
President Obama Failing to Defend Borders and Corporate Hegemony

President Obama has failed to secure the Mexican border against illegal alien entry, He is critical of House Republicans for not providing several billion dollars ostensibly to solve processing the boundary breakers instead of preventing more from arriving. With such a vast budget he should be able to improvise resources needed to swiftly capture and send illegal aliens back over the border.


The President may not work in good faith to solve the ongoing border violation problem with a fence or boundary water barrier canals for desalinating and condensing fresh water from pumped in seawater. He seems to be of the opinion that America is a nation of illegal immigrants. who will vote Democrat one day.

Perhaps Democrat Party leadership have a primary agenda of enriching themselves rather than the nation. They seem disinterested in strong security and full employment, a balanced budget policies that might displease corporate business. There political measures seem calculated simply to buy votes rather than fix the nation's problems.

Government may be too large and financially leaky yet it is yet incapable of controlling the corporate Wall Street capitalization network sufficiently to implement policies that corporate may not prefer yet are requisite for U.S. national interest ecospherically and financially. Thus the President cuts taxes on the rich and suggests tax cuts for corporations as if he were the dishonest steward in the parable.

The Wall Street network has created an extended single corporation in effect that is in pursuit simply of increased revenue. It has lost the ability to be concerned enough about vital national interests of the ecosphere and a fair and balanced economy or secure borders. Government workers are enthralled by corporate wealth. Significant reactions to global warming, mass species die-off, a border barrier and sound foreign policy just can't happen. Democrats and Republicans rotate around the inhuman virtual corporation created by networked shareholding and invested in by Judiciary, Legislative and Executive branch cadre. 

Michelle Obama was given a 250,000 dollar annual salary medical job before the President was elected as a thank you for Obamacare I suppose. Obamacare is a bureaucrat's wet dream for enslaving Americans. Government effectively has broken down as it cannot govern the corporate world so far as to limit the number of corporations and investor may invest in or cap the number of employees through incentives that tax very large corporations more.

It is somewwhat troubling to know that the U.S. Government isn't capable of leading ecospheric use reform or defend U.S. national interests at all well.

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