
Delicate Re-Election Cycle Timing of Air War in Syria and/or Iran

President Obama is in the midst of a media development for aggressive military action against Syria. It reminds me a little of bold monkeys or baboons becoming more aggressive little by little until transitioning to swarm for attack.

The broadcast media has developed a perennial war reporting cycle evidently seeking to become embedded with whatever forces are out there in 'resistance' or rebellion to some existing political regime that might need to be changed. In the case of Syria I believe the civilian deaths would not have occurred in significant numbers as they are without media fanning flames of conflict that might lead the Sunni rebels to beleive that the United States would eventually send their 'Condor Legion' to kill the violent chickens of the Syrian Government.

In times past American foreign policy might have been more to tolerate the existence of governments that were not at war with the United States-that policy has some things going for it. Yet President Obama has a Nobel Peace Prize and a gay-friendly military in his arsenal so the Moslem Spring becomes a Moslem Year until the election cycle at least (in the U.S.A. for November 2012) with moral and media support for Sunni regime change organizers, military support and the Condor Legion air war in Libya and perhaps a next venture in Syria. There is also the loosely related problem of regime change in Iran, stopping Iranian nuclear weapons development and the possibility that Israel may act directly to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities and not wait while President Obama makes his political calculations on what more war would do for the price of gasoline and his chance of being re-elected.

The Syrian Government may deserve to become kaput for its unlikable characteristic. I am sure it isn't friendly to the tradition of British Imperialism and hasn't much oil or gas worth the time of the Condor Legion (its fun to use that term for a superior air force attacking 2nd world countries although no intention exists to say that the Obama use of American or European Air Power is fascist). The media monkey chatter for war is seemingly on a schedule that would debauche before November 7, 2012-perhaps about May or June since Senator McCain is already asking for air strikes (why couldn't he have been elected in 2008 so these things could have been accomplished more directly some might wonder-even before many civilians were killed by the Syrian Government?).

There is something to be said for a U.S. foreign policy that neither reinforces nor militarily opposes oppressive foreign governments. Perhaps some of those nations might evolve politically with modern technology and change toward a better way for freeing its people. Britain is critical of Russia and it's past, yet reasonable people understand that Britain has an imperialist past and seeks foreign natural resources to enrich itself-and the Russians seem like the biggest potential resource doners about. Here in Alaska the politicians give away natural resources to foreign corporations generally for a fraction of the value in return for being at the head of the trough of payouts that are made, while some of us may go for years without meaningful employment. Billionaires and global networks can be about as repressive to independent and free enterprise by the non-aristocrats as the Chinese Communist Party leadership that might plunder African resources and use rare species for herbal medicines.

In some respects the world is run by technocrats that can't see the woods for the trees pursuing collectively the global heat death of human prospects-but why worry? The prospects for bringing 'democracy' to Syria loom on the spring or Summer 2012 agenda and a Sunni State from Libya to Turkey might be formed that would allow greater transparency for anti-terrorist intelligence to develop and safeguard the potential development of Sharia law in New York to reverse the homosexual marriage laws and get women to cover their faces with some kind of designer rags in order to reverse over-stimulation of the human section of the biosphere.

I believe that the chess term for Syria is en prise-it is a foe piece just sticking out there waiting to be taken. Then of course as an added bonus Iran is just up the hill and unless it keeps its rhetoric down it might need to have its nuclear ambitions demolished while the demolition is good.

A war before the November election actually would be bad for President Obama's re-election prospects so he may wait until after Nov. 7 to send the Condor Legion or European proxies to obliterate Syrian Air defenses and then liberate Damascus thus freeing up Lebanon from the talons of Syrian puppet masters (not the best quality political rhetoric yet I haven much practice at that anyway). The most likely course of events would be to let it rot (Syria and Iran) and just have the media harangue American ears the rest of the year about the blood and the pathos and a journalist or two killed in action.

Real wages for younger Americans reportedly have declined by 11% compared to wages in the 1970s. The national unemployment rate is about where it was during the Carter administration, and President Obama like President Carter has an Iranian problem-even one a little more serious than the hostage taking of 1979. The Iranian nuclear weapons development program seems ready to pop a bomb or two, and Israel may want to try a go at stopping that.

The electorate may want a better, more effective policy such as can be developed in today's environment of political and economic wrong-headedness. President Obama is not a salesman of any sort, unlike President Reagan. The President seems like a stuffed suit political front-man for economic handlers that is just a time consumer liked by some insiders that are well-off. Mr. Obama does have his blackness going for him to get a few votes from the anti-white set, yet as a spoiler doing more for the economic forces of the ancien regime than to advance a new economic way in the U.S.A. he seems to do more harm to actual economic reformation than good.

The United States has many advocates for despoiling the nation's underground water reserves with fracking chemical to produce natural gas that leaves methane as a residual that is a virulent greenhouse gas worse than carbon dioxide. The nation is full of existential technocrats and corrupt broadcasters keeping the economic paradigm stupid and exclusive of Americans even while illegal aliens pile in to take jobs and demand citizenship.

Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum may have a radicalized situation to address in Syria and Iran when one or the other takes office in January 2014 that Mr. Obama has left behind.


Global Networks of Power Volume One in ebook and print

The first of a new collection of my philosophical essays on sundry and various topics of contemporary history, politics and matters of faith is now complete. I published a print and ebook version a few minutes ago at my lulu.com/garycgibson page. The book runs about a quarter million words.



The United States in 2012

The U.S. Government has made Orwellian hate crimes legislation a general entry to intervene in politically incorrect crimes upon special classes, given the military the right to exfiltrate U.S. citizens without legal review to unspecified foreign torture facilities where they may disappear forever and has forced corporate medical insurance upon all citizens as well as seeking to force all religious organizations to provide birth control paraphernalia indirectly or through insurers.

Following the attack on the rich in the World Trade Center in 2001 American democracy has been progressively stifled and wealth concentrated with onerous public debt building up along with high unemployment. The rich scorched by terrorist death took out their vengeance upon the poor and middle class of the United States while creating a ubiquitous surveillance state. They have no intention of reforming a version of capitalism in need of egalitarian upgrade.

In a year where the administration compelled homosexual marriages unto the states, military and District of Columbia supporting legislative and judicial imposition of the policy upon the people, and where federal judges have ruled against a California proposition to make marriage just heterosexual and in Arizona and elsewhere the right to verify citizenship of people encountered in routine police stops, the shape of elite federal policy is beginning to take shape in a general direction.


Rush Limbaugh Apologizes for Calling Sandra Fluke a Despicable Name Clumsily as It Were

Saying that he had been fighting the 'absurd with the absurd' for years, Rush Limbaugh apologized for calling a Georgetown law student asking congress for money for birth control paraphenalia 'a slut'. Plainly Mr. Limbaugh did not realize that Ms. Fluke was not in the class of legitimate political targets upon which caustic labels might be more reasonably pinned by talk radio. Sandra Fluke's feelings might have been hurt by the eminence grise of talk radio.

A Juris Doctor degree at Georgetown costs about $23,000 a year before extra fees, books, housing and so forth. Those of us whom are poor are not too sympathetic when the advantaged go before congress asking for money for sex prophylaxis. Nether are we sympathetic with bullying by Government or the broadcast industry. President Obama and Congress should not have sought to force religious organizations to provide free rubbers and birth control pills to the emancipated adult students and other in prime advantaged education circumstances. If they can't afford their own rubbers and such how could they ever balance the federal budget or prioritize government spending outside of a commune, for-themselves?


Probably Ms. Fluke has learned something in her legal career about testifying before congress. Senators too sometimes ask for ridiculous things to the forest service or make equivalent pleas for oil depletion allowances. The Congress has learned nothing serious about balancing the budget or creating full employment for the poor, and should hold some new hearings on steroid use by laboratory chimps.

Mesh Networking: An Emerging Alternative to Internet Architecture

Mesh networking may be an emerging alternative to Internet networks with ISPs vulnerable to censorship and disaster. Julian Dibble writes on the technology in the March 2012 Scientific American.


Mesh networks are in a very beginning phase today. Computer users have their own routers and develop a democratic, peer broadcast architecture that does not go through an ISP. The routers are wireless and cost about $150. The concept of computer users linking directly through a wireless net to other users and only secondarily to the Internet via ISP’s does have quite a lot going for it beside cost savings.




Discrete, independent mesh wireless architecture would let users avoid giving data to mega-corporations and governments such as Facebook, Twitter and the National Security Agency in as great of quantity. There are existing social networks on the Internet that let users store personal data on their computer instead of in ‘the cloud’.


Sects. Albright-Clinton Nuclear Agreements With North Korea 1994-2012

North Korea's dictators historically won the contest to develop nuclear weapons with the Bill Clinton administration. Kim Il Sung signed agreements that took off the heat while providing the Clinton administration with some PR victories and continued to develop nuclear weapons under the table. Kim Jong Il continued the advantage for North Korean weapons development. A couple of days ago the next dictator Kim Jung Un agreed to return to six-party talks in exchange for hundreds of tons of foods continuing the tradition of promising to stop enriching uranium and making plutonium at the Yongbyon facility. That plan worked in 1994 and this new Obama-Clinton administration has signed off again in order to help the young dictator be on good terms with his people as he can provide practical food gifts as well as gain respect for communist authorities.

One might believe that the Obama administration and Sect. Clinton are renewing the ineffective policies of the Bill Clinton years and expanding that paradigm to Iran's weapons program.







http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J1aaMLLZM4 North Korean nuclear history-documentary Clinton administration

Solution Alpha to Female Disconformity in Republicrat Political Conversion

The opportunism of President Obama in developing the woman-contraception problem as a line of attack on American churches and religious organizations for his 2012 political campaign highlights the value of exploiting female differences and unit cohesiveness in contemporary politics. Rush Limbaugh of course blundered in to the fray with intemperate, injudicious language in referring to the Congressional horse and pony show on the availability of rubbers and birth control pills at Georgetown University where tuition must be at least 10 or 20 thousand dollars annually.

Women do have a different economic and political operating system universally, and the sharper politicians exploit that to lever opposition upon their foes with real or imagined premises.
Fundamentally the female problem is equivalent to the software interchangeability of MSWord, Open Office's version of word, Open Office ODT and the export of PDF files. As anyone knows, in version 3.2 and Word 2000 there are subtle yet substantial differences in getting the pages to transfer directly. MSWord insists on having a few extra pages, and some of the header/footer and page break settings are more difficult to transfer from Word to OPWord.

American females establish their political lists and points rather inflexibly putting their spin and biases upon them to which any sort of legal super-structure is extraneous. Female boundary conditions and protocols for header-footer content integrity and page numbering-much less line numbering, are what they are. When a man must use that structure political in a directly equal way transferring the content into Open Office inevitably the page numbers will be all akimbo and the table of contents rather useless. Female versions of word take no regard for male economic structures and allow a fundamental corruption of male economic values and balances when their own female word version is exported unchanged directly in to the more general OPWord.

The feminine worldview in politics is not necessarily comprehensive of the male worldview, though as a majority opinion it can be decisive in determining the direction of American foreign and domestic policy. The United States has had four bad Presidents in a row and the economic status of the nation reflects that fact. The nation has not been willing to elect a single good economic manager in that time capable of reforming business, banking, Wall Street or government
Presidents fail upon moral and/or economic grounds in the post-cold war era, and the media is an accelerant upon a consumerist ethos existentially calculated to increase debt and corrupt domestic political effectiveness at assuring full employment, secure borders, stable population, recovering environment and full equal rights of all citizens.

Pragmatism , Utilitarianism and Taking a Poisoned Pawn En Passant

  The war in Ukraine, from the Biden-Blinken perspective, is necessary for two or three reasons of a dubious moral character. One is that fu...