
Former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer Wins Clippers for Corporatism

Continuing a tradition of Micorosoft CEOs taking other peoples property involuntarily relinquished (Bill Gates took Gary Kildal's CP/M (to DOS) operating system laundered through another company evidently in the time when copyright and patent laws for program code were murky with Gates making billions and billions and Kildal slumming as public television show co-host of The Computer Chronicles) former Microsoft CEO Steve Balmer has finally been given full legal approval to own the L.A. Clippers pro basketball team. That is the way corporate advantage works as people trash sorry old lawyers (maybe with Alzheimers) that weren't such nice people with properties better redistributed to the richest.


Donald Sterling used very politically incorrect speech in a private conversation, and that is cause enough to implement the corporate trickle-up rule. We deplore politically incorrect speech and the oppression of civil rights by fascists and other anti-democratic wise-guys, yet did Sterling fit that profile well enough for the trim? One wonders if the present CEO of Microsoft will eventually buy/comprar (use comprar if buy sounds somewhat queer) the Yankees? They had the champion home run hitter of the era before invention of steroids and the franchise may thus be a collector's item...


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