
Reactions to Michael Brown Death-Demilitarization

One wonders about the relevance of the issue of Michael Brown's death to demilitarization of U.S. police departments in the news. Michael Brown was evidently an armed robbery suspect perhaps stressed with contact by a police officer (who didn't know Brown had allegedly perpetrated a strong arm robber of a convenience store (not a pack of skittles, it was a box of cigars).

It is reported that as many as 25,000 terrorists are living in the U.S.A. today with more illegally and legally migrating over the border. The middle east is awash in explosives and bomb makers have already used cell phone detonators and perhaps downloaded apps from jihadi web sites to control the big bangs. One might anticipate that off the shelf family friendly open-source robots will evolve use as Muslim terror devices-perhaps as trigger men stationed at vulnerable locations. If it is unlikely that Canada is planning an invasion to recover Boston for Britain it is not certain that multi-national terrorists may not work with Mexican drug gangs to shoot up whatever city seems ripe and politically valuable.

The down side to police departments armed like a tank division run by Patton is that they may slay all local resistance to globalism or communist Chinese Corporate bosses across the sun-belt and Mid-west where subsidiaries are localized and primaries outsourced if the police are bought and paid for by billionaires or secret global cabals from the same Coconut Grove north of San Francisco the Illuminati hold conventions at. The N.S.A. may surveill police departments and record the conversations of officers planning to subvert the civil rights and freedoms of American citizens loyal to globalism and corporatism.

After days of riots and the grim visages from Ferguson a suburb in East St. Louis not to far from Cohokia-the site where archaeologists found great pyramids of the largest pre-Columbian civilization in North America that ever existed and where ruling dynasties sacrificed relatives of prior dynastic rulers in elegant ceremonial throat cuttings to assure a peaceful new government- the authorities have brought new peace giving up the name of the officer that shot the troubled yet formerly gentle giant with the hot cigars probably not on his person. This seems like a cultural problem-the kid existed in a deficient culture with low social goals, to much bad music lyrics and the hot August blight of poverty and inadequate bling for the buck. With protracted inadequate employment for laborers and a moving target of costly job training for jobs that don't really exist or were outsourced before graduation being a military killer or a cop is perhaps a better job prospect for American males that don't like Elton John music. If Brown could have avoided the dope and rap science leading to boosting cigars he would have lived someplace else I guess. If there was a priesthood of believers structure in churches instead of a hierarchical one people would be more involved and feel more like peers. Even decent theological minor pieces of systematic theology could be written by theologians for reading by ordinary Christians in small groups as part of a liturgy in a priesthood of believers service. Old Testament, New Testament and Systematic Theology readings-what opportunity!

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