
Trump's Record is of Opposition to Homo Marriage

Trump's record is in opposition to homo marriage. he is running for election however, and it would be tough for Trump to be against equality of citizens upon any basis. Of course deciding what is equal socially is tough. Giving marriage rights to homosexuals diminishes the properties of rights of heterosexuals and their heirs. Presently the law is what Roberts made it. Trump said Roberts let the nation down again. Presidents can only sign off on laws Congress passes. 


Globalists such as Cruz, Clinton and Sanders are equally good socially for sapping the Trump candidacy globalists worry might change the course of the nation, while the troika would equally just keep concentrating wealth for the global Plutonomy, or in the case of Sanders, just subvert U.S. nationalism. The plutonomy is amoral and pro-homo marriage for the world.Capitalism regards all money as created equal in the pockets of homos or anyone else. Cruz is a shill for Goldman Sachs, plutocrats etc. Divide and conquer is an ancient political and military tradition. 

Lenin said that capitalists would sell the rope communists hang them with. He might also have said that Americans will elect leaders that will destroy their independence, environment and prosperity.

Cruz was born in Canada. Trump is a realist. If Republicans sabotage Trump then Zilllary will be elected. Realism matters. The corporate world, media and 1% rich support homo marriage. Populist Republicans will have to deal with that. Trump was correct insofar as the state as a secular establishment should permit homosexual legal, contractual; relationships comparable to that of those of heterosexual marriage-yet obviously differing insofar as the facts of procreation and legacy exist for heterosexuals that do not for homosexuals. Christians can oppose sin yet they shouldn't destroy moderation and compel the election of radical leftists with atheist immorality. The U.S.A. isn't a theocracy with incompetent priest-politicians; it is a corporatist state with incompetent politicians.

Christians may oppose Sodom and Gommarah yet the locals liked it. Realpolitik slows down that direction if used by smart Christians-it doesn't spit in the wind against prevailing social power that is corrupt. The U.S.A. may already be past the point of no return in being decadent. Yet like an old ship with a lot of holes that is also rotten one tries to patch it here and there and keep it afloat for a time I guess. In sailing symbolic victories that leave one at sea-that is persisting in a direction against strong wind and waves and feeling good about it while the ship sinks-isn't the best way to get things done. Instead, sometimes one must tack here and there and perhaps go to a different port for a time.

Reagan was a popular guy-yet he got elected first before ending the cold war and fixing the economy.

Reading from Thomas Brooks' 'Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices'

A Comment on Biblical Interpretation (video)

Novilistricka Factors; Patents 2016 (science fiction-video))

My favorite Magnus Carlsen chess match is this gem against an International Master named Andrew Tang in a chess simul at chess.com in 2014. Carlsen does bully Tang a little in sacrificing a Queen and rook and eventually taking Tang's Queen with his king, yet bits rather amazing to see. An aesthetically excellent win.


It would be good if Carlsen's challenger in November Sergei Karjakan would play a simul at chess.com also in order to determine if he can provide some gems if he wins the world title.

Another interesting event in Kasparov's blitz games against the U.S.A.'s three best players immediately following the U.S. Open championship . In playing against the three Kasparov may be able to learn what it is that they lack in aggressive play that cost Caruana the win in the candidate's tournament and in Hikaru Nakamura's failing to have beaten Carlsen a single time.


Zika Virus is Also Sexually Transmitted

The proliferating pin-head virus is also sexually transmitted. Not only do mosquitoes serve as vectors of the virus, so do sex tourists traveling to mosquito-carry-rich areas of the south. Homosexual 'marriages' with pay-for-play progeny may have a higher percentage of pinheadism in their baby-victims. All of the Democrat states of the U.S.A. have reported infections except for New Mexico while several Republican states have yet to experience the disease.


A Dallas radio station reported that a homosexual returning from Jamaica gave another Texas homosexual the virus who in turn infected another. Presumably they are doing something besides hand-shaking to infect one another.

Sex tourism may accelerate the pace of Zika virus coverage beyond that of mosquitoes slowly moving north. A new generation of babies born with Democrat Party characteristics may develop across the U.S.A. and Canada. Syrian refugees to Europe may take the virus back to the Middle East in regions with few mosquitoes because of the desert. Pin-headism may increase amidst politicians everywhere.


Angela Merkel May Wear Hijab Soon

Germany's dictator Angela Merkel, if taken seriously, has decided to let prosecutors throw the book of puns at a comedian who mocked and ridiculed a foreign politician. The politician is the leader of Turkey. Turks are serious as heart attacks and want to be taken seriously after being Germany's ally in the First World War and being the legacy holder of the Ottoman empire that was the right flank of the invade and occupy Europe by Islam movement of the 7th to 21st centuries.


Though Adolph Hitler and the Nazi legacy is the proximal reason for censorship in order that they don't say racist or Supermenish sorts of things when the stock of BMW's rises, ridiculing politicians is an essential part of modern politics. Politicians are turkeys preponderantly at the federal level at least. Creating corporatist dictatorship globally proceeds with the media owned by the 1% and of course comedians put down.

Kolob Star System Loyalists Still Consider Russia a Foe

Mormons still regard Russia as a top foe of the U.S.A. for denying the proselytization of Mormonism's extra-solar system teachings of their particular cult. I don't know that I personally would support a war with Russia to open the door for conversions to the planet and star system of Kolob where the martinets of Salt Lake plan their special ops. yet I might consider it if I got drunk sometimes.


The Past Tense and Present Infinitive of Czech Republic is 'Czach'

The Czech Republic is about to make a grave name change error of using Checia as its slang nomenclature. I can tell them that the right infinitive abbreviation is Czach; for free.


Political Liquidation at Cahokia of Former Chief's Family

The ancient American aboriginal; mega-city of Cahokia in the St. Louis area has evidence of mass execution of men and women-apparently friends and relatives of a deposed Chief that has been the subject of research for decades.

Cahokia suddenly disappeared in the 1600's I recall, before the Rams moved there and left for L.A. later. Modern Americans are not as enlightened as the ancients in some ways. With good draft choices the Rams could have won another Super Bowl at St. Louis.



Ancient peoples often killed off the family of the former chief to prevent possible efforts to return the family to the job of chief, king etc. That practice was also not unknown in Western royal lines. There may be lessons that voters in the 2016 Presidential election can take from that.

Rather than clubbing, strangling or poisoning the families of former Presidents, Americans can kill off a former chief's relatives at the polls casting a vote for anyone besides. Of course prospects for political patronage and kickbacks always stims a percent of loyalists to suck up to the next candidate from the former chief's clan.

Broke Branches (poem)

  Dialectic clashing of evolutes- trees left right and center political arguments following guide paths in the dark through the snow and hil...