
Administration Thinks Russian Military Should Back Down from Its Ukraine Border

White House and State Dept. spokespersons have spoken out against Russian military exercises in Russia near the Ukraine recently. Since Russia has been invaded from the west catastrophically several times it isn't a reasonable expectation or hope. In fact Ukrainian soldiers invaded Russia recently before returning from the cross-border excursion (see WSJ article below).


Any military build-up  in Ukraine will necessarily alarm President Putin. Ukraine was part of Russia for about a thousand years and Boris Yeltsin plied with Vodka gave it up easier than the Red Sox gave up Babe Ruth. A rivalry was created that lasted quite a while, yet of course in the case of Russia with a history of losing millions of civilian and military deaths to western invaders and with a protracted nuclear weapon threat cold war it has had little cause to trust western benevolence. Neither Russia or Israel have solid cause to trust the good intentions of their main adversary. The west has threatened Russia or invaded it for about 500 years and the Palestinian have waged war on Israel without let up for about 70 years. As in a chess game, if the Israelis give up pieces (land) to hope for a draw their opponent is disincentived to quit with nuevo advantage.

Basic reality politics seem lacking in the U.S. administration sometimes. If they were to occur with a good script for positive change written by a good writer for Reality Politics in D.C. the budget would be balanced, public debt eliminated, borders secured, full employment and ecospheric restoration renormalized and understanding of salient features of international relations and circumstances understood and acted upon to the betterment of humanity. We expect anything besides reality politics in the age of fracture. Reality itself though builds up to bite now and then.

A recent report said their are 25,000 terrorists living in the U.S.A., perhaps not including Democrat Party members, and a fifty percent increase of terrorists on Earth the past four years after all the support for community terror organizing in the absence of the Reality Political Show. Yet of course with the deconstruction of realism from politics none of that matters subjectively while the good times roll for the insiders.

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