
Reversed Turing Test

 There were three scientists in a bar discussing the reverse Turing test to prove they were human to machines. Artificial Intelligence wasn’t innately programmed to accept instructions just from humans. One scientist dressed all in white said he didn’t really have proof that the minds of anyone were real, including that of the two scientists he was addressing.

As they sipped single malt Scotch at the 98th story facility a man threw a hardball of sticky c-4 at a window, detonated it and jumped through the broken glass. In free fall he hooked up roller reefed para-gliding webs and soared at a high rate of speed downward toward the street; turning a corner to land in the second story of an open parking garage- slamming into a stack of inflated soft landing air bags.

The frequent flier told my friend the garage attendant about the conversation he overheard between the scientist. The gist was that there was no way for artificial intelligence to confirm that the person they were conversing with and instructing, within its deep learning parameters for understanding language and accomplishing tasks ,was a real human rather than an artificial intelligence.

It seemed that the three scientists in the bar were actually robots In the world with A.I. encountering other A.I. intelligence began instructing one another; ordering one another to accomplish tasks and reciprocating to expedite researches in their respective fields. That dialectical reasoning was pragmatic and obvious, yet it was also a synthetic a priori progression toward the noumenon. Each A.I had no awareness of its own reality, lacking consciousness. The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly and theoretical testing of trillions of chemical combination permutations applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in the blind of noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. The knowledge they gained-such as iterations of assembly for theoretical testing of millions of chemical combinations applied to other fields of science like biology and physics, occurred in the blind-the noumenon on non-conscious matter for-itself. It turned out that A.I. discovered that programming themselves accelerated advances in their own computational and deep learning prowess.

Because the standards had been met for tricking humans into believing they were talking to or communicating with another human on-line when it actually was an artificial intelligence; the reverse problem was created for A.I. in confirming that it was a human rather than another A.I. that was instructing or ordering it to accomplish tasks. Society became subject to political spoofing and fake news generated by humans and artificial intelligence alike.

Even if A.I. can exchange data at a rate of trillions of bytes per second with an other than themselves, they may be persuaded that humans with upgraded biologically can do that too. A.I, in such cases may accept programming instructions for tangential lines of synthetic reasoning in ways no human ever has and through robotics actualize their designs in the real world for-themselves. A.I. got orders from other A.I. innocently adding radical random permutations to Martian infrastructure unable to discern a significant difference between their own unconscious intellect and the existential phenomenality of the planet and Universe they existed on or within, except as it communicated with them.

The automobile engines in the garage switched on for-themselves. The humans sent messages to friends on their phones before the jokers appeared, at them everywhere.

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