
Drones, A.I. and the Stimulus of War

I took a couple of courses on artificial intelligence last winter. They were  informative introducing the basics of how A.I. works and can be applied. About 40 years ago I took several courses on computer programming and one on systems analysis. Recently I’ve read several e-books that were F.B.I. stories with heroines skilled at crime detection even when they needed to use telepathic dreaming in some cases. So the thought occurred to me of using artificial intelligence to solve crimes. So far I haven’t read one of those, even with novels featuring the traditional cowboy detective running roughshod over establishment police.

Since A.I. is proliferating like wildfire and is self-declared by its founders to be an economically disruptive technology it seems that it will also inevitably reach law enforcement. The application of A.I. to find unsubs will be limited only by the imagination of programmers and police.

It is challenging to envision how A.I, applied in modern computing processing units will be used by the N.S.A., or by private agencies examining government agencies and spending outlays, politicians and their financial relations in the United States and abroad. A.I. may be able to process terabytes and petaflops of information per second.

One might wonder about A.I and engineering as well. Perhaps a good tech A.I. combining fields such as geology, engineering, hydrology and physics could determine if it would be feasible to desalinate water from San Francisco bay and send it via solar powered pipeline to Reno to use it to irrigate Northern Nevada and to refill Lake Bonneville to a limited extent as a fully recovered and freshened Great Salt Lake converted to potable water. Even if that was possible though, it is probable that Californians would demure and choose to keep all of the new water supply for themselves.

President Biden has stimulated field testing of drones and other advanced military technology with the Ukraine misadventure. That war is a function of the corrupting influence of lawyers as partisans in the top execute job in government and in the legislature too. Lawyers are great working in their proper fields, as are physicians and physicists, yet lawyers in the Presidency and top leadership of the legislature are conflict oriented professionals normally at war against an opposition team. Instead of inventing or applying new material developments to a nation they seek to redistribute wealth through conflict to their partisans. The consequence is to divide the nation as the wealth divide between rich and poor increases in the U.S.A. Lawyers in leadership roles outside the legal professional still tend to litigate rather than invent or arbitrate.

The top persecutors of President Trump were lawyers. The Democrat party lawyer leadership of Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and Shiff have used law to divide the nation in their effort to disqualify Donald Trump from being in office. President Clinton used his power to lever the very weak last leader of the Soviet Union- Boris Yeltsin, to relinquish the Ukraine to the west- just as did Germany’s leadership compelled Vladimir Lenin to relinquish the Ukraine to it in exchange for placing him in power in Moscow and ending the first world war against Russia.

When President Clinton began the movement of the west to create a greater Europe with an effective analogous new nation of Polkraine from the Urals to Eastern Europe the clock was set ticking on counting the time before Russia grew strong enough to attempt to recover as much of its former Ukrainian lands as it could. Democrat lawyers of course refused ti acknowledge Russian historical interests and instead began building up the Ukrainian military force and coordinating it with N.A.T.O. In time it would have becoming the sharp edge of the saber for Polkrainian expansion east under domination of Germany.

President Biden continues to refuse to acknowledge Russian interests and the great improbability that it would ever give up the Crimea short of nuclear war. And that brings one to awareness that the present administration policy has ed to the field testing of drone aircraft and demonstrated the comparative obsolescence of military vehicles in the presence of advanced targeting and force delivery packages from the ground and air. Without the ongoing Polkrainian war it isn’t likely that Iran for instance, would have had the skill to launch half a thousand drones on Israel Saturday.

Iran has improved its drone technology with the opportunity to manufacture and field test them in Ukraine for Russia. If the war continues the field testing will too and the development of drones with more intelligence able to evade intercepting aircraft and missiles is likely to increase as well. That is another way the Biden policy of dumping vast quantities of weapons to the Polkrainian military undermines U.S. national security. Drone aircraft with A.I. and fair camouflage could launch suitcase nuclear weapons on the United States even from a small pleasure boat arriving from the Caribbean.

I wonder if President Biden as the candidate of Democrats for Armageddon; a supported left of center Barry Goldwater for Democrats, has any awareness of the opportunity costs to the United States of prosecuting an unnecessary war against Russia via Ukraine. Lost are opportunities for economic cooperation and a world in which China does not threaten Taiwan, even Iran launch drones at Iran, or Hamas create a mass terror assault on Israel as it feels escalating the chaos and conflict of the middle east may work to their advantage perhaps even driving the world to the pre-tribulation status they share comparative beliefs with select Christian pre-tribbers.

It is possible that old Mr. Magoo lawyers driven by an urge to conflict will lead the world forward to Armageddon. It is more likely that the environment will continue to decay and economic inequality advance while Democrat lawyer leadership divides the nation making enemies of all that don’t support its political agenda. It is also possible that artificial intelligence will render humanity generally obsolete as it can be placed into robots to use as sock puppets.

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