
Endgame of a Hillary Clinton, Rockefeller, 41, Bilderberger-Oligarchy Intrigue

There is no harm in Christians having a clue about contemporary politics as they move through the world. Often they are led by people without any good idea too comfortable with pledging allegiance to particular, sympathetic  politicians. One gets the blind leading the blind and that isn't especially good for anyone. Also, those with a theology of doom wherein Satan wins politically and socially and only a tiny minority of Christians will be raptured into thin air to meet Jesus when the world has been made a complete mess could be predisposed to accept political failure. 

Endgame is a two hour video on the Bilderberger conspiracy of global political and financial leaders to secretly take over the world making puppets of politicians, unifying global economic regions and reducing planetary population to 500 million from the present seven billion people. Endgame examines secret plans for building the New World Order. It traces a new face of an evil empire.

I don't agree with everything in the video. It makes many good points though. One would like to have an explanation for why every President after 41 seems daft and implemented daft foreign policy as well as economic policy. One also infers a 41, 'don't ask, don't tell', Florida Marlin expansion year World Series victory, Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky, Linda Tripp, homosexual marriage line of Bilderberger opportunistic cover up and political advance to reduce degrade and control the U.S. political environment in support of Bilderberger empowerment over global population. I think the 9-11 WTC attack also is a practical way to destroy civil liberties, yet I cannot find a 41 connection to the grassy knoll herein, yet there may be a smoking gun somewhere in the Zapata oil corp/CIA record.

Bilderbergers evidentally have a record of buying newspapers to take down critics publishing opposition to their projects. Presumably they own much of the broadcast media too. What about the New Hampshire Union leader? Is it owned by a corporate tool of Bilderberg to endorse an easy-for-Hillary-to-beat cut-out?

It is not impossible that the Rothschild financed WW1 and II, yet I think that the Nazi equivalent of the Federal Reserve printing out lots of cash that became hyper-inflated had something to do with building the war machine too. Even so and in spite of some imprecision in proving the Clintons, the Queen and other Bilderbergers are the source of all political evil in the world today, the video is enjoyable to watch.

I think it not a bad idea to restore much of the U.S.A. to a wilderness condition and get people to live in city-clusters. The producers of Endgame were not ecospheric economists, yet neither are the Bilderbergers who simply want to rule a planet with a sustainable slave population and healthy environment. Ecospheric economics with low entropy could sustain 7 billion souls on Earth, and more hands and minds make for more invention. The problem is in creating a new low entropy and quality economic method that isn't based on the old, inherited social-economic infrastructure and its non-sustainable ways of production and consumption.

The Endgame gets better as it moves along keeping the viewer's attention. The story line would make a good turbo-Mission Impossible plot that encompasses history as well as some individual and clever plotters or a short-lived, under-financed shadow government.


On the Shape of Past and Future Dimensions

An additional blog post about forms and geometry. One may make a square out of a circle by creating four ninety degree angles in it. So if one imagines a sphere and changing its shape so that it has four corners to it, has a figure analogous to a volume of space with three dimensions.

What are dimensions though? String theorists speculate about extra dimensions with some of unequal sizes as if they could be bound with some meta-dimensional power. If one regards dimensions as fulfilled space for example in a three-dimensional sphere representing space as field lines crossing it in three directions, then changing the perimeter surface shape of the sphere or square as the case may be one change or warp the field lines and relations within. If those were dimensions they also would be changing relationships of composition.

What though are dimensions made of? Are they discrete, composite vectors such as a light beam that is made of photon quanta yet comprise a light wave in quantity? Are dimensions made of fundamental particles that when assembled have a vector or arrow of direction that is time?

Physicists say that the Universe is in principle time reversible (although improbable because of reversing entropy). The relationships of various forces, fundamental forces of the Universe, may also be time reversible though improbable. Dimensions, whatever they are made of, may have some force about them perhaps as a field, and possible neutral yet binding on to other dimensions with some principle maybe governed or determined by the meta-field wherein they exist. If God were to change the surface shape of the Universe from a cube to a sphere altering thereby the structures of dimensions, energy and mass therein a Universe, it is conceivable that a 13.3 billion year evolution or expansions from time = 0 at a big bang could be completed in 13.3 seconds or fewer in a time forward or time reverse process. If dimensions and mass contents of time are subject to an overall field strength determined by God, the form and content of any given Universe might be instantly determined from hydrogen atoms to stars, galaxies, life, black holes and information phenomena experienced within a Universe with sentient beings.

Geometry and dimensions provide many interesting ideas to consider.

Mo College Race Agitations; A Better Way

American colleges subjected to radical demands for administrative and educator personnel changes to accomplish racial diversity are making a fundamental error; they seek to replace the present composition of people in the system racially with their own race to achieve a corrupt structure with their own. Reformers ought instead seek to end archaic hierarchical power structures that implicitly produce exclusion, elitism of the crooked. Colleges and Universities that are publicly funded should have open enrollment. Students should brook no delays in admissions or transfers. College academic work should be the sole concern of a student investing his or her time to learn.

Hierarchically organized elites developing social power to corrupt egalitarian opportunity are a perennial,yet familiar evil in democratic society. When terrorist, organized crime and ad hoc bureaucratic thuggery cadres have the edge, direct expropriation of free, democratic society occurs. As established. Exclusive power structures evolve goon seek to take those positions as end-in-themselves and corrupt equal access to have those positions. Advantages even in education are filled by the power-hungry. A 70's Soviet Tass-like broadcast media establishment command and control dissemination of political use-truths amounting to terrorist development supporting propaganda degrading and marginalizing lawful government. Bureaucratic sycophants may nod their heads silently in agreement sending more public money the way of cultcastic doom.

Rectification of independent opportunity to advance through direct competitive effort is a challenge facing every generation. Students should not aspire to be young yippees bumping out corrupt elders becoming the young professional goon guns themselves.

Colleges and Universities have ancient origins that began in the feudal era. Essentially the feudal social structure of hierarchical leadership is still pervasive throughout American education, business and government. CEO's and Presidents replaced princes. Though computer programmers may comprehend problems with hierarchical flowcharting and processing and design new and more efficient models inclusive of computer networking and parallel processing potential, social organizations preponderantly haven't.
Colleges and University hierarchies and admissions policies implicitly reinforce elitism and exclusion. Wealth rather than intellect and will to achieve are given first place in most. It would be a simple matter to reform U.S. colleges and Universities in order to break down the hierarchical and elitist walls that prevent some of the best and brightest Americans from pursuing their higher education goals without delay or obstructions.

Essentially the better way would be for public colleges and Universities to offer open admissions and keep track of student achievement on-line sharing standardized credits with full recognition and without course restrictions. The basic educational goal would be to allow and support complete student independence for all. If enough passing course credits were achieved then a student using one of innumerable curriculum templates might receive a degree from a from a credit consolidating agency.

Neither ought any fully accredited degree be of less value than another. A degree from the lowly University of Alaska should carry equal value with one from Harvard as far as getting a job with the federal government is concerned. Observe how many Harvard and Yale graduates have been appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court or executive branch positions historically. A college student should be able to take course on-line from any public University to construct a curriculum mosaic in his or her own time within a template leading to a degree or not and according to his financial capability without experiencing any of numerous problems other than pure discipline and intellectual ability that may bump him or her off the most efficient time schedule.

Instead of investing in political efforts to transform the organized crime leadership style of a college or University, student activists should seek to subvert the feudal hierarchical leadership structure that corrupts not only the effectiveness of higher education in the United States, but also corrupts government and business as well. Entrenched hierarchical organizations are implicitly oppressive so far as individual rights and opportunity as independent citizens are concerned. Corrupting organized power best expressed as an archetype in the Soviet Unionization can't be overcome by replacing the top leadership. It is the structure itself that need be replaced to support the principle of individual excellence and independent achievement.


On the Question; Is Consciousness, Memory?

Consciousness is not memory though it may comprise in part, memories. I think it is reasonable to stipulate that the subconscious is also a part of what consciousness is in the way that the water below the surface of the ocean supports the upsurge into being of the surface.

Consider the fundamental problem of existence such as Descartes described in his Meditations concurrently with Godel's incompleteness theorem...and toss in the dismissive ideas about the anthropic principle that regard it as invalid for existential tautology. Existence and consciousness is the first principle of being; cogito ergo sum It is natural to want to create a list of proofs that consciousness exists, yet it cannot really be proven in the abstract while experiencing it is basic.

With the limitations on certainty given for epistemology in regard to ultimate things, is it logically necessary to deny that existence or consciousness can be proven to exist while personal experience is in disagreement? Is it in some way logically necessary to deny that existence can be proven if some proof not reliant upon existence need be made to avoid a circular argument?

Consciousness exists embedded within a steady state force field that is the material phase of the quantum mass that is regarded as the Universe. Living people seem to have it...the sum total of what is while existing, and proving what it is with reductionist devices would seem to produce and incomplete list---in the same way that Godel's incompleteness theorem presents limitations to making definitions about ultimate sets.

If one were to use a quantum computer to return unique values for calculations in real time it would be challenging to associate it with consciousness as memory. If one lets a computer start an infinite series and lets it return with abbreviations unique very large, unfamiliar values as one watches the numbers appear how could they be regarded as memories from the past?

Ad hoc ISIS Air Force Vaporizes Russian Fighter Jet

A Russian fighter jet flying in Syria near the Turkish border was obliterated by two F-16s arrived this week from England. With Muslim victories in Paris killing and wounding hundreds of French persons it was perhaps regarded by ISIS leadership as important to continue the aggressive war in the skies with the help of ad hoc Muslim air power in Turkey.

N.A.T.O. admitted Turkey to N.A.T.O. in spite of its record of hundreds of years of war on the west in order to defeat Soviet expansion. Unfortunately at the end of the cold war and termination of Soviet Unionist political power the Clinton administration's Anglophile allegiance transitioned to an anti-Russian posture that appeared pro-Muslim as well in accord with leftist anti-western civilization new-age principles. Serbia and other powers had a bloody few hundred years of war trying to halt and roll back the invasion and occupation of Ottoman Empire Muslims. Clintonistas failed to comprehend the pre-Soviet history of Europe that was veiled largely behind the political burka of the Soviet evil empire.

Muslim rebels in Syria also shot down a Russian helicopter with a U.S. TOW missile-possibly taken from the vast U.S. to Iraqi arms cache captured by ISIS in Iraq, from the Libyan arsenal, Saudi suppliers or the U.S. Government itself. It seems like coordination in the anti-Russian air campaign by Turkey and terrorists. Perhaps they have cell phones.


With the end of Soviet Unionism the Balkans conflict of Serbian-Muslim enmity resumed and Clintonistas annihilated Serbian resistance. Traditional Muslim, Ottoman war on Europe and Serbia was exploited by Germany in the first world war through an alliance with Turkey to help war against the allies. N.A.T.O. sought the same Turkish alliance to defend against Soviet Unionists. Turkish Muslim leadership were not selfless supporters of war against Europe or Russia in either instance; their self-interest merely coincided for a time with select European power relations. It may be in Turkey's interest as a Muslim power to flood Europe with Muslims, degrade Russian air power intervening in Syria and allow ISIS to purge the region of non-Muslims. 

Canada's new leftist government has said it will accept 25,000 Syrian immigrants. The border policy with Canada will need to be reviewed. If Mexico decides to accept another 25,000, that might be equally a potential swamp for terrorists in the next decade. 


It is wrong to have Turkey continue as a member state, or that of any other Muslim power to join N.A.T.O., if one regards defense of western civilization as the primary role of N.A.T.O. Containment of Muslim expansionism is the correct post-Soviet Unionist containment mission for American foreign policy and N.A.T.O. Like polygamy and homosexual coupling, Muslims may have weird ideas that if contained may not be a threat to non-sycophantic nations, however Muslims have expansionist doctrine through war or other means as an implicit doctrine. Like Soviet Unionism and Marxist-Leninism, Islam seek total world domination forcing theocracy and Islamic law upon the world through the sword, suicide bombings and terror. Serbians resisted that with political malapropism and were bombed to death and submission by Clintonista led N.A.T.O. and ad hoc ISIS precursor air power. They viewed the Serbian conflict through world war two lenses and saw themselves as destroying a recrudescent German Nazi ally. Western Europe had not experienced centuries of Muslim invasion, occupation and torture; Serbia did. Turkey is presently the ISIS ad hoc air force and President Obama seems to be the covert-overt ad hoc organizer of the Muslim Global Village.

NATO should not serve forces of disintegration of western civilization. When Britain has enough Muslim to infiltrate its security forces adequately, terrorists will be well position to grease their U.K. ops and take down the highly vulnerable British economic infrastructure. When godless English liberalism and hatred for Russian Ukraine reaches its own vanishing point, it will be too late to turn back the clock.


On Efforts to Negate the Anthropic Principle

The anthropic principle seems to have an aspect of Nietchian recursion about it. In physics at least, the conscious awareness of a deterministic evolution in a steady state Universe leading to life is held to be what-true, untrue? Philosophers perhaps would want to examine the terms and language accurately in order to determine what sort of premises are concerned and if they have at least syllogistic validity.

Circular arguments were invented in logic before the era of multi-verse theories; hence the concept may not itself be valid except in a Universe where the geometry is consistent with circles and further that circles traveled return one to where one started in space-time (thus the eternal recursion) as improbable as it seems. I suppose therein is the difference between nominalist points that may be valid outside of space-times as quasi-real tings such as one might regard neo-Platonist nouns in a Kripkian context and the steady state field itself that does not work in reverse presently, nor return the money that typed a circular argument back to the space-time point where he or she started writing it.

I enjoyed reading Tegmark's 2014 book 'The Mathematical Universe'. Ultimately all of the quantum Universe may be no more than pure math. I suppose if one regards Leibnitz's monads as math infinitesimals (tiniest possible points) then one-dimensional monads could be representative of a fundamental quantum structure that would perhaps be equally well regarded as a field of pure thought of God.

Monkeys with typewriters enabled to exist in a deterministic steady state quantum Universe sustained by the will of God might be irreducible to being a circular argument in-themselves even if they evolved in space-time.

Here is a book with some of the topics I wrote on the subject (it's free to download). I am Christian, and I tried to cover many of the questions people have about the existence of God today...

http://www.lulu.com/shop/garrison-cliff ... 99175.html

[quote="[url=http://www.sciencechatforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=291701#p291701]Braininvat » Sun Nov 22, 2015 4:39 am[/url]"]Nietsche's doctrine is eternal recurrence, not "recursion," which is a concept is math and cognitive science.  This confusion of terms somewhat undermines the whole  post.  And "circular" in the thread title refers to a logic structure, not to a spatial loop in spacetime.[/quote]

I have used some philosophical language in my post, yet philosophy is about discovering truth as a kind of wisdom so one wants to write descriptively and objectively even though, or perhaps, while aware of the problem of implicit subjectivity in any quantum observational system (i.e. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle).

Certainly circular arguments were intended by the author of this thread to refer to logical tautology. I was aware of that and intended to place the phenomena of thought and logic within a proper metaphysical context (such as Ortega y Gasset described in 'An Essay on Metaphysics) wherein thought is within a monistic field continuum.

Thought is a part of the physical Universe comprised of extremely complex relationships of neurons with trillions of possible relationships denoting data. There are more possible configurations of connections in a human brain that their are stars in the galaxy. Our Universe is one of four dimensions where circles may exist not only in thought yet also in reality. Einstein's friend Paul Erhenfrest invented the idea that only in a four dimensional Universe could atomic structures exist such as can form life (at least physical life based on atoms and molecular structures) because orbits require  three dimensions of space and one of time. 

Paradoxically max Tegmark; the brilliant M.I.T. physicist expositor of multiverse theory, wrote in his 2014 book ;' The Mathematical Universe', that their may be no actual dimensions of time, and that it could instead be another dimension of space in which every possible worldline or form of atomic structure might be embedded or exist. So there is really not time, motion, or evolution; (I inferred that not Tegmark). Instead human conscious awareness actualizes within a present embodiment of all those possible configurations in 'spacetime'.

The concept is rather advanced. It is also consistent with principles of a holographic Universe as well as a completely deterministic mathematical Universe and one that exists only 'in the mind of God'.

Obviously there are several philosophical approaches to cosmology, epistemology and Christian teleology. It is rare than anyone finds concurrence with others on all of those principles. Modal logic has different theoretical Universes with different laws, and so might any Universe that exists be one within an infinite number of Universes that creates a new Universe each time even one tiny particle (such as a quark) take a different course. The sum of all that infinite number of Universes may be known only to God, as a set of all sets containing itself cannot exist outside of the mind of God (probably).

It is a fun topic to consider the idea of logic, tautology and cosmology. It is possible to create loops that return only negative answers I suppose or loops that return only positive answers in math and cosmology. What if defining any sort of response as positive automatically negated it? I think the problem of certainty that relies on one's own finite knowledge is inherently subject to circularity. It is possible to make infinite reductions of verifications requiring further proof of proof ad infinitum or temporal recursions of logic as loopy[u] go to [/u]statements (in programming) that have an eternal recurrence until the power runs out.

I have thought that Neitschze's eternal recurrence mind experience he had walking along the shore of Lake Lucerne one evening was a cognitive problem stimulated by syphilis. It is possible under stress to view external reality perceived as a recursion, and make an inference that it is infinitely loopy. One may also understand that if the Universe is embedded in an infinite deterministic continuum and that it is actually experience as mind that travels through it (perhaps as a vast atemporal deterministic continuum of God like a neural network structured hologram), Neitschze may have short-circuited his proximal perceptions a little and experience some of the field of infinite permutations of universe and made the mistake of believing it infinitely recurrent without change.

David Stockman's Analysis of U.S. Econ Problems circa 2013 (video)

A Fish Story; Wrangelling Over Salmon Genetic Upgrades

President Obama's F.D.A. approved the sales of genetically fast-growth engineered salmon in the United States over the disapproval of Alaska's Senator Lisa Murkowski who would like to boycott the 'Frankenfish'. The Alaska Bio-Luddite movement has been shocked into a tizzy. Plainly the sale of fast growing King Salmon from a pool in Panama wouldn't help natural grown Alaska salmon that are in declining numbers do to capture on the high seas by foreign fleets.

The approval of genetically engineered fish in the U.S.A. along with the profusion of free trade agreements opens a Pandora's box of nations able to grow and export high-grade genetically engineered fish to the U.S.A. I can hardly wait for catfish the size of whales to grow in Thailand and be trained and directed to swim to American ports for harvest under the guidance of navigation and control brain implants.

In the good old days Senator Stevens of Alaska as a business progressive would have just said go ahead and approve the things universally and Wrangell Alaska would have been the location for the first genetic engineered major fish producer of King salmon to Seattle; location and market position being first being everything, Americans will probably wait until they can buy salmon made ion Shanghai before a super-salmon facility is built at Institute Creek. Hundreds of high-paying jobs will be lost to foreign rivals so Alaskans can listen to the radio and be depressed about job prospects.

I have opposed genetic engineering of bio-forms in the past on principle because it allows random human genomic modifications that cannot be reversed. In the short term though the desirability for women that want their kids to have larger, trophy boobs or short parents that want their kids to be 8 footers able to get that N.B.A. contract may be hard to suppress from becoming political reality.

It is hard to imagine viable prospects for containment of human genomic modification. The first time a researcher produces a gene splicing tweak to eliminate inheritable breast cancer opposition will swoon. If a illegal offshore bio-tank produces a genetic skin color upgrade wealthy Afro-Americans will be returning with Chinese looking progeny.

Genetic engineering is a kind of magic that can let fresh water vegetables grow in saltwater to enhance food supply, or increase brain size, change the structure of neurons in whales to better accomplish mathematical calculations and sundry other presently unimaginable 'weird miracles' of science.

Dr. Frankenstein wanted to create life from dead body parts. Genetic engineering entrepreneurs want to create new forms of existing life by super-sizing good things generally. There are of course some very dark side of the force possibilities in morphing life willy nilly however. So instead of calling growth challenged fish that hate speech term 'Frankenfish' they night better be called 'affirmative growth' fish with the potential to pioneer brave new habitat settlements where no habitats have existed before. Probably an umbrella corporation will own all of the patents on Frankenfish within the concentration of wealth principle. Maybe it should be made illegal to own patents on genetically engieered life-that might be the best discourager of corruption in the concentration of power area.

There are stories of the brave affirmative growth salmon of Panama able to leap tall buildings in a single bound and return hope to the starving, tired and poor immigrating fish yearning to swim free that have yet to be told, and chapters that have yet to be written of the poor little salmon that saw the great waterfall ahead and thought to him or herself, 'I will overcome'.

I wonder how the genie of genetic engineering will be kept in the bottle with so many tech tools available and proliferating as a fairly simply tech. Computers will probably be able to design their own life forms one day so people can grow-their-own new species at home. In a way, space colonization looks better and better as a way to put a firewall between normal human life and the evolution by design Frankocrats.


God, Cosmology and Nothingness (free e-book download)

Quiet Desperation, Muslim Migration and Counter-Cyclical Terrorism

Pink Floyd wrote 'quiet desperation is the English way'. It may be that since the end of the empire they have outsourced that desperation where feasible (i.e. to Russia & the U.S.A.) in order to increase natural resource holdings. When times are not desperate, people still believe what they want, and the rich financing passage through the eyes of needles with nano-camel technology might think wise-guy appeals will work on the final day. Good times may cause error as well as bad. Theology that accounts for individual political events such as terrorism however seems unsupported by scripture. That was actually the point I wanted to get to, since there is so much wrong political hermeneutic on T.V. and in Hollywood even when fiction (e.g. Gabriel and Michael fighting one another with fists and swords). Besides particular prophecy that was historically fulfilled and the expressed will of God or Apostles in scripture secular events and their particular causal relationship to the will of God are only problematically interpreted- what is wise to man being foolish to God, and His will being deep and unfathomable, and the Lord being the light in the darkness; the sole spiritual light in the abysmal gulf of space before and after the stelliferous era. Because human nature is fallen and mankind is wicked and chooses to perp political wickedness, it is grace that is the exception allowing good things to occur. Political evil is more the rule rather than the exception. With free will however, politics occur for temporal, attributable reasons. The Syrian Muslim migrations occurred generally because President Obama accelerated Muslim terrorism and insurrection against the lawful Syrian government creating a very predictable displaced persons crisis. I have written about the way to stop the war being to stop supporting the war for several years. Manufactured desperation is a habit of the advantaged, while countercyclical - adaptation to the vast conventional war and anti-guerrilla war technology of the west seems to elicit terrorism from the faithless, lost and opportunistic determined to war.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...