gravitational field increase amid mass may have secondary effects- contingent effects as well. Concentrations of gravity could create effects resembling that of additional matter-aka dark matter, in a galaxy. That might occur in several ways. The simplest would be by ties of the local galaxy to the universal gravitational field and the ‘drag’ brought into effect locally. Another could be other particles or waves interacting in an unknown way with gravitons that adds real matter to field concentrations of gravity. Plainly one should disregard the possibility that gravity can change the shape of space on a scale that isn’t observable- below the Planck length and that superficial effects such as the expansion of space and evidence of unseen ‘dark’ energy are contingent events.

It is interesting that red state voters are allegiant to billionaire leadership that espouse appropriate conservative social values and blue states voters are allegiant to nominal quasi-socialist, Neo-environmentalist leadership by the rich that do not restore rational taxation of the rich nor innovate environmental economic policy. Neither group seems concerned by the concentration of wealth that has reached the level of the gilded age. Blue states voters became mesmerized by ramifications of the Uncertainty principle and Derrida’s recognition that language is more like algebraic literals with use meaning-values rather than Platonic realist forever values. They became skeptics of values they associated with the traditional mainstream and worked deconstruction of that while their own wages were increasing. Unfortunately they even deconstructed national border security against mass illegal migration inward to take ‘dirty jobs’ upwardly mobile democrats eschewed.

It may be that identifying the schematics for gravity, dark energy and dark matter will occur before a way to get through to the workers of the nation about what has happened to it, and is happening, is discovered.

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