
Another Open-Source Programmable Beginning for Killer Robots

With open source software one can program the perfectly unconscionable robot to pull the trigger. Without non-open source software and strictly defined sentience any robot capable of pulling a trigger could be ordered to do so-one nice feature of commercial robots able to be a lethal home sentry or mafia hit-bot waiting quietly for assignment objective task-fulfillment.

An M.I.T. researcher developed a small, ‘pet’ robot home/community organizer that is obviously a prototype for robots that have fingers-programmable trigger finger and face recognition software. Even JIBO the new ‘family’ robot might be innovated to control trigger pulling servo-units one would think.

Added externalities for the latest in happy-trigger robots include the dual role of degrading the value of human labor kicking more of those potential union organizers into the gutta. With cheap open source programmable robots designed in Massachusetts that can be made in China and exported to American consumers so they can buy and stimulate the economic progressive of the 1% sharing ownership of Chinese communist factories, wealth can be better concentrated allowing more development of Chinese production, more robots for American consumers to buy product and make a better U.S. economy. It is commonly said that the U.S. economy is driven by consumerism. Still, and this may have to wait for an answer until a sentient economics robot is manufactured at M.I.T., I don’t see how American workers with no money to spend because jobs were outsourced to China and robots imported to replace Wal-Mart workers and McDonalds agitators can stimulate the economy with consumerism.

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