American issues of Christianity, cosmology, politics, ecosphere, philosophy, contemporary history etc
Some Wonder About Shi'ism
Innate Knowledge of God?
Phenomenalism and Realism
Quine said he was a physicalist once when asked. Yet he’s also a realist concerning math. I believe people are entanglements in the Higgs field as is all matter. There isn’t anything unless it’s spirit that would outlast the structural change of the field…maybe not even information.
Eventually, like one of those disappearing knots everything returns to two dimension massless waves with probabilities of being somewhere and that may become just space and nothing.
Once after an abcessed tooth developed I discovered that eating chocolate would make me lose balance and I would slowly fall to the ground tilting left with my mind seeming to break apart into quarters. It was a terrible experience that would go away when my head was on the ground.
That made me aware of the phenomenal temporality of mind. I went to an orthodontist and got the tooth pulled. The experience disappeared yet I remember.
In late October 2018 I took a 13 foot boat south from Juneau 160 miles with a 2.5hp outboard. Wind and waves came up in Stephens Passage/Taku Inlet and I had to basically surf the vessel across crests and trough side seas for an hour until nearing Slocum Inlet. I prayed all the way across. It was phenomenal. One error and the boat capsizes in cold water, yet it worked out dry. That too made existence seem more phenomenal, comparing analogously a ram entangled in a bush to life entangled in the Higgs Field.
So I have faith in God yet still have interest in ‘reality’ and its nature. Having read Plato as my first philosophy I regard the realm of forms as a kind of template for quanta so far as humans can consider it. I tend to leave the location of data storage for blueprints with God for I have no idea where actual abstract universals would be physically stored in this Universe.
Husserl wrote 'Logical Investigations'. A tome on philosophy as rigorous science. I am not sure that he achieved proving the point. He did create phenomenology though.
Is Money Necessary for a Philosopher
Mexican Loss of the West
Biden Intent Seems to be an Upgrade to N.A.T.O. War vs. Russia
Ukraine has begun using American and English missiles to attack Russia. The President appears to intend to provoke Russia to retaliate against England and the U.S.A. in order to bring N.A.T.O. into the war. I repeat that the President seems incompetent in his job performance or is totally sold out to a Ukraine first policy.
Seemingly he has no wish to allow the President-elects peace plan to end the conflict to have a chance of seeing the light of day.
Noah's Flood May Have Happened with Climate Change
Reason and Emotion
Terminated Nascent Dynasty (a poem)
touching matter nothiness is
politicians fading into the jungle
sloppy wet fish
slimy scales slipping in the water
disappearing time entangled with fermions
Encounters of interference patterns
meanings in metaphysics
dialectical evolution
unstructured structures compiling purposefully
porpoise diving deep
Total recall
of brackets and parentheses
sliding away after filling with glory
walking figure into nuclear sunset
no reason required for substance
Nameless ballots cast for power
lost to forever
thoughts once counted
were given no date
Apocalyptic toggle switches
robots serving for middle terms
syllogisms leading to nothingness
Guts thrown over the landscape
draw respect from the seas
The sea shall bury the dead.
Do Humans Have Innate Knowledge of God?
Chomsky and Everett’ debated over the question of grammer being innate for humans and didn’t have a decisive outcome.
Maybe it was surpassed by an emergent paradigm. It did at least have few complex concepts strung together in support of unobservable points although one could certainly create various tests for humans and apes.
The way humans apprehend and appearance of God in any form including communication is entirely live and up to God. He has communicated with individuals in different ways history recounts. The book of Jeremiah has a passage where God said that everyone will know him: 31-34″And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord.’ For they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them,” saith the Lord, “for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
In Jeremiah where God said that his people had forgotten him, that probably meant they had fallen away from a right relationship and worship. 15″15 Because My people hath forgotten Me, they have burned incense to vanity; and they have caused them to stumble in their ways from the ancient paths, to walk in paths, on a road not cast up,”. Human knowledge is imperfect and concerns temporal and phenomenal.
One might argue comparably that humans have no innate knowledge of morality or the differences between good and evil. Strong opinions exist on each side.
Some might wonder if humans have an innate sense of the passage of time or if it is simply biological challenges that press that are the real time experience. Then scientist theorize that time be an apparent phenomenon of quantum entanglement and might not really exist. More options on shifting sand.
It is more reasonable to start with monism rather than pluralism in the beginning. Algorithms and other parts are pluralistic. If the Universe was initially an existing slum- say, a huge war had left it in bits and pieces, something great might have been built from misc algorithms that whirred and hummed efficiently. The Triune God notably avoids the Monism/Pluralism duality through being one yet three simultaneously. Information of everything possible is reducible to less than zero dimensions at singularity for omniscience in-itself.
California Wildwires; How to Change the Criterion
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Here and there pointillist continua build rowing the skiff clambering over the road staying in shadows until spring insouciant compact snow ...
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