
Heavy Weapons Package for Kurd National Guard in D.C. Plans?

Since the abandonment of Iraq by the U.S. Government and Obama policy of arming extremist Sunni forces to attack the Syrian Dentist-President Assad the nation of Iraq has become destabilized. Obama administration difficulties of working with President Maliki brought about a complete withdrawal of U.S military forces enabling gradual deteriorization and polarization of Iraq politically. The Sunni terror extremist group ISIS that G.W. Bush warned about in 2006 when he said ‘they want to form a caliphate’ has today formed a Caliphate leading forces to purge Caliphate held areas of Iraq of Christians-even cutting heads off children. Azidis-a religious minority, have been purged, enslaved, and or  murdered too and have become the focus of U.S. and international relief forces as they are threatened with death. An accurate political and military intervention in a timely way is difficult for U.S. presidential leadership to make.

Appropriate, measured responses regarding military weapons supplies and interventions require concise, logical judgment about the historical forces and situations at play for an American leadership interested in pursuit a policy of liberty and justice for all. There are threads of isolationism running beside threads of those looking for excuses to plunder foreign natural resources or to enrich the military-industrial complex through intervention. Perhaps we brilliantly supported Afghan resistance to Soviet occupation only because we were anti-Soviet. We learned from the Vietnam intervention of the costs of failing to take the preferred alternative of working with potential allies such as Ho Chi Minh when the opportunity arises because of prior commitments to colonial policies of historical allies (the French). The Kurds were promised a nation that would arise during the settlement of W.W. I and were cheated and deleted by the allied victors. Arming the Kurdish National Guard with weapons sufficient to defend themselves, Azidis and Christians from Caliphate invaders would seem the minimal appropriate response now.

One might wish that Kurdish pilots had already been trained to fly A-10 warthog anti-tank jets and given A-10s being phased out of U.S. Air Force service-perhaps a dozen, in order to attack armor the Caliphate has plundered from U.S. stocks given to the Iraqi military that lost them in being routed by the Caliphate. The Iraq government should benefit from a strong Kurdish regional national guard with its own air guard sufficient to make adequate air-to-ground attacks on irregular invading elements. One would expect that a few hundred hummers with anti-tank missiles and .50 caliber machine guns would de delivered in a few days. Yet the U.S. administration and state department may have a theoretical paradigm about the structure of the Iraq government and political dynamics formed from a faulty Platonic realist notion of the ideal state with hypothetical boundaries and composition to which political policies in D.C. must cohere. The persisting ideas about the western concept of a Platonic national state don’t necessarily coincide with the social-religious paradigmata of Muslims of the two rivers and hence might be maladaptive and reactionary.

Iraq is already polarized politically and it is likely that numerous former Iraq Bathist Party member officers have migrated to the Caliphate military having been purged by Mr. Bremmer’s policy of deBathification. President Maliki though brave has been polarizing and divisive losing tremendous amounts of military material to the caliphate. Continuing sectarian terror strife has persisted through his tenure, and he refuses to leave though he appears closer to being moved out of office.

Kurds have already experienced chemical weapons attacks by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq government and may have concerns about future Baghdad leadership attitudes toward Kurdistan as part of Iraq or as an affiliated nation. A strong Kurdish national guard would probably help to stabilize Iraq and allow a more independent role in Shi’a-Sunni government coalition formation that would at any rate likely require a substantial amount of time to form. So much time would pass-perhaps a year, before any degree of reconciliation would occur substantive enough to work slowly to draw Sunnis away from Caliphate sentiment and back toward national Iraq unity as a secular state, that it would have an inadequate effect at combating present Caliphate expansionism and terrorism. That delay might make the coefficient of adversity to roll back the Caliphate higher.

Certainly the dangers of wasting trillions of dollars of public spending in military engagements that are later lost through complete political incompetence is significant. Yet complete disengagement and isolation-something Americans give up eventually when mass murders and human rights destruction increases to a certain level, is not a preferred alternative for foreign policy to take. The Bush-Obama doctrine of reconstruction-deconstruction of the Iraq state has left things so f’d up that it is hard to go wrong arming the Kurds with some trick gizos-it already all f’d up.

Political bi-polarizism on intervention doesn’t work as well as rational moderation intervening here and there in appropriate levels. Political competence is required for some judicious military support and intervention even of personnel, and that is a rare commodity in the White House since Reagan-Bush.

Another Open-Source Programmable Beginning for Killer Robots

With open source software one can program the perfectly unconscionable robot to pull the trigger. Without non-open source software and strictly defined sentience any robot capable of pulling a trigger could be ordered to do so-one nice feature of commercial robots able to be a lethal home sentry or mafia hit-bot waiting quietly for assignment objective task-fulfillment.

An M.I.T. researcher developed a small, ‘pet’ robot home/community organizer that is obviously a prototype for robots that have fingers-programmable trigger finger and face recognition software. Even JIBO the new ‘family’ robot might be innovated to control trigger pulling servo-units one would think.

Added externalities for the latest in happy-trigger robots include the dual role of degrading the value of human labor kicking more of those potential union organizers into the gutta. With cheap open source programmable robots designed in Massachusetts that can be made in China and exported to American consumers so they can buy and stimulate the economic progressive of the 1% sharing ownership of Chinese communist factories, wealth can be better concentrated allowing more development of Chinese production, more robots for American consumers to buy product and make a better U.S. economy. It is commonly said that the U.S. economy is driven by consumerism. Still, and this may have to wait for an answer until a sentient economics robot is manufactured at M.I.T., I don’t see how American workers with no money to spend because jobs were outsourced to China and robots imported to replace Wal-Mart workers and McDonalds agitators can stimulate the economy with consumerism.


Treating Shoulder Injury the Old Fashioned Way

I will speak about shoulder pain only from personal experience. I have injured left and right shoulder in the past, most recently having a bicycle fall riding downhill on ice trying to avoid an attacking, barking dog that sent me sprawling with the arm stretch ahead to break the fall and avoid a broken neck. After 6 months that shoulder is still occasionally sore. At least it wasn't really dislocated when I fell on my left side. I just ignored the pain and prayed that it would get better. I had a kind of intuitive response that told me it wasn't dislocated and wouldn't require unafforable medical treatment.

When that shoulder joint pooped a couple of days ago it might have reset a little. One can't be sure about those injuries without being a physician. As the ancient adage goes a worker gets better or worse, and if he gets to worse he does, c'est la vie.

The other shoulder has a much longer history of injury for comparison. Long ago I carried halved pieces of 3/4” plywood atop a should a long way up a trial through muskeg in the forest. Making numerous trips I discovered that carrying wood atop a shoulder with an arm wrapped around to hold it in place wasn't a good idea. I sort of pushed the arm a little way down away from the shoulder. Because it hurt I went to a chiropractor a couple of times and it got better for a while.

I was also giving instruction to reset the shoulder myself when it kept detaching itself down from its proper place in the socket. I would lean the elbow on some solid object and push the arm back up. That worked somewhat, and thus for many years I went on that way. I hope this helps-one ignores the pain and maybe uses an aspirin or two rarely-be careful about that.

About 15 years later riding a bike down the Atlantic Coast to Florida I started having new problems with that shoulder. I was riding a racing type bike instead of a mountain bike and the geometry of the arms and shoulders is different. That narrower angle can cause an already injured shoulder to get worse. I imagine it is like tearing some of many ligament-strings away. By the time I got to South Florida the shoulder had become an embarrassment.

Using the public library in one city the shoulder joint started making loud popping noises every few minutes. I tried to act like nothing was happening, yet people looked at me curiously.

So in a few days I woke up from a tent sleeping on the ground and walked away about ten feet when perhaps the most painful episode I had ever had occurred-the pain in the shoulder was about twice that of a dislocated disc-really sharp. I went back to the tent and just couldn't go anywhere that weekend. Not being able to afford a trip to the physician I went over the weekend with the arm stretched straight out and used about 30 or 40 aspirin a day-also not a good idea. The pain was surreal anyway.

Monday I went jogging down highway A1A over the bridge in the heat and humidity to make an appointment some friends had set up for a visit to a chiropractor. That chiropractor reduced the pain about 30 to 40%. yet of course the pain didn't go away. It was persistent like a hurricane that only slowly recedes. Eventually I caught a bus to Texas and slept out with the cactus and fire ants. I have one vicodin tablet and a lots of ibuprofen, and eventually the pain reduced.

Later next year I caught a bus to Montana for painting and slept on an air mattress reducing the pain in the shoulder-that helped a lot.

So in my opinion reducing shoulder pain with natural remedies may not work for all kinds of injury. I might have torn a rotator cuff although it seemed like a dislocated shoulder (it probably wasn't). Statistics for torn rotator cuffs are that after two years the pain levels are about the same as if one didn't have immediate surgery. I believe the surgery probably would have been a better choice. The shoulder still pops out a few times a month, thought the numbness in the fingertips went away long ago.

Good luck with your injured shoulder.

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Clintons Form Another Tempo of Doom Presidential Race

Since Bill Clinton was elected in 1992 the U.S. Presidential scene has been considerably dumbed down. The Clinton's never go away nor does their influence. Recollect the high quality of the 1992 Presidential field on both sides. That 1992 primary was rich with George Bush I, Ross Perot,pat Buchanan, Bob Kerry, John Kerry and alas Bill Clinton-favorite of the media. Now the field is rather sterile and national economic outlook poor.

Because Bill Clinton was elected and Wall Street integrity gutted followed by the Lewinsky scandal rerunning a vicarious substitute for Ronald Reagan-believed at the time to be G.W. Bush II, was enabled. Though a morally good guy G.W. Bush II wasn't the brightest bulb. He completely bungled Iraq reconstruction and piled up a vast public debt that President Obama would later more than double. With so much public debt and an ongoing foreign nation building fiasco President Obama was easily elected against the only Republican of stature with electability that seemed interested in running, Sen. John McCain.

President Obama was the anti-Hillary choice of Democrat youth. He was the hope of racial progress. So while some of East St. Louis are rioting and looting over a fatal police shooting of a large black 18 year old, the President instead of visiting to give a civics lesson to the blacks of East St. Louis is out on vacation at Martha's Vineyard maybe saying yawnces with the late spirit of patron saint Ted Kennedy.

One wonders if Hillary Clinton could have given civics speeches to rioting blacks of East St. Louis and moves on to consider that with Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primaries there isn't likely to be a single alternative female candidate running. Democrat Party policy seems to be that the only female with a chance to get elected would need to stand on her husband's shoulders because they are so short on capability. The Clintons are like Jupiter and Saturn gas giant planets with vast gravitational power sweeping and clearing out the qualified candidates from both parties. I think Democrat women, queers and any other natural democrats like Bill Clinton and Hillary is his primary coat tail.

There are probably dozens of politically qualified women that could serve in the Oval Office without being on their knees. Yet none will run of Hillary is in the race. It is as if they believed British P.M. Margaret Thacher was really elected for her fish and chips recipe and highest-quality fudge brownies she enticed Ronald Reagan with.

President Obama's years of post-Bush II bungling on Middle-Eastern policy was lately rectified a little with relief provided to a religious minority surrounded in a mountain by Al Qaeda of Iraq affiliated Caliphate mufisdoon threatening them with death. He has also reasonably provided weapons to Kurds willing to defend themselves and their little homeland. Hillary Clinton however has taken an anti-Obama foreign policy tact in an untimely way to advance the gloomy prospect of yet another Presidential election influenced by the Clintons.

President Obama as a lame duck might be motivated to show the people of East St. Louis that they too as a minority are in the police department, internal affairs review board, bureaucracies and elected offices of the city. He can show that civil disobedience rather than civil participation is not a good choice. Demagogues and crowd agitators that expect democracy to be intimidated by mob demands ought not be given support. These are things that a President interested in civil progress rather than political points might be interested in. Looking ahead to the 2016 election though, the politicians seem to want to just take reasonable public positions on issues that might make them better insiders.


Predestination, Salvation of the Elect and Free Will

This essay is intended to consider that there may be Godly reasons why or what people can be for eternity in relation to the Lord and why there may be different courses necessary for people with and without the Lord as their Savior. I will consider that God may confer predestination through retro-causality upon some of the lost-to-sin human constituency and additional difficult-to-understand problems of the criterion of being while living within a temporal order. Predestination and determinism are not incompatible with human freedom of choice.
I suppose that the human condition of being having started in original sin means that all people still have some hardness of heart and moral failure. Without the direct grace of God none would be saved. The question is why God rescues anyone from the state of original sin? I guess that if God wants anyone to exist besides Himself and God is implicitly perfect the imperfect creatures will need to be saved through their relationship to the Son Jesus Christ. Jesus covers the sin with His perfection.
Maybe God likes having less than perfect sentient beings existing as some sort of pluralistic array within His monism yet can’t tolerate imperfection unless it is compartmentalized; limited like explosion in an internal combustion engine to a somewhat useful application.. Creatures exist as some sort of function of the Omnipotent God who actualizes all things in theory and fact even if some are within in a contingent and potential state of realized hypothesis. There may be value in having some human beings exist. More may be better.
For those that have some qualification for God’s use there seems to be a good working-retirement plan for eternity with better prospects than social security.
In some respects the problem of why some people are saved and others chose to chase after pleasure mirages instead of moral perfection is comparable to why some just things can be eternal and not everything. Why don’t temporal things like stars or polar ice caps exist forever-why does anything decay or change? As the joke goes, death and temporality make way for more and new things. Seriously though, temporal being is a form of making things exist with more degrees of freedom than if they existed forever. Imagine if God made real and permanent everything he ever thought of in some concrete form-it would be the worst hoarding collection of stuff ever invented. There would be Universe after Universe to an infinite extent full of junk piled in. A lot of eternity would be spent arranging the stuff in nice neat rows or thrown in like junk with no hope of a garage sale to clear out a few thousand Universes of the stuff occasionally. Temporality may be some nice neat way of ordering concepts that are real yet don’t stay around past their expiration date. Expiration dates allow more products to exist than if every product created had to exist eternally. Imagine a container of milk that existed forever, or maybe a loaf of bread without refrigeration? How would one have bacteria exist without meat that rots and vice versa?
Jesus said that in heaven people neither marry nor are given in marriage (not only because of their relationship to God I would think or because of that especially). It is also a part of their eternal nature transformed into a body without temporal characteristics-and I find that hard to imagine. A temporal body’s form is that adapted specifically to a given physical niche. Trees grow tall for instance, yet are limited in height for one reason because the water transport ‘veins’ going up break down under the force of gravity at a certain height. People have grown with similar constraints or definitions that in eternity would not be required or useful maybe. A human spirit might be adapted to a different spiritual presentation. 

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Computer Chess and Football Analysis

If innumerable comparisons have been made between chess and politics, chess and war, chess and strategies for mano y mano (or womano) gaming the development of computer analysis of football plays reduced to x and o graphics as simple as those of chess might have developed too. Chess pieces haven't any variation in performance capability from other similar pieces though while football players' abilities vary considerably. Even so the sort of statistical analysis that computer chess engine make of chess games perhaps has been used for pro football teams as well.

The world's highest rated chess player Magnus Carlsen has a F.I.D.E. chess rating of about 2877. One ordinary chess engine that players can play against has a chess rating of 3350 probably. Carlsen and other highly rated players like Aronian, Caruna, Grischuck, Nakamura, Anand, Ivanchuck, Kramnik and Topolov probably play against their own chess engines now and then. I would guess they can program a chess engine to play like a particular top rated opponent in order to hone their own tactics playing against them. Even beginning players have a number of chess computer chess games and , such as Py-chess available free on-line to play against There are pro-analytical engines such as Houdini and Stockfish, some with open source software. Are some football coaches using football computer programs to statistically analyze or even to call game plays? Will jobs for programmers and chess wizards be created in pro football soon. Can the Denver Broncos use a GM chess player-coach?

Scrimmages of X's and O's given abstract analysis might determine what plays work effectively against others, what offenses and defenses are best suited for particular situations and series, and even take into account weight and skill characteristics of individual players in order to find more statistics for strengths and weaknesses in play selection. Computer play engines might have data about opposition force team cadre and determine where the best places to attack are-such as a 40 dive if one has Adrian Peterson in the backfield and the average weight of the defensive front four of the opposition is only 230 pounds.


Troubles of Being the Chosen People an the Intersection of History

I think Christians need to use very careful, nuanced language regarding Jews because it has been used so badly traditionally-by anti-Semites that have perpetrated pogroms, purges, and holocausts. One considers the expulsion of the Jews from Iberia, the persecutions in Russia sent by the Tsar for a distraction from domestic troubles, and the expulsion of the Jews beyond the Pale of Poland and that something fewer than 30% of German Christian ministers dissented adequately from the Reich's State Church hostile takeover. 

So are Jews God's chosen people-the leavening sent into the world to bring the word of God and ideas of God to the focus of the world's attention? It would be hard to say that they aren't in light of their history and Bible prophecy. God hasn't divorced his chosen people. They are still in his plan and always were. Realized eschatology brought Christians too into the tribe of Israel with the new covenant-we are a branch grafted onto the tree as the parable goes. Jesus brought the new covenant and the Mosaic Law was fulfilled and surpassed, yet the Jews are more than just the lost world, Jesus writing the laws of God on the hearts and minds allowed Israel to move beyond the boundaries of national Israel and the Mosaic law paradigm when it was ripe historically. 

It is probably not a good idea for Christians to overly evaluate the Jews as no more the chosen people and claim that we Christians will sit on the right hand of the Lord. We are saved by the grace of the Lord yet the Jews have their own worldly destiny that they can't seem circumstantially to avoid-being in the center of things at the crossroads of the world and drawing the wrath of the forces loyal to a false prophet from Mecca too influenced by Essene determinism I think. Jews are only 13 million or so on Earth and if they have an attitude it is because they need it for self-defense. Americans have a large, powerful military and the Christian community benefited from being far away from Barbary pirates, Muslim fanatics and kow-towers to emperors for a long time. 

We can't expect Israels to be sweet, gentle and exterminated by head choppers right away. One must ask if Christians would be happier living in Israel or the Caliphate, and be aware that there are many kinds of persecution both religious and non-religious, and that Americans are said not to have a theology of suffering living in a dream as it were. I hope that continues-yet with decadence it tends to be lost.

Phenomena of the Edge (poem)

  On the edge of the galaxy time spins like a silent pinwheel phenomena of life flare for reason in conversant dialectics of being arguments...