
Christianity and Reincarnation

This is a brief consideration of select logical criteria of reincarnation. Christians I will note, after death are resurrected (as is everyone else for the purpose of judgment and eternal disposition) and that comprises effectively, reincarnation, though not in an unrecognizably different form. I will consider the Christian element following that of general parameters of reincarnation such as one might find in the Hindu religion.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Energy is basically what matter is made of, formed into patterns with four universal forces that are manifestations from one unified field. Physicists developed an idea that there is a comparable law concerning information. It is named Shannon Entropy. In that paradigm information is conserved and not lost from the Universe. Does that relate to the information that makes a human individual? Is that information neither created or destroyed comparable to energy? If energy pre-existed the Universe in the singularity does that mean that the information for each human soul pre-existed the Universe too? Those are interesting points to consider.

Following death one is reborn or incarnated again in a form commensurate with one’s moral, psychological and empirical activities on Earth in an immediately preceding incarnation. In order to evaluate the moral attributes of an individual incarnate beings life the judgment must be made by a Ralph Edwards This is Your Life combined with a Judge Judy  legalism. An objective moral standard need exist and be applied impartially with equal treatment of the moral law to all beings. The observations and surveillance required would far exceed that of the N.S.A. and F.I.S.A.

It is remarkable to consider the elements for making moral judgments required for fair application and assignment of accurate roles for reincarnated humans. Each human is an individual whom interacts with others in a society. Each moment of one’s life under surveillance by God, and every thought would be placed into a formula to calculate accurate the next life’sdestiny and role. Each act that occurs and every wave of action and experience an individual has would also drop into the formula. Many of the experiences such as accidents may not occur because of willful determination by an individual.

There would tend to be a need for the Judge to have social networks of collective responsibility and that would exceed parameters of individual accountability. Individuals with similar lives might have coincidental parameters for reincarnation, yet disparate individual lives and experiences could have coinciding fates because of social networking responsibility judged by the moral super-agency to be the paramount factor for determining disposition for reincarnate status.

This is a brief examination of a few selected parameters of reincarnation rather than a comprehensive treatment, so I would like to stress the complexity of calculating the moral values and causal relationships of an individual for-themselves multiplied by the virtually infinite number of social relationship values. Even the values of President Biden, such as exist, affect every other member of the human race, for example.

Am omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God would have the capacity of making an infinite number of calculations on a planet with eight or ten billion people. Reincarnation does imply predestination though, and it also implies a degree of moral responsibility of God for determining the moral standards (perfection?) and in selecting the assigned reincarnate starting point of the individual.

In fact there may be an element of contradiction in predestining the role of an individual while simultaneously providing them free will to determine willful acts within a field of predetermined physical laws and a social environment wherein humans are subject to those physical laws. Adam and Eve were said to exist in a paradise without the physical laws concerning death at least and presumably thermodynamic evolution, yet no one else had that experience and have instead lived within a physical environment with definite laws such as gravity.

There is an additional problem of evaluating individual moral and willful acts and thoughts numerically or quantitatively in order to place them into the formula for reincarnation when the incidents occur in a heterodox interactive ecosphere for will. Fractional values need be calculated in regard to an infinite value calculation of the weight of acts within chains of relationships socially and environmentally with different degrees of force. It is as if a nuclear blast’s pressure wave affects some individuals more than others in regard to their location to ground zero. Because the relationships do not occur exclusively in a linear or even concentric way of expansion the calculations required become even more complex by orders of magnitude. One also encounters a Gordian Knot problem of mass destruction annihilating human life with war, disease, famine or etc. It would be a universal equalizer of individual experience culminating in erasure of the species. How are reincarnation calculations then calculated?

Does that mean that mass human destruction reaching an extinction event cannot occur without appropriate mass human guilt because of willful acts deserving of death? If civilizations acquiessece in political acts disrespecting God’s express will perhaps that could occur. Mass destruction seems possible and even more so since humanity and the Biden administration policies in Ukraine, border insecurity and environmental lassitude raised the odds of an extinction mileau after the Cold War ending reduction.

Does God need to use sum over history techniques to expiate or minimize immediate prospects for mass human self-destruction perhaps intervening with miracles or built-in predetermined social structures or events as constants for some reason…perhaps he wants the human experiment to continue as some might yet be saved or determined to be fit for eternal life with His help. God may stipulate that free humanity is sinful and worthy of death. He may choose to eschew endless infinities of calculations for assigning individual responsibility to place in complex mathematical formulae in order to select the next reincarnation mode for each soul; especially since with omniscience he already knows the solutions to each calculation and the way the complete complex of human events and experiences works out in regard to reincarnation.

That is why the Christian parameter is simpler and more fundamental regarding reincarnation status. Applying the logic of Occam’s razor everyone is condemned and only the saved with faith in Jesus Christ go to heaven rather than hell. The dead are judged once and given special places in hell according to their works and unbelief.

Individuals should find that criteria simpler to navigate the course to eternity rather than inventing their own complex guidebook to help them calculate their own acts, place and times that could be of service for moving on with upward mobility on the ladder rungs of reincarnation.

While the godless have determined using their own temporal faculties that they believe in nothing except death, the elect may have determined that instead of relying on their own judgment and reasoning as they approach the great veil with a mind and thoughts pre-determined to disintegrate and merge with dust, they will trust Jesus Christ to resurrect them unto eternity.

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