
Wrong U.S. Ukraine Policy Like Other Bad Clinton-Era Financial Structures

Since the expropriation for the west of Ukraine from the Soviet Union/Russia during the heady post-cold war boom days Russia has slowly recovered its composure from the shock of sudden disestablishment. Building elements of a free market economy Russian political sentiments have naturally sought to recover historically integral parts of Russia such as the Crimea and Ukraine. It has not sought to capture regions of Eastern Europe it took during the Second World War rolling up Nazi held areas in 1944.

The expropriation of Ukraine is the moral equivalent of Clinton era financial structures of home mortgage derivatives expanding as far as possible. It is the other shoe to drop from the 2008 global financial meltdown in a sense. The world has not yet recovered from the damage of Clinton era financial foundations and the political stumbling blocks of the Crimea and Ukraine has brought the left and right of Washington to structure the big chill, freeze and sanctions with Russia over the Crimea and Ukraine. Moscow wants the Crimea and Ukraine in Russia. Washington D.C. wants them to belong to Wall Street and have easy-breezy legal and illegal alien policy.

That might help expand the Caliphate/Nation of Islam into Eastern Europe. The invisible empire is a religious philosophy without nations except Islam. The Dar al Harb is expanding globally through globalism and lax border security. Already a large new mosque is being constructed in Anchorage Alaska and there are said to be 25,000 terrorists living in the U.S.A. that are not evidently in the Democrat Party though if amnesty were given to illegal aliens some could be.

With Washington’s severance of cooperation with Moscow on counter-terrorism and economic activity China’s red star is rising as even the big King Fu guns are putting on the Red Army uniform to star in films that half a billion might watch with subtitles. Wall Street has red stars in their eyes and imagines the Chinese as the final solution to all things Russian, Stalinist and invasive. The broadcast media will provide propaganda support for conflict with Moscow over Ukraine in a cold war, and as a godless atheist influence the media and Democrat Party probably don’t like humble Russian Orthodox Christianity much. There is a prevailing bridge-too-far ideology of Washington-Wall Street-Media globalist runt patriots that can’t see the woods for the trees.

Russia is not an intermural American contest. We cannot declare ourselves winners, Russians losers and toss them into a caste of historical flunkies in which we are cynched for life without trouble with enough power to repress them forever. Taking advantage of the end of the cold war to permanently view ourselves as winners with a bright future serving China and making pompous speeches about Russians being on the wrong side of history, or people recognizing Russian claims as appeasers with runt patriots in the Churchillian role of staring down the Nazis is the epitome of runtness. The same people also pan-mooned-jom, danced before Kim Il, gave food in exchange for the end of nuclear development and thus allowed nuclear development in North Career.

 Runt-patriots (unlike actual national patriots for secure borders, environmental restoration, elimination of nation debt and full employment) won’t recognize Russia’s historical presence in Ukraine and Crimea and that letting them naturally keep hegemony there is not a first step in losing Eastern Europe to either recrudescent Stalinism nor a sort of right-wing Russian theoretical fascism. It is important to move on beyond the cold war mentality, recognize historical facts and accelerate peaceful economic cooperation and ecospheric reconstruction efforts that are dwindling even as fracking up oil fields knocking down oil prices per barrel moving oil power and politics back into the throne of planetary political energy.

Russian will to keep Ukraine and Crimea Russian won’t go away the next century or so. Washington’s ideas about keep Russia out of historically Russian areas is probably as short-sighted as the idea that it would cost just 15 billion dollars to rebuild Iraq or the Arab Spring spirit would make mince meat of Syria’s Assad led government with the encouragement of ‘moderate’ Sunni muj.

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